2. The Menendez Family

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My eyes gazed over my reflection in the mirror, hardly recognizing the girl staring back at me. I was sharply dressed, hair straightened, and light makeup to hide the luggage I carry around on a daily basis. The smell of my perfume lingered in the air, hoping this would be up to my father's standards on making a good first impression on the Menendez's. And to be honest? I was nervous. I knew so little about them. Just that my dad would be working closely with Jose for the work he does. He worked in the entertainment industry and my dad assisted said entertainment in any legal matters. While I stay put like the good little girl I am and do what daddy says.

"Ana! You look like a model I saw in Vogue!" I grinned from the sound of Ava's excited voice filling the bathroom with a glow, just like everywhere she goes. I honestly don't know what I would do without her here. And with me around, she'll always be protected from the evils that the world holds. Including our father.

"Well peanut, you look just like Cinderella. Beautiful as always." I poked her little button nose upon seeing her blush rising on her cheeks. We finally decided to emerge from the confines of the bathroom to greet our parents in the entryway, knowing I couldn't stall forever.

"You both look nice. My two baby girls. Alright, come on before your father has a hernia." I hid my smile with a little nod, thankful that my mom was nothing like my dad. Samantha Rosenfeld dedicated her life to helping anyone in need. She constantly gave to charities and was incredibly popular amongst their group of friends. But hidden from the world, was her drinking problem. She liked to think it was no problem at all, that doing it behind closed doors didn't mean it was actually true. But Ava and I saw it all the time. And had to endure many a rant while it was ongoing.

Now my father, Nicholas Rosenfeld, was someone no one wanted to mess with. Or face in court. He was the best of the best, having studied at Princeton University and graduated with honors. He could be ruthless when needed. With his friends and the rest of the outside world, he came off as a humble family man with a love for the finer things in life. But behind closed doors, he was the complete opposite. Controlling. Manipulative. Spiteful. Evil. We didn't want to cross him. Otherwise, there would be horrible consequences.

"Alright, kids. Remember what I said. Be on your best behavior while we're guests in their lovely home." He scrutinized me with just one glance, sending every single word he uttered my way as if I was going to go off the rails and do something absolutely ridiculous. What is he so worried about?

"Ana? Can we sit together? I don't want to sit next to daddy." I hugged her to my side with a little smile and nod as we casually walked down the sidewalk, surprised we didn't take the limo. Knowing my dad, he always wants to go in style. Even if we are only going next door. And as for Ava's request, we could sit all the way in Paris and I would be happy. That's beyond far away from him.

"This is their house?!" Ava let go of my hand and followed behind dad and mom as they rung in at the gate, letting whoever answered know we're here. I looked around in disbelief at how beautiful their house truly is. I've only seen some of the backyard. And it was tremendously big. I couldn't get over how nice this neighborhood was. Or the fact that I lived in it.

"Come on Ana!" I was pulled from my thoughts once I was dragged through the now opened gate, walking up to the front doors closely behind my parents with Ava never letting go of my hand. The door suddenly opened, revealing a young man with brown hair, a charming smile, and a nice muscle build if I do say so myself, recognizing him as one of the guys I saw earlier in the day on the tennis court.

"Hello everyone! My parents are in the dining room. Come on in." I followed behind everyone, being the last one to finally enter the big home with a little smile directed at the guy. He looked a little older than i, clearly in college. And good looking.

"I'm Lyle. Their oldest son. Erik should be down in a few." I shook his hand once he finally got through the rest of my family, the smile on my face a little bigger than before, when a taller man who seemed just as intimidating as my own father came bounding down the hall with a smile plastered on his face.

"Nick! It's been so long. And look at your family. You've done well for yourself." They hugged one another, exchanging words before they finally left the entryway to head to the dining room, my mom and Ava closely following behind. But of course, I got distracted by the marvels of their home, taking in family photos I saw along the walls. Their home was massive itself and nicely decorated. It screamed rich.

"So, how are you liking Beverly Hill's Ana?" I jumped a little from Lyle's sudden voice, not even realizing he was still standing there. I just got so swept up in this place. I'm just not used to this kind of life. Not at all. I mean sure, we had a nice home before this. But nothing like what we have now.

"Honestly? It's not so bad. Just something I'll have to get used to is all. Although, I think I'm going to like having a tennis court in my own backyard." He grinned a little, just as my eyes traveled to movement on the staircase before us, seeing the curly haired boy who is clearly Erik coming towards us. He's really cute, dressed nicely and a smile that seemed to make my heart flutter.

"There you are. I was beginning to think we were going to have to start a search party for you. Erik, this is Analise. Our new neighbor." I chuckled from Lyle's words, shaking Erik's hand with a grin of humor. I like them already.

"Dad had me practicing for one hundred years of my life. So excuse me for taking my time." I couldn't help but laugh. Erik's eyes trained on me once more and a little blush arose on my cheeks from the mere glance. Boys usually aren't a huge factor in my life. Seeing as how I'm always focused on schooling and other interests of mine. But I'm thinking that's about to change.

"Ana, boys? Care to join us for dinner?" My dad sent me his signature look, instantly making my feet move with Erik and Lyle in tow. Their house was just so beautiful. And the dining room was clean as can be. Picture perfect.

"Ah. There they are. Come. Sit and enjoy. So, Ana, you will be joining Erik at Beverly Hills High I understand?" I barely sat down before Jose shot me a question, having all eyes on me and doing nothing for my nerves. Usually I'm the quiet one, listening to everyone else talk.

"Oh uh.... Yeah! It should be a good experience." I smiled a little from his approving nod, seeing a blonde-haired lady sitting next to him, casually sipping on a glass of wine talking with my mother. Kitty Menendez is a pretty woman. And getting on so well with my mother.

"I can help you get around. Maybe we'll even have some of the same classes." I grinned at Erik's words, hoping that actually comes true. He's so incredibly sweet. Nothing like what I expected from a rich boy.

"Lyle here is enrolled at Princeton University. He'll be heading back Sunday night. I thought it would be good to introduce my entire family to yours, seeing as how we'll be seeing a lot of each other." Our dads and mom's continued their conversations, leaving us four to our own devices. Dinner was amazing and I actually snuck a glass of wine when no one was looking. Except for Erik and Lyle. Of course, they weren't going to tell. I can already see us three having a beautiful friendship.

"Ana? Can we go explore their house? I want to see it! Pwwwwwwease?" Ava broke out her best possible puppy dog eyes, earning an eye roll and laugh from me. This kid could charm anyone.

"Why not? The old folks are chit-chatting and boring us to death. Come on girls. We'll show you around." I masked my laughter from Lyle's comment, seeing my dad eyeing us like we were up to no good. And if I didn't know any better, I thought Jose was as well. Is their dad just as bad?

"I like them, Ana...." Ava said so bashfully, I couldn't help but smile. There is a certain charm to the Menendez Brothers. That is for sure.

"Come on little princess. Piggyback ride to the pool?" Ava instantly jumped onto Lyle's back, just about knocking him down out of surprise.

"Giddy up!" Erik and I laughed, just watching them two getting on so quickly as they made their way outside, as Erik and I walked upstairs to show me what it held. I just couldn't believe how many rooms this house holds.

"Your house is beautiful Erik. Although I'd get lost. I barely made it out of mine to get here." He chuckled with his smile showing that is quickly growing on me more by the minute. We finally made it to see his room, opening his door to lead me in first before closing it behind us. His room was just as neat as mine. Books lined his table with papers sitting neatly beside them, appearing that he's in the process of writing something.

"If I'm not on the court, that's where I'm at." He noticed my eyes lingering on his table, honestly feeling the way he looks. Schoolwork and anything that my dad sees fit is the only things to do. Anything else is absolutely unheard of.

"I feel your pain, Erik. My dad's motto is work. Work. And oh, I almost forgot. Work." We both grinned at one another, when we heard footsteps outside of his door. I held my breath, hoping it wasn't my dad looking for me.

"Your daughter is beautiful Nick. She seems like a sweet girl. But like I said, Erik doesn't need any distractions." We looked at one another with bated breath, trying not to make any noise what so ever. That's the last thing we want is our dads to catch us in here.

"And she doesn't need any distractions as well. We're on the same page, Jose. Don't you worry. They're good kids. They will listen to us. They have no choice in the matter." I sighed with anger boiling through my veins from the words I was hearing outside the door. I was tired of being some puppet on a string for my dad to move at his will, doing anything he wanted me to do. I slowly walked over to his big bedroom window to see Ava running around the back yard with Lyle in tow, our moms watching with drinks in their hands.

"I'm so sorry Erik. My dad..... He's just strict." I couldn't just very well tell him the full truth. Besides, I couldn't tell anyone. I couldn't tell anything I hid. Just paint a smile on and act happy.

"Seems like they've got it all figured out for us huh? We just met and they already think it's trouble." I shook my head with sadness quickly seeping into my once happy mood.

"Well you know what? That doesn't mean we have to listen. Not fully anyway. Sure, we'll do our work and be good little boys and girls. But they don't have to know every single thing we do. I mean what are they going to do, spy on us?" I ranted so quickly that I barely even kept up with my own words. Erik came to stand next to me with a little smile of humor from it all, making me blush once again.

"Sounds like a plan. But I think Lyle is trying to get our attention." We looked down to ground level, seeing him waving frantically towards the backdoors, just as I heard my father's booming voice echoing through the house somehow that we were leaving. I swear that man is not human.

"Well, I guess that's my signal. It was nice meeting you, Erik Menendez." I grinned, getting bold enough to hug him.

"It was nice meeting you too Analise Rosenfeld." The hug felt so natural, almost as if we had known each other for so long instead of just meeting today. I managed to sneak downstairs without anyone witnessing me leaving his room, greeting my parents with a big, overproduced smile. I could see Lyle wink to me with a playful smile, thankful that he helped me out by warning me.

"See you later Lyle. I hugged him as well, already loving these two. But I could certainly tell they were in the same boat I am with my family. If not, worse. I had no idea just how worse.

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