Chapter 3: Summer's Wedding

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I pumped my wings, flying toward North's workshop as fast as possible.

I had spent three hours that morning polishing my scales, filing my teeth and claws, and washing up so much I literally sparkled. I smelled like fresh lavender. Then Asla and Kohora kept fussing with me, applying crystal dust (a dragon's idea of makeup) to my eyelids, making my freckles stand out more, and smoothing out my eyelashes. Dragonesses don't really have eyelashes, by the way, but we have flaps of thin black scales that give the desired effect of eyelashes. Anyway, Asla confronted me about the scars that ran down my back. "Don't you want to cover those up?" she asked.

"No, ma'am," I said, dipping my head a little. "I'm proud of them. I'm not gonna hide them." Asla shrugged and noticed my necklace.

"Where'd you get that?" she queried. "I've never seen you in it before."

I took a deep breath. "Keep a secret?" Asla nodded, and I leaned in close to whisper. "Toothless and I got engaged yesterday." Asla nearly hit her head on the cave ceiling, she was so happy. She made a muffled squeal and lost her air of composed regale for a moment.


"Shh!!!" I hissed. "It's a secret, remember?!" Asla nodded fervently, the shoved me forward toward the cave exit, smiling giddily.

"Get going! You don't want to be late!"

So now I was flying as fast as possible to the North Pole. A window opened in the side of the workshop, and I sped in, causing Merida, Toothiana, and Astrid to jump. They were all dressed in fairly modern clothing ((Astrid looked good in a short dress)), and I was pretty sure it was the first time Astrid or Merida had ever worn makeup. Summer was the only one who wasn't surprised. She looked gorgeous. Her silver dress complemented her green eyes and long brownish-gold hair perfectly, which was braided down her back.

"Well, look who showed up!" Summer giggled. I laughed breathlessly and plopped down.

"As I...didn't...miss it..." I panted. Summer laughed.

"You really think I would begin without my maid of honor?" She picked up a necklace from the table and slipped it around my neck. She didn't appear to notice the one I already had on, but I didn't tell her about it. I'd tell her about my engagement later.

I smiled at Summer and giggled. "I'm so happy for you Summer," I said. "Nervous?"

She paused and shook her head. "Ah, not exactly," she said. "More like terrified." I wrapped a wing around her and hugged her.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he's even more terrified." Summer grinned.

"Okay," she breathed, "here we go."

Then someone knocked on the door. Astrid opened it, and there was Hiccup, who was frustratedly fussing with the bow on his tuxedo--which I'm sure he never wanted to wear again...too modern. Astrid face turned bright red as she saw him. I couldn't blame her; he looked very handsome. Hiccup looked up, and his jaw hit the floor in awe.

"Um...h-hey, Astrid," he stammered. "You" Astrid grinned nervously and bit her lip, taking a step back as her face turned even more red.

"Y-you look amazing, too."

I glanced at Summer, and realized she had that giddy glint in her eyes that I recognized as what my modern self had described as "fangirling". Then Hiccup and Astrid hugged, and I felt my heart leap in my chest. It screamed, "PROPOSETOHERPROPOSETOHERPROPOSETOHER!!!"

I bit my lip and yelled back at my heart in my head, "SHUT UP YOU RIDICULOUS LUMP OF MODERN GIRLISH TEENAGERNESS!" Toothiana coughed and Hiccup looked up at Summer. His eyes lit up with pride.

"What do you think?" Summer asked him. Hiccup chuckled and shook his head, walking up and hugging Summer. He pulled away and pretended to scrutinize Summer's attire.

"Mm...turn around," he ordered. She spun about and Hiccup clapped lightly, beaming. "Perfect! Can I just say that, as your best friend, any guy would be on his knees begging you to marry him looking like that." Summer blushed and glanced at Astrid, who grinned and nodded in a It's cool sort of way.

Summer punched Hiccup playfully and laughed. "You better tread carefully, then," she said, "because I know a certain guy who would ice your mouth for saying that." Hiccup laughed and held out an arm, and Summer took it. They headed toward the door. Summer glanced back at us, and I'd been walking along fine behind Toothiana, Astrid, and Merida when my head got stuck in the door. I had to tilt it sideways, but then my wings got stuck. I sighed angrily amd squeezed into a very uncomfortable position to get myself through the door and down the hallway. Summer and Hiccup were whispering to each other, but I was so concentrated on not getting stuck again that I didn't hear what they were saying. Hiccup glanced at Astrid, who was giggling with Merida, and smiled at Summer, saying something else to her. Again, I didn't hear.

Us girls got into a line behind Summer. Ten feet across from me, Toothlees grinned and waved his tail. The gesture was directed at Summer, but just seeing my fiance made my heart flutter. He looked great!!! He wasn't wearing his saddle, which made no difference to me when I was a human, but now as his future made my cheeks flush. His muscles were so well defined along his neck and shoulders, and I could see each muscle rippling along his back. The only part of his saddle contraption he was wearing was his tail fin, which Hiccup had somehow locked open. Toothless's eyes locked with mine and he gave my a sly grin and winked. My cheeks got even warmer. He mouthed: This will be us, and I nearly fainted.

Merida handed Summer her bouquet of red, blue, and white flowers. Part of me thought, A little patriotic, are we? But then I realized we weren't even in America. It must have been a coincidence. Then the music started, and Summer took a deep, shaky breath. Hiccup tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You look perfect," he whispered, "don't be nervous." Summer nodded, and they headed down the aisle.

Jack stood at the altar, North behind him. He had a hind on Jack's shoulder and the other clasped a Bible. Jack looked genuinely nervous. His ice blue eyes flicked across the room. Valka, Merida's parents and triplet brothers, Sophia, Sophia's nephew Elizabeth, the Thorston Twins, Snotlout, Fishlegs, four or five elves, and a few Yetis sat in the pews. My cousin and her mate sat off to one side, grinning happily. Kohora must have been watching the dragonets.

The guys joined us. Toothless walked next to me and twined his tail around mine. He smiled endearingly at me, and I had to fight the urge to kiss him. Merida walked with Sandy, Toothiana with Bunnymond. Three elves shoved their way to the front and began tossing petals like confetti, tripping over themselves. The music changed to a song I only had vague memories of, but loved anyway: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. It was a good joke. Summer laughed, and Jack chuckled and shook his head.

Summer broke off from Hiccup and handed the bouquet to Merida, walking up the steps to the altar. Jack took her hand and helped her up. He lifted Summer's veil off her face, and she beamed at him. North opened the Bible and looked at the small crowd. "We are gathered here today to bring Jack Frost and Summer Nature together in love forever. They have fought together, loved together, become inseparable. These two Guardians have come together facing Fear and death to keep from being separated. They are the perfect example of love. Is there anyone here who can possibly state a reason why these two legendary figures should not be wed before Man on Moon and God himself?"

There was a white flash across my vision, and something felt like the world had just shifted, but I shook my head and opened my eyes, blinking. No one seemed to have noticed anything. Everyone was in the same place. Hm. Nobody objected to North's question, and he let Summer and Jack say their vows. My mind drifted for a while, and I didn't really hear anything.

Then, "You may now kiss--" Jack pulled Summer to his chest and kissed her on the lips. The congregation cheered. Jack pulled away from Summer and walked with her down the aisle, People threw petals at them. Summer threw the bouquet, and without thinking, I flew up and grabbed it in my jaws. The girls around me cheered. Summer winked at me and Toothless. My cheeks went red, and Toothless cocked his head, confused at Summer's gesture. He had no idea what this "toss-the-bouquet" thing meant. I dropped the bouquet and held it in my paws. I nudged Toothless.

"If I catch the bouquet, it means I'm getting married next." Toothless's cheeks turned bright pink, but there was pride in his eyes.

It almost made me forget about Orca.

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