[They Call Me Death]

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Will - Twenty One

Will's hands wondered gracefully over fabrics. The shirts soft to the touch, or hard like plastic armor.

His eyes scanned the room.

Looking for the right outfit.

Something he could fight in. So, maybe, he could fight Nico and escape his clutches.

Just maybe.

Carefully, Will picked out a tight white shirt, the back of it going down to his knees. It seemed to resemble a doctors coat.

Then he chose navy leather pants.

Finally, a pair of doctor like gloves.

He then picked up a mask.

It had a nice texture, and it was smooth to the touch.

The base was black, the left corner containing a picture of a sketched yellow sun. There was a wicked smile on it— and it reminded Will of the moon from Soul Eater.

Smiling softly, Will tied the mask into him.

The mask only covered his mouth and his nose, eyes exposed to the air.

Nico looked at him, eyeing the mask.

"You sure about that one?" He questioned.

Will shrugged, "Yeah." He decided.

Nico nodded. "Okay. Now we just need to train you to kill." He stated casually.

"Wait, kill?" Will gulped.

Nico chuckled.

"Well Cyanide, you didn't expect to be my partner and not be a mass murderer. Did you?" He questioned.

"But Nico—" Nico interrupted him.

"Death." He said darkly, the mood instantly changing.

"My name is death." He stated.


- Bridget

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