17. Escape

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Things happen in life that sometimes, we don't understand. And honestly, we never will. We spend our entire lives wondering what the answers are, and if we'll ever figure it out. But some things, are just meant to be a horrible mystery that lingers over your life like the darkest cloud imaginable.

"How could I ever let this happen.....?" My whispered words to no one, lingered in the night air around me like the most suffocating feeling imaginable, wanting nothing more than to run away. Right here and right now. Take Ava and give her the life she's always deserved, away from pain and all the heartache she's already had to endure at the hands of our father. The devil.

"Oh honey. It will all be okay. Don't let that man make you feel helpless. You're strong. And you know what you're doing. You may not see it now. But you will." My eyes immediately went to Aunt Clara the minute she sat across from me on the beautiful outlook facing the ocean that seemed to soothe my troubled mind and soul more than I could explain. Tomorrow we would be going back to the place we've had to call home since arriving In Beverly Hills, but it never really felt like home. Nowhere with that monster did.

"I just want to keep Ava safe. More than anything in this world. I would rather him take my life before he even laid a finger on her Aunt Clara." My watered eyes looked to the ocean that I wanted nothing more than to get lost in, not understanding what we did to deserve such a life. Sure, it may seem perfect. We have money. A nice home and anything kids could ask for. But that didn't mean our lives were happy. He projects one image to the world to keep them at bay, not making them suspicious. But on the inside, our family is broken and torn at the seams.

"Just remember what your mother told you when you were little. He doesn't control your destiny. He may think he does. But it's up to you how you handle it." She simply stood and walked back into the house, leaving me with my thoughts and how exactly I wanted to handle everything happening in my life that never seemed to calm down. Since I could remember, my father never once showed love. He wasn't built for it. I believe he once loved my mom. But life happened. His career happened. Jose Menendez happened. And then it all went to hell. He never wanted Ava and I. We weren't apart of his life plan. But I'm here. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
The sun beating down on my wind struck hair, was a comfort with the raging thoughts coursing through my troubled mind, my hands gripping the steering wheel onward bound to Beverly Hills the only thing I could honestly feel. We dropped off Lyle at Princeton after a semi quiet ride, not really knowing what to say after the events on the beach. But at the same time, we all had a unspoken understanding on the situation. Erik is the love of my life. That will never change. Lyle is very dear to me. But Erik is the only person I see.

"Is daddy coming home tonight? I hope not...." I sighed into the busy air around us, seeing Ava's sad eyes lingering on me from the backseat with her hands folded together in a troubled manner, clearly thinking the same thing I am. We left the beach house early to take our own time alone. Just us kids, away from the parents that cause us so much heartache. And before they can make yet another move on our lives.

"I don't know sweetheart. Let's hope not." Erik's hand gently gripped mine within his, sending a rush of calm throughout my nerve racked body. His blue eyes searched mine once we reached a stop light, seeing the redness in my puffy eyes from the endless hours of crying throughout the days and nights since my mom died. We escaped today because our fathers were merely ready to be rid of us. But for what reason, we probably didn't want to know. Aunt Marta and Aunt Clara did everything in their power to make sure we got away, seeing the effect being there had on us. They felt the danger we all knew was surrounding us. My mother was the first victim. And if they have their way, we're next.
Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took me so long to get another chapter out for this story. So much has been happening in my personal life and it's so overwhelming. But I'm hoping to get more consistent with chapters very soon. I'm sorry for such a short chapter as well. But I wanted to get something out. Thank you guys so much for reading. It means everything to me. I hope you are all having a fantastic new year so far! Much love. 😘

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