[They Call Me Death]

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Will - Forty One

"Do you normally kill people at McDonalds?" Will jokingly asked, trying to ignore the tension in the room. Nico didn't reply, Jason and Percy by his side. Each teen sending their own hard, icy glare at the blonde. A few minutes passed, and Will started to sweat.


"Save it." Nico snapped, his voice cold.

Taking a deep breath, Will winced. "Why is this so important to you?" He questioned. If he died, he could be with his mother. If he died, Nico would be free of his burden (because he can't kill anyone!).

Then, Nico snapped. "You could have died Will!" Nico exclaimed, "You can't just follow an employer, who just happens to want to kill you, into a room where I don't know where you are! Do you know how scared I was?! I thought you left me, went on the run to rad me out even! I thought that you were never going to be seen again, William! You almost fricking died!" Nico said, voice getting louder and louder as emotions started to leak through.




Will could feel it all.

Even love.

"Nico, give the kid a bre-"

"Shut up, Jason!" Nico yelled, turning fiercely to him. Jason looked taken aback, but was quiet. Percy giving his hand a gently squeeze as Nico continued.

"You can't just be stupid like that in the field Will! Everyone is the enemy, you are a murderer now! A killer!" He raged.

This time, Will fought back.

"No I'm not, Death! If you hadn't noticed, I haven't killed anyone! It's you that's the murderer. You kill people, you watch their life leave their eyes, you even killed one guy with a hand grenade!" Will shouted, his face turning red as he continued to scream. 

"All while I've been forced into this stupid place, threatened to be murdered, by you, if I didn't obey!"

Nico's eyes hardened, his eyes stayed on Will's face the whole time. All while, somehow, avoiding the blue eyes that were now piercing into his soul. Each word seemed to stab into Nico's chest like a dagger. His heart starting to ache as Will still managed to find things to scream at him about.

"I don't know if you remember this Nico, but you killed my mom! My mom! You killed her and managed to have the heart to spare me. I'm an orphan Nico! An orphan because you are a cold blooded murderer!" Will finished, his anger over taking his control.

Then, a loud slap was heard in the tense silence.

Will's hand was stinging, and Nico's face was red.

Eyes widened, Will gasped. "Nico I'm so—"

"Get out." Nico spat. His fists trembling at his side.

"I said get out!" Nico screamed at Will.

Percy and Jason made no protests, watching as Will left the room. Nico walked over to the door, "I meant out of this house." He stated.

Will opened his mouth to reply, "Or I'll kill you." Nico said.


Will left.

Should I end it all here? The story I mean. . . Like, I want to write more, maybe about what happens after Will leaves. But I'm unsure of what to do. Make it a happy chapter, or make it sad. Or just make a new book all together about this. Idk. Comment on what you think I should do.

Well, I'll see you guys later!

- Bridget Di Angelo

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