[They Call Me Death]

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Will - Thirty Five

Will smiled brightly, quickly resorting to stripping and throwing together a decent outfit. With his hands running over the fabric, he chose out a pair of black jeans, a mustard yellow t-shirt, and a pair of light grey Nikes. Where he got the clothes from, he wasn't sure. They were just there since last week (Will suspected Nico and his friends (if he had any) did it for him).

Tying his shoelace roughly, he paused. This felt like the day he became Cyanide. 

The day his mother died.

The day where he was (technically) declared dead.

"Will, you coming?" Nico asked, pulling Will out of his thoughts. With a quick shake of the head, Will shouted back an answer.

"Yeah! One minute!" 

Will then managed to tie his shoes, and was quickly out of his room.

"You ready to go?" Nico asked, a small smile graced his lips. Will thought it was beautiful. 

"Y-yeah." Will stammered,

Nico's smile widened.

"Lets go."


Took my science test, finished finals, and have a French assignment. . . Things are slightly looking up. Have any date suggestions? Because, due to people thinking I am a loser, I have never been on an actual date. I mean, my sister, her boyfriend, my boyfriend, and I went to McDonalds once with their grandma. . . But we were 10, and we dumped them the next year. . . So I don't think that counts. 


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