[They Call Me Death]

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Nico - Fifteen

"I still have to visit my mom in prison." Percy finished, shifting in his seat.

Nico sighed. "Nice. Why did you murder other people?" Nico asked him.

Percy shrugged. "I wanted my mom out of jail. So I kinda killed the whole guard system and nearly bombed the prison." He explained.

"And they still haven't caught you?" Jason asked in disbelief.

Percy let out a breath. "My brother took the blame that time." He said sadly.

Nico's eyes widened. "What sick plan does god have for you?" He questioned loudly.

Percy let out a harsh chuckle.

"Hel, like I know!"

Jason cracked a smile. "So, now that we know each other, you want to take off our masks?" Jason questioned.

Percy shrugged. "It's kind of nice being mysterious though."

Nico rolled his eyes. "You guys know that I've got your voices in my house's memory system, and I have your guy's finger prints. So I could quickly identify you and get your information if I tried. This mask is just so you guys can't give me away." He commented dryly.

Jason sighed. "Well you could have told us! This room is so hot I've been sweating through my mask the last 8 sessions!" He exclaimed.

Percy laughed."Then let's just take them off then! Come on, we're Death, Riptide, and Rome! The three most wanted murderers!"

Jason soon followed in, laughing himself. "Fine then." He stated.

Then, Nico pulled of his mask.

So did Jason.

And Percy.


- Bridget

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