20. Remain Silent

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Being an influential figure with the highest degree of power in life, is the way most would view my father. But, a man like him holding that much power? Is a very dangerous thing. No one realized just how dangerous, except the select few that witnessed it first hand. But people on the outside? Saw what he wanted them to see, and hear what he wanted them to hear. He's diabolical, menacing, arrogant, vile. And above all, controlling.

"Hello kids. I'm sorry Ana. But, your father is here. And he wants to speak to you." My heart started to race from the moment Aunt Clara spoke his name, the mere mention of him being the most triggering thing in the entire universe. It seemed we had just begun our night of fun and relaxation, away from our parents. Or more like, our tormentors. But, upon arrival at the Menendez residence, my Aunt Clara was waiting to proclaim this warning, a warning I knew had to be taken seriously.

"But, why are you in the Menendez's driveway?" I cautiously asked, not really anticipating the answer to the question. But more hesitant than anything. Lyle had managed to park the car just before Aunt Clara had come out of their front door to greet us.

"Honey.... I'm so sorry." Was all she had said in return, my eyes quickly averting to Erik in a panic. I knew this wasn't good. I knew something wasn't right about this picture. And I feared the consequences of this more than anything.

"It's okay, Ana. I'm right here." He said to me, barley above a whisper to ease my mind and racing heart, his hand having found mine as we stood stalk still, directly in front of the door leading into what I knew would be a tension filled house.

"Just remember, don't speak out of turn, honey." Aunt Clara had causally said, the underlying message in her tone enough to make me want to run away from this horrid place and never look back. But, she was honestly speaking to all four of us. She was more concerned for the lot of us than we realized. Because she herself, was just as terrified.

"Ah, there's my beautiful daughters. And look, there's your dashing boys, Jose." Father suddenly came to me in an instant, leaving a sickening kiss to my cheek that he hadn't done since I was at least Ava's age. They mere smile plastered across his face was enough to want to make me vomit from my nerves. He only acts this way when he has something up his sleeve. Something so twisted and cruel, that no one would dare even speak out against it to him, without suffering the dire consequences.

"Now, our kids seem to have really grown together these past few months, Nick. Especially Ana, Erik, and Lyle. They've taken a strong liking to your...... gorgeous daughter over there." I looked between Erik and Lyle quickly, my heart racing further from the point I knew was coming to Jose and my father acting as if they were actually happy about that fact. But beneath the surface, I knew they were anything but.

"It would seem my daughter is in high demand." I tightly clung to Erik's arm with all my might, deepening fear utterly consuming me from the inside out. They were suggesting that I was sexually involved with both of them. But, the furthest I'd ever gotten with Lyle, was a simple kiss. Now Erik? Was a different story. But, they didn't need to know all the details. If they didn't know already, that is.

"Which brings me to my announcement. Ana, Ava? Your father here, is being awarded a very prestigious honor among lawyers. The Pro Bono award!" My father had always been pro bono, not wanting another person above him. Ever. So he set out as a young adult to make his dream a reality, no matter the cost. And well, someone must have fell for his tricks, considering he's being awarded this nonsense.

"Wow..... that's amazing dad. Congratulations." I barley said where anyone could possibly hear me, knowing this wasn't all there was to this story. They're acting incredibly strange, even for them. I knew there was a catch. One that I didn't think he'd stoop so low to accomplish.

"Thank you. Now, a party will be thrown at one of my dear friends houses, who in turn is a lawyer himself. Reggie Smith. And better yet, Ana? He has a son that is Lyle's age. I expect you to entertain him while he's at the party, make a good impression." My eyes widened from what he was implying by "good impression". He'd done this before to me with a client of his he was trying to suck up to for a higher status amongst his clientele. It's always a clients son he wants me to "impress". Meaning with my body.

"Dad....." But, he stuck his hand up in the air as to indicate that this conversation was over. I had no say in the matter. My eyes started to gleam from simple emotions overtaking my mind, my eyes catching Kitty's from across the room. But she merely looked away, as if she couldn't be bothered. And I already knew my father had threatened Aunt Clara. The only reason she stood for it, was because she was trying her best to protect Ava and I.

"Boys? I suggest you go about your night, away from Ana. She's going to need her rest for tomorrow. You both have your own work that needs to be done. Like you Lyle, your suspension is running out. And you will be going back to school." I eyed Lyle in a way they wouldn't notice, confused about what Jose was speaking about. Lyle hadn't mentioned anything about a suspension.... But then again, he was prone to protecting me from anything that happened in their house. Or even mine.

"Are you going to blame Ana for it again?" Lyle suddenly voiced his concern in such an anger filled way, his eyes searching Jose in a defensive stance, something I'd never seen him do before. But, I was more worried about his statement. I was to blame......?

"Lyle..... don't you start with me. I know Ana is the reason. You're too focused on her. You and Erik both are. And that needs to change. And it will....." Before another word could be spoken, I stormed away and out of the front door with my hand tightly embracing Ava's, picking her up to walk towards our house without a second thought. Rage was utterly consuming me, and I couldn't even think straight.

"ANA!! Wait!!" Erik's voice suddenly yelled out from behind me, catching up before I could get any further out of the driveway. He softly twirled Ava and i around to view his sadness filled eyes, knowing he felt like he was at an utter standstill with his parents. But, I could tell something else was said when I left, judging by the now very prominent red mark on his face.

"Erik.....?" I softly trailed my finger tips against his cheek, tears spilling from my eyes from the mere image of him in pain. He stood up for me. I know it. And he payed for it. Because of me.

"Your dad hurt you....." Ava suddenly whispered in fear of her own. She never knew about anything Erik and Lyle have been through. But, I couldn't protect her from everything it would seem. But I would die trying.

"I'm okay sweetheart. Don't worry. Your sissy? Means so much to me. And, I'd do anything to protect her. Even if it means....." He softly trailed off, knowing what he was going to say without even speaking it. I gently placed Ava to her feet at the end of the driveway, before placing my lip's against his soft ones in such a love filled manner. This? Is exactly the type of love I hoped Ava would find when she's older, to see that not all men are like our father and theirs.

"I love you so much Erik. I'm so, so sorry about my father and his schemes. He..... he did this to me right before we moved here. But, I never..... you know. Except for with you." With his arms gently wrapped around my waist, our bodies as close as possible, he gently smiled at me with our eyes connected in unison.

"I know. It's going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you. And you won't have to do anything at that party." I softly brought Ava into my arms as well, a group hug commencing the moment I did. That's when Lyle approached with his eyes scanning mine as soon as he stopped behind Erik, an odd feeling coursing throughout me. Jose thinks everything is my fault. He thinks Lyle has been distracted by me. And so does my own father. Like I've slept with both of them, when I hadn't. But I knew in that moment, I wasn't going to push them away. Only closer to me.

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