[They Call Me Death]

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Nico - Thirty Eight

"Come on Will, let's head somewhere else. . . I-I." Nico's next words came out in a pitiful whisper. "I can't bare to see a pretty boy like you cry."

Will looked up, eyes tinged pink from crying.

"O-okay." He croaked, shakily standing up.

Nico let out a soft smile, eyes looking at his soiled pants. "You're wet." He commented. Will gave a small laugh.

"I know." He replied.

Nico just shrugged with a grin. "Come on. Let's go." Taking the blonde's arm, Nico lead the trembling teen away from his mother's grave.

"Where are we going now?" Will asked hesitantly.

Nico looked up at him. "McDonalds."

Will raised an eyebrow, but let the Italian lead him to McDonalds.

I know it's short! But the next chapter will be longer! I promise!

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