[They Call Me Death]

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Nico - Twenty Nine

Nico could no longer fight the wave of guilt surrounding him. Running off and away from Will, he let a few tears trickle down his cheeks.

I killed my dad

He thought. Almost bitterly as he tore off his mask with one hand.

"I'm sorry." He croaked, his knees trembling violently. His shoulders sagging as he, finally, was on his knees.

"I'm sorry papa." He said again.
A sob coming up his throats as his hands turned to fists.

Tears started to run down his face by now, sadness creeping up and over him like wind. "I-I'm so sorry!" He apologized as he finally sobbed heavily.

A fisted hand slammed on the cold floor. And again. And again. Repeating this action as he cried.

"I'm an orphan." He realized after (maybe) hours of sobbing. His eyes burned from all the tears he had released.

"And it's all my fault. . ." He whimpered.

I killed him.

He thought, body crumbling to the floor. His whole body just spread onto the floor as he shook. Sobs still racking his body.

I killed my dad. . . Without any mercy.

Hey guys! Short update! Longer one to come I guess! Byeeee!!!

- Bridget

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