Chapter 1: Wedding Plans

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Judging by the chapter title, you may have guessed, "OH MY GODS PAINTSPLASH IS GETTING MARRIED"

Ha ha...nope.

I kind of left you hanging when I unrolled that scroll telling of Jack and Summer's engagement. Sorry about that. Anywhosel, the plans started a few days later. I had been in my cave, putting my opinions on various rules and restrictions my cousin was considering making. Suddenly, one of Toothiana's fairies, Baby Tooth ((I have absolutely no idea how the heck she showed up)), flittered into my cave and landed on one of my potion bottles. I looked up. "Hey, Baby Tooth," I greeted. "What's up?"

"Twitter-twitter tweet!"

"Yeah, I know." I peered at another roll of parchment. "I got a letter from Sandy the other day."

Baby Tooth cokced her head and fluttered her wings. "Chirp tweet?"


"Twitter. Tweedle-tweet, twitter-twit chirp--"

I looked up. "She DOES? Me? Help with wedding plans?" Baby Tooth nodded. I felt honored. Yeah, it was a little silly, since Summer was my best friend and like my sister and that should've been obvious, but still. I rolled up a scroll and leaned on my podium. "What does she want me to do?"

Baby Tooth opened her mouth to speak, but just then, Summer appeared in my cave, breathless. She held a gold-lettered scroll in one hand--"Paint, I..."--but, upon seeing mine laying on my podium, she crumpled up hers. "Oh," she said. "You already know. I'm sorry, I was planning on telling you in person but I just got so busy with stuff and then Jack had already sent out the letters." She took a deep breath. "Paintsplash, will you be my maid of honor?"

"YES!!!" I shouted, bounding over to my best friend who had magically teleported into my cave. I ignored how creepy it always was and wrapped my arms and wings around Summer in a huge hug. "I'm so happy for you!!! When Hiccup got the letter...oh man, you should have seen how happy he was! He almost glowed! Astrid, too! She said that if she didn't see you again, she wanted me to tell you that she's sorry for kinda being rude to you at times and is so happy for you!"

Summer beamed. This was probably the best time of her life. She literally blazed with happiness; her wings were burning a bright blue. I grinned at her, and she looked wistfully out to sea. "Sometimes, I wish I were a dragon, so I could feel free from my father's wrath. Free from Cinderpaw. Free from fear."

I laughed slightly. "Summer," I said, "dragons seem fearless. But you've seen me. I get terrified around Pitch and Cinderpaw. And besides, in a few months' time, you will be free. When you're with shackles can restrain you, no cage can hold you. Remember that."

She smiled at me gratefully. "Welp, I'm off to get more bride's maids," she said breezily. "See ya!" With that she started to fly out of the cave, Baby Tooth trailing her.

"Don't forget to invite Astrid!" I called. "She won't be very pleased if you leave her out!!!"

"I won't!" And then she disappeared toward Berk. I sighed. So much to little time. And just as my luck would have it, things were about to get a lot more stressful than they already were.

I was about to meet an old acquaintance of Toothless.

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