[They Call Me Death]

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Will - Nineteen

Panting, Will tried not to let out a sigh of relief as the pain ended. Not just any pain, a burning pain.

Pain that was first cold and numb, but flared up and felt like lava within the next minute.

His face was sticky with tears, and his head pounded.

"Hi Will. Will Solace if I'm correct?" Nico greeted from his room corner. Will flinced at the sudden voice. It seemed much louder to his pounding head.

"Sorry." Nico apologized, seeing Will's wince.

"It's fine." Will said, forcing his body to sit up. "Careful, you're probably still sore." Nico said.

Will shot him a small glance. "I'm fine." He lied to the mass murderer he had agreed to work with.

Nico sighed. "I know you're lying." He shot back. Will trying to resist the urge to flinch violently as Nico put a tight grip on his wrist.

He failed.

"Listen, you're my partner now. Whether you like it or not. You need name, a mask, and a crash course on how to murder people." Nico stated coldly.

Will nodded quickly. Popping his neck in the process.

"So. . ." Nico said impatiently after 5 minutes of silence. "What's your name?!" He snapped.

Will looked him in the eyes.


He decided. His body no longer in pain and feeling fresher than when we went to the store (and then saw his mom get killed, got bombed, met Nico, etc).

Nico— Death nodded.

It's so hard to type with this split on my middle finger!!! Oh well. I'll manage. I have to have it on until next Wednesday! Booooo!!!

- Bridget

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