15. Baited Breath

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The freedom we so badly wanted, the one thing we craved more than anything in this point in time, was pulled right out from under us the minute our parents decided to crash the party. Our lives had turned into a riveting story that I had only ever read, or see on television. My father and I weren't on the best terms and to be honest, we never would be again. This is his way of making sure no one ever has me, except him.

"Come on girls! This is a vacation. A time to relax and enjoy yourselves. And you Ana, you need that before you fly off to college and become so rich from that incredibly gifted mind of yours." I chuckled lightly from the happy tone of Aunt Clare to keep me afloat, feeling as if I've been drowning since my mother died. But Erik, he's been my lifeguard through everything, in every sense of the word.

"I just wish dad hadn't come." She sighed deeply from the hint of sadness in my voice. Her and my father have never gotten along to be honest. She knew he was no good. And she's right. He's not.

"I know honey. But he won't ruin your fun. I'll make sure of it." The horrible thing, is that Jose and Kitty got their own beach house just right next to ours. But that meant it would be harder to sneak around. It's crazy how we even have to anyway. Adults shouldn't have to sneak. But if we don't and get caught, that could be the end. Of everything.

"The boys are playing tennis if you want to join sweetheart." Kitty spontaneously joined the conversation, as if she could hear what I was thinking mere moments ago. The underlying notion of authority in her eyes made it clear I shouldn't go against what she said. But I wouldn't be adding any fuel to the flame if that's what their game is.

"Sure. I'd love that. Ava, come on!" I grabbed ahold of her hand and sped walked down a sandy trail to the private tennis court they had made sure to have, definitely not wanting Erik to ease up on his lessons. Even on vacation.

"Hey you beautiful ladies! Come to see me demolish my little brother here?" I rolled my eyes with a playful smile directed at Erik, seeing him already eyeing me with that handsome smile I can't get enough of. He's amazing at the sport, having played countless tournaments and practices to last a lifetime. And so is Lyle. It's crazy how good they are.

"Oh we'll see about that. Ava, you side with Lyle. I'll be with Erik. And don't expect me to go easy." We shook hands with a look of challenge going between us, before a humorous chuckle left her happy lips.

"Oh you know it's game on big sis!" I ran to Erik's side and immediately grabbed a racket to get into gear for the friendly match that was beginning to be hilarious. Ava was so into it, she looked like a little pro.

"So, you ready to side with me Menendez? You have to keep up you know." I humorously smiled along with Erik, seeing the cock of his eyebrow to actually entertain the notion of me being better than him. Our relationship was the best I could ever ask for. Even banter could be turned into something amazing between us.

"More like, you have to keep up with my pace. Don't quit too early. Stay on top....." I just about dropped my racket from the way he was speaking to me, seeing the glint of humor within his features at just how easily he worked me. Just as I was about to say something, a ball came flying right past us and onto the sandy ground behind us, hearing laughter and cheers erupt from Ava and Lyle.

"That's what you get for just about going at it on the court!" They high fived with even more cheers leaving them in their moment of victory. Erik and I looked at one another and lost it with laughter from just how easy we made it for them.

"We get so lost in each other that we forget everything huh?" I nodded from his more than accurate words, throwing my arms around him with a heated kiss in the middle. Right where I wanted to be.
Florida at night was a sight to behold. The beautiful waves of the ocean, glistening with the light of the moon. And the soothing sound of the water crashing amongst the beach was something I never could not miss. It was a comfort to have once again in a life so chaotic. And empty. Void of emotion sometimes it would seem.

"What are you thinking about so hard over here?" Lyle's sudden appearance on the sand beside me, startled me back to the here and now and far away from the memories of my past.

"Just how much my mom used to love this beach. She would get lost in the sound of the waves. The light of the moon. She loved it so much." He looked out into the darkened water, along with I and completely silent, letting the crashing waves lure us into a false sense of security that we knew we could never truly have.

"She would be proud you know. Her beautiful daughter is successful at everything she does. School. Life. Family. Ava is such a good kid. Because of you." His hand suddenly landed atop mine with the sensation of his fingers dancing along my skin, sending shockwaves throughout my body that I honestly didn't like to admit. I love Erik with all my heart. It felt..... wrong.

"I would do anything to keep her safe. Always. Just like you do with Erik. We have a sense of responsibility for the ones we love. And they? They're our treasured thing in life. We can't lose them. Ever." He simply nodded with a little smile of knowing exactly what I was feeling. And it just happened. A kiss that I immediately felt horrible for. His lips against mine seemed to go on forever. I enjoyed it. I'll admit that. Lyle is like this protector for all of us. It's common to feel such a way for a person such as he is. But I couldn't. I just couldn't. So I ran. I ran as fast as I could to the Menendez's beach house with baited breath on telling Erik. But I was stopped by the last person I excepted to see. Or confront.

"I knew something was off with you Ana. I just couldn't put my finger on it. But it seems you like us Menendez men. Erik isn't enough for you?" My eyes widened from the mere suggestion within his tone, feeling sick from the notion that he saw us on the beach, kissing. It would never happen again. But does he believe that? Clearly not. Erik was the first thing on my mind. I wanted to tell him immediately. Not hide it. Why would I? I do care for Lyle, so so much. But Erik is my love. I could never do something so careless again. But Jose was dead set on me being this horrible woman that wormed her way into his sons lives. This was the beginning of the horrors that awaited us.

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