6. Getaway

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My hair flowed within the wind of the California air, soaking in all it had to offer. Palm trees littered the road and the sun was shining down on us like a beacon, guiding us on our journey. Our little getaway from all the things we needed to escape. Even if it was only for two days. We took a little convertible my mom got me for my soon to be 18th birthday, thinking this was the perfect time for it. My father of course wasn't happy that I was having so much freedom granted to me. And he really didn't like that for the trip, it was Erik, Lyle, Ava and I alone in my car. But me? I was ecstatic!

"This feels so damn good!! Just us knuckleheads and the open road. No parents telling us what to do the entire way there!" I know I was speeding. But hell, I never get to do stuff like this. Erik was in the passenger seat, grinning at me with the music blasting along with the mixture of the California air. Lyle and Ava were in the backseat, having a little party with their loud singing and dancing. I was in heaven.

"I could get used to this!" I glanced over at Erik with a little smile, seeing him already looking at me with that adorable grin of his. Since the whole debacle with my dad, we've actually gotten to know each other more. Spending more time together when we can and just being kids. We didn't really have much left of that. But then again, it never really felt like we were kids to begin with. Not with the families we were raised in.

"I hate to break up the love fest! But uh Ana? You mind watching the road and not ogling my hunk of a baby brother?" My cheeks flamed red from the sudden comment and laugh of humor from Lyle, seeing him wink at me from the rear view mirror once I did look away. He absolutely loved teasing me. But he was honestly like the big brother I never had. I loved the guy. Even if he was a pain in my ass sometimes.

"Yeah Ana! Don't kill us! We have to be able to go to the waterfront!" I grinned at Ava from the mirror, knowing just how excited she was for this entire trip. She loved Erik and Lyle. She's bonded with them more than our own father. They've quickly become part of our family. Before we decided on a date for our trip to lovely Sayreville, New Jersey, Erik had a tennis torment that he completely killed in. It was the first time I really got to just sit there and watch him in action.

Of course, his parents being there was the down fall. They decided it would be a good idea to get me away from my parents and get to know me more. Assess me is what they meant to say. Jose quizzed me on all sorts of things that he could manage to come up with the entire time we watched Erik play, things that peaked his interest. Thankfully, Erik warned me about it and helped me learn some things he thought Jose would ask me. And it worked! Mostly things about tennis is what he asked me. He seemed so impressed. He asked me about my schooling, about me going to Princeton with Lyle. I guess I answered everything right.

Now Kitty was completely different. She acted so kind for the most part. She knew I liked Erik and seemed a little off about that though. I think her kindness was more of a way to get me to talk to her and tell her my intentions with Erik. But I really didn't say a word about it. Because I knew they would tell my father. But the whole match, Jose was criticizing Erik, constantly yelling and acting completely foolish. Kitty barely smiled. She seemed out of it. I on the other hand cheered him on with a big smile plastered to my face the entire time. I zoned out from Jose's words and just watched Erik. I was completely zoned into him.

"I know bug! We're almost there! Aaaaand, we'll beat the grown ups there. Unless you count the big kid in the backseat." Lyle softly smacked the top of my head, igniting a laugh from me. The drive honestly didn't feel long at all. We stopped and had lunch together, got ice cream and talked. We were having the time of our lives without fear of having said fun. Our parents weren't breathing down our necks. And I didn't feel terrified for the first time in my life. I felt safe with Erik and Lyle. I felt that Ava and I were protected. I wish every day could be like this. Two days like this was better than nothing I suppose.

"Holy crap guys! Look at this place...." We finally drove up to the waterfront house we were renting for both families, and I was completely surprised. It's so beautiful. So much room for us all to enjoy our time. As soon as we parked, Ava was jumping out while dragging Lyle along with her, getting him to quickly unlock the front door so she could explore. Erik and I got out with a laugh escaping us from Ava's excitement, looking around at the beautiful scene I could definitely get used to.

"Wow Erik. Your dad really outdid himself with this gem. This house is gorgeous." I pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head, fixing my hair slightly from the drive and looking over my clothes. My shorts were perfect for this kind of weather. And my flowing tank top was breezy. I was happy. Really happy.

"This should be an interesting weekend." We both chuckled, before walking in behind Lyle and Ava, checking out the house. And I was stunned. It was seriously beautiful. It was all set for everything we could possibly need. Lyle has Ava on his back, carrying her around the house piggyback.

"Hello everyone!!" The voice of a woman startled me, finding myself completely lost in this house. She was beautiful. And clearly related to Erik and Lyle.

"Aunt Marta! I'm so glad you're here." Erik and Marta hugged while I stood to the side with a wide smile on my face. I've heard so much about her from the guys. She sounds like an incredible woman who clearly loves them dearly.

"And this beautiful young woman must be the lovely Ana you've told me so much about." My eyes widened from her attention suddenly on me, never losing my smile once she hugged me like we've known each other forever. My eyes locked with Erik's with my smile growing bigger from his red cheeks.

"That's our Ana banana. She's amazing." Lyle suddenly appeared with a smile directed at me, make me blush even more from all this attention.

"Hey Aunt Marta! I'm so glad I'm finally able to meet you." We softly pulled apart, smiling at one another. Her warm smile made me feel all the more better about being here this weekend with everyone. She was clearly on our side.

"Likewise! You're absolutely sweet." She hugged Lyle, noticing Ava and going over to greet her, just as a couple of cars pulled up outside of the house. Our parents.

"Here goes nothing." Erik, Lyle and I looked at one another from the sight of our parents getting out of their cars, taking in deep breaths.
Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. ❤️

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