5. Secrets

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I knew from the moment I entered through the front door that something was completely wrong. It was eerily silent throughout the entire house, not a usual thing for a family of our caliber. My stomach was full and I was a tired mess and all I wanted to do was go to bed. But I knew that wouldn't be happening any time soon.

"Ana! Come into my office. Now!" I practically flinched from the sudden voice of my father, booming throughout every possible inch of this place. I slowly crept my way towards said office, not wanting to even know what his problem was this time.

"Yes father....?" I reluctantly walked into the room with a little quiver in my voice, barely able to form any sort of words. He looked upset.

"What part of having no friends do you not understand? What part of only focusing on school work don't you understand? I didn't get you this far for you to just throw it all away, just so you can parade around town like a little whore with a bunch of boys!!!" I flinched once again from his anger, his words hitting me harder than any punch ever could.

"I just went to get dinner with them. They're our neighbors dad! And.... and you work with their father. Don't you think it's smart to get to know Erik and Lyle?" He eyed me from my sudden boldness, usually whimpering away like a wounded puppy from his screams.

"You know I don't want you having anything to do with those Menendez boys. Where Jose is my good friend, that doesn't mean my daughter has to shack up with his sons." I looked down to my feet on the ground, wishing I could just run away from the room. But I knew I wouldn't get very far. He really thinks that low of me? That I would sleep with one of them already?

"Father..... I can assure you that won't happen. I won't be shacking up with anyone!" He slowly rose from his seat with a stride that barely gave me any time to back up, his towering figure intimidating. He merely stared at me with so much hatred, before his hand suddenly connected with my stomach in such a harsh punch, I could barely breathe. I crumbled to the ground in a moaning heap, hiding my face so he wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes.

"You may have to be around them. You may have to talk to them occasionally. But that doesn't mean any sort of relationship needs to be formed. Understood?" He then left his office, hitting me with the door and earning another pained moan out of me. I slowly rolled over and looked to the ceiling, practically praying that the pain would go away. I just wanted it to end. All of it.
The school day was flying by and I was so incredibly thankful for that one. My arms were tired from carrying books here and there so I wouldn't have to rush from my locker to the next class. I didn't want to be late for any single class what so ever. I was completely paranoid that my father would know. And I hated it.

"Ana! Hey, can we talk?" I jumped a little from the sudden sound of Erik talking next to me, seeing his little smile greeting me while he softly pushed up his straying glasses. I could never deny how cute he is.

"Uh.... yeah. Sure." We hadn't talked much since the weekend trip to The Cheesecake Factory, mostly because I was terrified to even think about it. But at the same time, it's a lot harder to stay away from him than I originally thought it would be.

"I hope I didn't do anything to upset you. I just.... I just wanted to make sure you are okay." We stopped midway down the hall to our next class, hearing the bustle of feet going past us, until the hallway was completely void of anyone but us.

"No! Oh Erik i'm so sorry. No you didn't do anything wrong. Don't worry about that. I've just been.... lost in schoolwork. And my dad has been on me about it because I slipped a little in English." Which wasn't a complete lie. I just failed to mention the part about staying away from him. It's already Friday and it's been almost a whole week of radio silence between us. I honestly hated it.

"Me too. And well, tennis. But I heard we're all going on a little weekend vacation soon. So that'll give us more time together." My eyes widened from his words, not remembering anything being said about a vacation from anyone this week.

"Vacation....? You mean, us and our families? Leaving together?" He chuckled from my stumbled words seeming off about the whole thing himself underneath the smile.

"Yeah. When my dad said it, I thought he was joking for whatever reason. But apparently he thinks it would be a 'swell idea' for us all to get away for the weekend and relax. Lyle is coming so that'll help. And, my aunt Marta will be there. You'll like each other." His cute, little rambling had me smiling like a complete idiot. The idea sounded lovely. But honestly, was it a set up?

"I just can't believe my dad is on board. I mean just a few days ago he was livid with me about...." I realized what I was about to say and instantly shut my mouth, not wanting to drag Erik into that mess or even give him a reason to say he'll stay away from me. Because I didn't want him to. But from the look on his face, I have a feeling he might know already.

"They won't suspect anything. We're simply friends getting to know each other better. And with them all distracted with each other, they won't always have an eye on us." I grinned from his words, slowly starting to feel better about the whole ordeal. Until I realized just how long we had been standing alone in the hallway.

"Well I'm in. We'll have fun. And not cause too much trouble. I guess....." We both chuckled as we made our way to our class before they reported us missing, smiling the entire time during. I could barely focus on my schooling because from the corner of my eye, I could see him looking at me. And he could see me looking at him.
"Alright kiddos! Get your asses in the car and let's move out." I couldn't contain my laughter once we got outside of school and found Lyle out front waiting for us. I was nervous to even think of riding with them. But that didn't stop me.

"Sir yes sir!" I saluted him with a grin, hugging him tightly before Erik and I hopped in the backseat and left school behind. In just a few months, we would finally be free. But this vacation was going to be the death of me if I didn't stop worrying about it.

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