19. What Comes To Light

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Being the daughter of a prominent lawyer, was enough to have everyone knowing who I was by my last name. Oh your father is so charming, smart, factual. All lies he abided by so he could seem like this perfect man. When in reality, he was the most manipulative, destructive, evil man I'd ever encountered. But if I thought my dad was that bad, I had no idea just how terrible Jose Menendez is. And the things he'd done to his sons. Only half of the story, the half Erik had relayed to me some time ago when we were alone.

"I'm so sorry we couldn't be alone tonight, Ana. I had a movie night planned. But, Lyle came home and he just didn't want to stay at the house." I understood that. Because to be honest, I never wanted to be home anymore myself. Dad was continuously on my case about everything now a days since we'd been home from our Florida trip. I barley slept, I didn't eat as much, I could care less about college. What kept me alive, was Ava, Aunt Clara, Erik, and Lyle. They were my life. My entire life in fact. Without them, I'm nothing.

"Don't be sorry. I understand. Being at our respective houses, is enough to commit unthinkable atrocities." He simply smiled at me from my attempt at humor, enjoying a pizza we had ordered for the four of us to enjoy tonight on our own. But just as Ava usually does, she drug Lyle off to some arcade machines further back in the building that was full of adults with their children, having such an incredible time. Something we never truly had. Our mom tried, but she wouldn't defy my dad. She never would dare.

"I miss my mom....." I let slip without even realizing until it registered that I had, judging by Erik's forlorn expression. He knew I missed her more than anything. But, I couldn't bring her back. I knew this. I just wish I could hug her, and tell her she was loved. That, she didn't deserve what she got.

"You know, that's not something you should want to hide, Ana. She's your mom. Of course you miss her. I'm just.... I'm sorry you feel so bottled up lately." He was right. I bottle everything up inside, so much so that I'm waiting for that explosion to occur from just how bad it's gotten.

"Don't be sorry, Erik. It's my fault that I keep it hidden. I know I don't have to. Especially when I'm with you. But at home? I don't dare mention her. Last time Ava did....." I trailed off, remembering what had happened a mere day ago when she let it slip that mom would have loved the flowers blooming in the garden that Helen looks after. It was my moms garden. And dad? Well.... Our father is evil. He had the flowers dug up today, leaving Ava a wreck. All I wanted was to tell him off. But, I didn't. In fear of what he'd do.

"I know..... But fear not. I actually have something to show you guys when we get back. But it's at my house. My cousin Diane helped Lyle and i with the surprise." I instantly smiled with tears beaming in my eyes. Not because of sadness. But, because I had someone who was willing to do anything to make me happy. He was willing to worry about me, when he's got enough on his plate as it is.

"What did I ever do to deserve you, Erik Menendez?" I gently leaned over to him, his chair having already been extremely close to mine, our lips connecting in the middle. We didn't really care who saw, just that in this moment? We were happy. Truly happy. Even if only for a fleeting moment in time.

"Now that's what we needed to see. Ewww." We quickly broke apart from Lyle's humorous words from next to us, sitting down next to me on my left side, Ava directly across from me. With breadsticks in hand, Lyle quickly set them down so we could all reach for one, digging into our pizza that we desperately needed. Without giving it a second thought, I pulled out the Polaroid camera Aunt Clara had recently gotten me as a surprise gift so that I could make as many memories as possible.

"Okay guys! How about a photo?" The original plan was to take a photo of the three of them. But Erik quickly pulled me in close to him while taking the camera from my hand, snapping a photo of the four of us in frame, a shot that turned out perfectly once it developed fully.

"How can someone look so beautiful....?" Erik causally whispered in my ear from the mere sight of the photo, softly turning to gaze upon him in a way that had my heart utterly melting in my chest. His blue eyes met mine immediately, a smile etched on his more than handsome face.

"How can someone be the perfect person? Or better yet, how did I manage to meet him?" With Ava's laughter filling the air around me from a joke Lyle told her while enjoying their pizza slices, Erik and I just got lost in our own world, one where we were actually safe from the horror story called our lives. Conversation was seemingly never ending, the pizza quickly gone from our hungered states. Eventually, we had to leave the pizza place. But, we didn't go home right away. We simply drove around good ole 90210 in the night, music blaring and smiles stretching on for miles.

"PLEASE DON'T WAKE ME IF THIS IS A DREAM!" I yelled over the whooshing of the night air and the loudness of the music, earning a chuckle from Erik who was sitting right next to me in the back seat of Lyle's car. I was actually enjoying myself for the first time since my mom died. Genuinely enjoying myself. But the sickening horizon that was upon us, wasn't one I ever dreamed of. Because I would lose more in the destruction that's called my father.

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