[They Call Me Death]

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Will - Thirty One

You know what's funny about missions?

Will doesn't know. He got Nico made before he could even start one:

"Is the boy in the family picture you?" Will asked, finally caving into his curiosity.

Nico stopped. His grip on Will's forearm tightening as the teen tensed.

"Why would you believe such a thing?" Nico said, his eyes darkening as he looked at the blonde.

Will sighed.

"The family picture I have. And the picture of the girl you took. They were for you. The little boy was you, and the girl was your sister." Will stated.

Nico swallowed harshly.

"Shut up." He then growled at Will. "What was her name?" Will pressed, wanting more details of the photographed girl. "No one. Because she was a nobody." Nico replied.

"I know you're lying!" Will exclaimed.

Nico took his free hand, and with his whole body shaking in anger, he took of his mask. Then, he pressed Will's whole body against the wall.

Will gasped.

"She was a nobody. She is a nobody. Now give me the picture of you'll never see the light of day." Nico said, pushing Will harder against the wall.

Will let out a sharp breath at Nico's next move.

The teen had, then, pulled out his gun. Holding it at Will's neck. "Give it to me. Or I'll shoot." He threatened.

"De-Deal. Please don't shoot." Will stammered, pleading as the boy let him go. Bad part, the gun was still pointed at his neck.

Quickly, Will gave him a crinkled up recite he found in his jeans pocket.

"This isn't the photo." Nico stated.

Pulling the trigger.

"Ah!" Will screamed.

Whoops? I think I just made Nico shoot his crush. . . My mistake?

- Bridget

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