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Chelsea POV :

I arrived to my house to see that there are a truck parking in front of it and there was a guy standing in my front door, I walked to the man
And "hello sir, how can I help you?" I said
"Hi, are you miss Chelsea hyun?" He asked
"Yes that's me" I answered
"Oh great your dog has arrived! Please sign up"
Yay! Suja Is here ! I won't feel lonely from now on! I signed the papers as fast as I can, not waiting any longer !
The man went back to the truck and opened the back door and suddenly a gray, red eyes shiba started running towards me!
"Saju! Come here boy!!" I shout out and placed the grocery bags away opening my arms for my lovely dog, saju jumped on me parking and licking my face "oh good boy saju good boy!
I missed you, did you miss me too?"

My parents gave me saju when I was 8 years old, they thought I was lonely and needed company because ever since I was young I would always get into trouble, I would start fights at school, kick boys asses and all the girls hated me because of that and I didn't really have much friends, I only had view but the problem is I wasn't really lonely because I had him my friend Jin-soon, he would always tries to keep me out of trouble....NOW I REALLY MISS HIM.....maybe I'll call him Later,
I snapped out of my thoughts to see that the truck driver left so I grabbed the bags and went inside "come on boy! Let's go" I said to saju to follow me,I entered walking toward the kitchen
I placed the bags on the table and opened the fridge to put the food in but I noticed something strange? I looked around wondering
"What's that smell ?" I said to myself I looked all around the kitchen but there's nothing?
I stopped for a minute to think 'I smelled this before but where...' I thought, I tried to ignore the terrible smell and start filling the fridge.

After finishing I grabbed the empty grocery bags to throw them in the garbage but the moment I took them there was something under them it was words written on my kitchen table "geuge...mwoji? (What's that?) " I said surprised i read the words out loud they said
"I'm coming for you....?" Then I suddenly remembered where did I smell that terrible smell......it was blood ....because those words are written with blood.
"WHAT THE HELL?! Who's the sane human who would write wit-with blood?!! And what's "I'm coming for you" IS THAT SOME ROMANTIC LINE OR A LIFE THREATENING LINE?! And WHO IS IN HELL IS COMING FOR ME?!" I yelled angrily because the only thing that was on my mind is how on earth I'm going to clean this mess?!

Hours have passed and I was laying in the couch in the living room TIRED, because I was cleaning the mess that the "I'm coming for you"
Strange made in my kitchen!
Saju came and layed down beside me i stared at him "You're lucky....you only sleep,eat,play and poop that's all what you do in your life" I said he parked in response yeah he's a smart dog .... I sigh and grabbed the remote surfing the channels, I stopped in the thing that I need
A horror movie! Paranormal activity !!
Yes I'm a fan of horror movies BUT not the Asian horror movies! They're too much scary for me ....I jumped off the couch heading to the kitchen to grabbed some drinks and chips because I'm going to watch a marathon of movies, walking I started feeling uncomfortable it's like there's something strange flowing in the house......
'It's like sadako is in the house!' I thought shaking my body terrified, I rushed to the kitchen grabbed the food and went back to the living room where saju was, I sat down and looked at him "be a good dog and if you see something in the house don't run and leave me alone just tell me so we can run away together ok?" I said and started watching the movie.

TimeSkip ~

I opened my eyes slowly surprised to where I was, oh I'm still in the living room i think I fell asleep while watching tv, I looked through the windows to see its dark, I checked the time on my phone and it's 4:19...
"What? how long have I slept?!" I said getting up the couch, I didn't see saju around so I called out for him but no response...
"Saju saju~ " I called again but nothing maybe he's playing around, I closed the tv and I decided to go to sleep yeah i know I just woke up and I want to go back to sleep I'm a lazy person, walking upstairs I started thinking 'the house is so quite..' but i didn't mind, Someone popped into my mind and i thought maybe i should text him.....i sat down on the stairs and opened my phone and texted my friend Jin-soon:

I had to go because i heard a BOOM! And a loud voice of a broken thing was heard "oh Chelsea, here you go now it's not" I said to myself pouting
It's must be Saju, I mean who's else is in the house? No one I guess....
I walked to where the voice came from, the house have A kitchen, 3bathrooms one in my room and the other is in the hallway beside a room that I turned into a office for my work and the third room is for painting, yes I love painting and the house have a basement, the voice came out from the painting room I went walked toward it and opened at first I didn't see anything and I started to get nervous I walked in to have a better look but the moment I moved some jumped on me and tackled on the ground "HEY GET OFF ME!!" I yelled but when I took a better look it was only SAJU
"Saju where have you been?!" I said Letting out a sign of relief, I stood up and looked back in the room and I saw a broken vase on the ground "Saju bad boy! Did you break that vase?! " I yelled at him he looked at me with a sad eyes yup he understands when I'm angry
Honestly I'm not in the mood for arguing with a dog...I'll just deal with it tomorrow, I was about to close the door but I noticed that the window of the room is open? Yeah I'm surprised of an open window because yesterday I closed all the windows in the house, the only window that should be opened is my room window because I opened it this morning so how come this one is Wide open?!!
I ignored all thoughts that popped into my head and went over to it and closed but this time I locked it, I got out the room and closed it heading to my room with saju beside.
Then it happened AGAIN there's a loud noise but this time it's coming from downstairs
And the problem is SAJU standing in front of me so WHAT or WHO is downstairs?! I started to get uncomfortable I looked at saju to see him acting normal, Saju is not just a dog he's a military dog YES, he's smart and trained dog so if there is something or someone downstairs he would rush there without any hesitation.
I smiled at him and said "I shouldn't be worried right?" He parked and I laughed.

Finally I was in my bed ready to sleep and with saju sleeping beside me, I closed my eyes ready to go to Dream world, but a single though popped in my head suddenly "I'm coming for you" that's what was on my mind that night.

End of the chapter

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