[They Call Me Death]

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Nico - Fourty

Hanging up the phone, Nico shoved it in his pocket. "William Solace!" He muttered angrily as he huffed.

"He didn't go to the bathroom, he would have told me. . . Which means that I have to kill the manager." Nico concluded quietly.

Sighing, he walked up to the empty cash register.

"Sir, you don't work–" A teenage girl began. Her dyed blue hair was in a bun, green eyes glistening under the cheep restaurant lights.

"What's your name?" He asked innocently, letting his voice soften.

"Sir, I'm afraid you can't be here. My name's Elizabeth. I'm a worker here, and I can tell you aren't." She informed him. Nico smirked sickeningly.

"Can you take me to the supply room?" He questions.

Elizabeth looks taken aback. "W-why? Sir, I've already told you—"

Nico took her by the shoulder, his hand turning into a first.

Elizabeth fell to her knees, no bystander feeling the need to help the teen defend herself from Nico. Who, mind you, was pretty short and could easily be passed off as a 10 year old. (Even if he was 14)

"You will show me to the supply room." He growled, kneeling to her area.

Elizabeth let a few tears escape as she nodded. Her weak arms unable to remove Nico's python like grip.

Nico let her go, but held onto her forearm as she shakily lead him to a long hallway.

"It's right down the hallway." She said nervously. "You sure?" Nico asked harshly, trying to detect any lies.

Elizabeth shook her head quickly.

Nico nodded and let her go officially. "Sorry." He stated before walking away. Elizabeth gave no answer. Only a soft sigh from her quivering lips.

Quickly finding a door, he stopped. Waiting a few seconds, he was surprised to find the door unlocked.

Opening the door with intense strength, his eyes stopped dead on Will's body.

"Oh sweetie. It's a shame." A boy said from besides Will. His brown eyes glistened with evil. Shaggy (bleach) white (hair) bangs falling into his face.

"What did you do to him?" Nico roared, watching as Will's body remained limp.

"He's just. . . Sleeping." The boy suggested with false emotions.

"You." Nico growled.

"Me!" The mysterious white haired person mockingly said back.

"Who are you?" Nico asked calmly, regaining himself.

Taken aback, he was hesitant to answer. "F-Fredrick."

Nico nodded, his fingers inching to his gun.

"Cool. I'm Death."



And with that word, Nico aimed his gun quickly and shot him.

Fredrick let out a short scream of pan as he fell to the ground. Nico had missed his forehead, but had managed to shoot him in the eye.

Half way blind, Fredrick held his face gingerly. Blood coating his fingers like paint.

"Whoops. Missed." Nico stayed unenthusiasticly.

Then, the raven haired teen went to Will. Fredrick pretty much taken care off.

The blonde, to Nico's relief, was breathing. Unfazed by Fredrick's later screams.

"Will. You awake?" Nico asks quietly. Whispering words into Will's ear.

The healing teen groans.

"Some dude tried to choke me." He croaked, hands rubbing throat.

"Did he?" Nico asked, deathly calm.

With a nod, Will fell asleep again.

Nico turned to Fredrick.

"This time. I won't miss." He states before grabbing him roughly by the hair. Yanking him upwards as he shot him.

Fredrick didn't have time to scream. Because as soon as Nico shot the gun again. He died.

Putting the gun away, Nico returned to Will. Picking him up bridal style. "Okay Sunshine, let's get you home."

Idk. I didn't feel like killing them yet.

- Bridget

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