[They Call Me Death]

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Percy - Fourteen

"Mom." A 7 year old Percy Jackson whimpered, his face tear stained, "I don't want to do this." He told her. A sob coming from his lips.

His mother, Sally Jackson, just looked him in the eyes.

"Just shoot me. It's okay. It's all gonna be okay." She encouraged softly, her eyes filled with glossy tears.

"Mommy, I-I don't want to kill you!" Percy cried, a gun held loosely in his trembling hands.

"Just do it!" A drunken, gambling man screamed at them. His nose the size of a large sausage, and his muscles the size of dinner plates.

"Whatever you want from me, just stop hurting my son for it!" Sally screamed, the man sneered at her.

Then, the man screamed at her.

"Shut up!" He roared. Throwing, what looked to be, a steak knife at Percy's head.

"Ah!" The small body cried as he ducked. The knife hitting his mother.

Percy's eyes widened, "Mom!"

Sally gasped, blood coming out of the corner of her mouth as she trembled in pain.

The knife had hit her stomach. And she was now bleeding out.

"That's what that slu–" Before the beefy man could finish. Percy shot him.

"No one hurts my mom!" He screamed at the man, the gun dropping from his hands as soon as he witnessed the kickback.

The man quickly sprawled out on the floor. The bullet going straight through his head.

"Percy." His mother whimpered, Percy running to her.

"Mommy!" He whined, tears falling down his face rapidly as he put his hands in her pocket.

"I call ambulance! It's okay!" He sobbed, quickly dialing 911.

But, when the police got there, Sally was already gone (to the hospital). They quickly took Percy, asking him questions about the dead man— who Percy learned that his name was Gabe.

Too bad that his mother said she had done it in an attempt to save her son. Of course, with Percy's luck, it didn't end happily.


- Bridget

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