Nurse Yo (Learning Curve)

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It's been a long day. I had classes at both the high school and the college today. It hasn't been the same since Park and Tae graduated but I still enjoy teaching the kids. The beginning of the school year was a struggle since I'm only a year older than most of them. Some of them gave me a hard time thinking I would cave in. I have to admit, there were moments when I almost pulled out one of my pens but I resisted the urge to actually murder one of my students. Instead I simply asked them to leave.

"Look you can either stay and learn or leave. It doesn't bother me in the least to fail you." I told them.

Though it worked for most there was one student that just kept rebelling. Truthfully I don't have time for that crap so I ignored him until I couldn't anymore. Then, I maaaybe drugged him a little bit with something from Luka that metabolizes quickly and leaves no trace. Then I maaaybe tied him to his chair, gagged him and put him in the closet. Maybe. It only needed to happen once and now he's a pillar student and since then my class has run smoothly and efficiently.

I wish I could say the same for my college classes. For some unknown reason my classes filled up first. I think most people see my age and assume it'll be an easy class. I have a 15% drop rate once they find out just how difficult I am. That's for my basic classes. My advance classes I have a 1% drop rate, then again if you're taking advanced mathematics you expect some difficulty.

Now it's the second month of school and things are going smoothly. Right now I've just finished my final lecture and waiting for class to end. A light rap at the door has my attention go to it. A smile spreads across my face as my body naturally gets up and goes to the person waiting there.

"How's my little man?" I coo.

Large brown eyes stare at my while bubbles blow out of his mouth. Giggling I blow raspberries back. I reach out and Yuri places the baby into my arms.

"Are you sure you're ok with this?" She asks again.

"Of course. We're just bringing him home Yuri and it's only for a couple of hours. Show some faith. Geez, I let you handle my One Piece figurines didn't I?" I complain at her lack of trust.

"That's not the same thing Yo." She says rolling her eyes.

"I know! Most of my figurines can't be replaced!" I joke.

"Besides you know I'm talking about the time." She says.

"I know and really it's no problem." I tell her for the thousandth time.

She and Park are going on a date. Actually Park is taking her to a spa for a massage but she doesn't know yet. He's been planning this for weeks. He's very good to Yuri and it makes all of us happy to see their little family so content.

"Besides baby Gunn loves me most, don't you." I coo at the baby who babbles happily.

"Have a great time Yuri. We'll all be at home when you guys get back." I comfort.

"Thanks Yo." She says before she kisses me on the cheek then kisses the baby.

"Watch where you put those lips Yuri." Park's voice calls out.

He swipes his fingers sweetly over her lips before placing a gentle kiss on them then walks over and tenderly kisses the baby.

"Love you little man." He whispers softly.

"Thanks Yo, we appreciate it." He says smiling.

"We're family, of course I would do this for you." I say looking at him like he's an idiot.

"Thanks for bringing him here. This way I can get some time with him since Mommy Kit will steal his as soon as we walk in the door." I say.

"Wrong nong. Mommy Kit will steal him now." He says as he strides over to me and baby Gunn.

"Oh come on! I just got him!" I complain.

"Baby Gunn, you want mommy Kit don't you? Not crabby old baby Yo." He says in baby talk.

I hate to admit it but P'Kit is the baby's favorite bedsides his parents. I mean he loves us all and knows we love him but he'll always choose P'Kit over anyone else. Of course to be fair, after P'Pha, he's my favorite too.

I hand the baby over along with his bag. I kiss the baby a few dozen times before hugging P'Kit. He smiles at me then leaves with the baby. I head back to my desk feeling sad that my alone time with the baby was stolen. I slump into my chair when I realize that I still have students.

"Oh. You can leave." I say dismissing them for the day.

It only needs to be said once. They move as if I'll change my mind if they don't move fast enough. It's kind of amusing. I hear the seat spring back into place as students get up and leave. Then I hear gasps and the whispering begins. I don't even need to look to know who's at the door.

"Hey babe, are you done already? I was going to wait patiently and quietly at the door." He says.

"You mean you were going to watch me for thirty minutes probably having perverted thoughts." I correct as he strolls over.

"No probably, definitely." He amends and I snort as his comment.

"I bought you a present." He says lifting a bag and shaking it.

"Thanks." I say with a smile and go to grab it.

"Nope, you'll have to wait until we get home." He says with a wink.

Oh so it's one of those presents. The ones that are more for him than for me. I make the mistake of looking at his face. He's biting his bottom lip while his eyes scan my body. He's done. His mind will stay trapped in the gutter until we do it. I guess I should be grateful to P'Kit for taking the baby.

"Professor Kongthanin." A female voice shakily calls out.

Both P'Pha and I look in her direction. Half of the girls are still here and all staring at my man. Some are whispering while others blatantly photograph him.

"What can I do for you?" I ask.

"Um, who is he?" She asks cover her mouth with her folder.

"Oh sorry. This is Phana Kongthanin." I introduce.

"Kongthanin? Are you two related, like brothers or cousins?" She asks hopefully.

"Professor Kongthanin is my husband." P'Pha says challengingly.

As if any of those girls are interested in me. Seriously. Stupid husband. The snorts of disbelief lead me to believe that my assessment is correct.

"Um P'Pha, I'm pretty sure that they're all eyeing you." I somewhat whispering.

"Huh? Me? Well that's OK then. As long as they aren't looking at you." He says.

"Why is that better?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because most people look at me from afar, they never actually get up close and personal. You? You're a ball of pure cuteness that attracts everyone to it. If they were interested in you, they would be flocking all around you. I wouldn't be able to handle it." He tells me.

"You're insane, you know that?" I ask.

"Well you would know because you attract those people like flies too." He fires back.

"P'Pha!" I shout as I rest my hands on my hips and stomp my foot.

"Come on babe." He laughs as he drags me out of the classroom.

When we walk into the house we are greeted by the usual sight which is every member of the family huddled around the baby. Tae sneakily reaches out and rubs Pang's stomach. Nobody else notices.

"P'Pha. Did you see that?" I whisper.

"See what?" He asks looking away from the baby.

"Tae just rubbed Pang's stomach." I tell him.

"So?" He says.

"Park used to do that too. When Yuri was pregnant." I lead.

He sits for a second processing what I've just told him. Wow, isn't he supposed to be smart? I look over at Tae and he flinches when we make eye contact. He's been caught and he knows it. I mouth my question because everyone here can understand sign language but they can't read lips. The one thing that I forgot was....

"WHAT! Pang is pregnant! I thought you were going to wait until she graduated!" P'Pha yells.

Dammit! P'Pha can read lips too. I can't believe I forgot that.

"We're having another baby?" P'Beam says happily.

Everyone circles Pang and go right into "spoil the soon-to-be mommy" mode. She giggles at the onslaught of attention that she's getting. Tae takes his thumb and motions the slitting your throat sign. I cringe because I let the cat out of the bag. Well technically it was P'Pha. 'Sorry' I mouth before being dragged out of the room.

"This way babe." P'Pha calls directing me towards my office.

Once we get there he hands me the bag than directs me to the privacy screen in the corner. I hesitate, he can be over the top with this dress up thing. I open the bag and sigh at its contents.

"P'Pha! Don't you think this is going too far?" I yell as I look at myself in the mirror.

"Not at all. You said that I got to buy the costumes next time. Well this is that time." He says seriously.

"I said if you wanted to be the fireman you should have bought the costumes." I correct.

"That's true, that is what you said, but that's not what I want to play. I want to play this." He says with a smirk.

"Are you telling me that this is how nurses dress because if they do you're quitting school today!" I rant.

"Only the naughty nurses dress this way baby. And let's not forget, who had to be the damn cat last time?" He reminds me.

I look back at the mirror and the outfit that I have on. It's a white nurse's dress sure, if their dresses came just below their ass cheeks. There's a zipper that runs the entire length of the dress, although that's not really saying a lot. Now let's add in the thigh high stockings and you've got a pervy nurse.

"Then where's your costume?" I ask.

"I'm wearing it." He says like it's completely obvious.

"You only have on your lab coat." I challenge.

"Nuh-un I also have this." He says while tapping his stethoscope.

"Then can you explain why we're in my office?" I demand.

"Oh well, it's the only place in the house that has a desk we can fuck on." He replies.

"Did you clean up all of my stuff at least?" I relent.

"What do you take me for? Of course I cleaned up your things. You can actually see your desk can't you?" He counters.

Well that's true. I don't know why but he has this thing about my desk. Ever since that time we pretended that I failed him on his test he has found a few reasons to do it here. Well not here, in the old house. This will be our first time on my desk in the new house.

I sigh in defeat as I walk to the door and make sure that it's locked then knock on it. He looks up from behind my desk. He rests his elbows on it lacing his fingers together before resting his chin there.

"Nurse Yo. How can I help you?" He asks with a twinkle in his eye.

"I'm here to give you the files on your next patient." I say assuming that is something that would happen.

"Sure, bring the chart here." He commands as he stretches out his hand and I walk towards him with the pretend file.

"You're new here right? I haven't seen you before." He says.

"Yes doctor, I started here yesterday." I reply.

"I see. Well I look forward to working with you." He says and smiles.

My knees actually give out and I fall to the floor.

"Shit! Yo! Are you alright?" He asks as he runs around the desk.

"Do you smile like that for everyone?" I ask feeling dazzled.

He chuckles once he hears my question. He helps me up and makes sure I'm steady.

"Did you just get weak in knees?" He asks, unsuccessfully trying to hide his smile.

Feeling embarrassed I look away. He hooks his finger under my chin and guides my face towards his. He softly kisses my forehead, eyes, nose, and then lips.

"I still get butterflies when I see you. Sometimes I can't believe that you're actually mine. It just makes me really happy to know that you feel the same way." He says causing me to smile.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I wrap my arms around his neck. I peck his lips several time until I can calm down my own butterflies.

"Doctor, I think I need your attention." I whisper and I can almost picture a dog tail start to wag.

"Let me look you over nurse Yo. First we need to get this uniform off you. Are you alright with that?" He asks and I simply nod my head.

He slowly unzips the front then gently pushes the collar causing the dress to fall off of my shoulders, down my arms, and onto the floor. He runs his hands up and down my arms for a moment before dragging them down my torso.

"Let me listen to your heart." He says his voice taking on a huskier tone.

I instantly flinch as soon as the stethoscope touches my skin. It's freezing. What was he thinking? He looks at me apologetically as he brings the instrument to his mouth and blows warm air on it. When he replaces it I don't move.

"Better?" He asks and I simply nod my head yes.

"Your heart is beating fast." He comments.

Well of course it is, my mostly naked, incredibly good looking husband is sitting in front of me letting his hands roam freely over my body. It would be strange if my heart wasn't racing.

"Should I be worried doctor?" I ask placing my hand over his.

He falters for a second staring into my eyes.

"P'Pha." I whisper and he begins to blink rapidly.

"Oh screw this." He says as he pushes me down and covers my body with his.

He starts peppering my face with kisses before he goes for my mouth. His hand has slipped behind my head, cradling it while his tongue invades my mouth. He presses his bare chest against mine as he languidly kisses me. It's no less passionate than usual just more sensual this way. His free hand is gliding up and down the side of my body, caressing it before cupping my butt and giving a light squeeze.

He rolls us so that I'm top and smiles at me when he breaks our kiss. I know what he wants. He's very demanding. I reach into his pocket because I know what's there. I pull out the lube and shake my head as I pour some onto my fingers.  I stroke his waiting cock making sure to get it nice and slick.  I add a little more into my hand and tend to myself, making sure that my hole is nice and relaxed.

I sit down on him, slowly.  I can see that he wants to grab my hips and thrust fully into me while he pulls my body down to meet him but he doesn't.  He watches me with an intense stare as I continue what I was doing. 

"Ahh." I let out as I finally take all of him in. 

I sit there for a moment letting myself adjust.  I love this full feeling so sometimes I take advantage of it.  I can see the impatience flicker in his eyes so I lean down and start to kiss him.  I move his hands so that they are firmly grasping my ass then whisper for him to take me.

As soon as he pulls his knees up he starts his assault, thrusting vigorously into me.  My body rocks with his and it makes kissing difficult but not impossible.  I settle for sucking on his tongue at this moment.

He's got a great rhythm and now he's found it.  I scream out as he soundly rubs against that spot.  He pummels into me a few more times before pulling out.  I stand and walk over to the desk.  I slump down letting my body drape over the desk and then I use my hands to spread my cheeks apart.

"You know I like to be done first." He comments.

"Next time." I manage to get out before he shoves his dick back into me.

He kisses up and down my spine before he gets back to work.  The feet of my desk scratch along the floor as his powerful movements propel us forward.  He's breathing heavily with a slight moan every time he pushes in.

My forehead is pressed into my desk while my hands now grip the front of my desk.  I try to push back to meet him, I want to feel him deep inside of me as much as possible.  I can feel it coming now, my impending orgasm.  It's so close and I beg for him to fuck me harder.

I feel like he's riding me and not the other way around.  He uses his hands to push my hips forward and backwards to go along with what his hips are doing.  He speeds up causing that delicious friction to radiate through my tunnel and up to my brain.

No sound comes out of my mouth.  My mouth is wide open as a silent scream tries to escape.  I spray onto my desk.  Every forward thrust from him pushes more out.  He continues this until I can't cum anymore.

Two, maybe three thrusts later I hear a low groan and he pushes in as hard and as deep as he can.  Then I feel his release flow into me.  He lays on me kissing the back of my neck while he pants heavily.

"You..(breath)..better..(gulp the breath)..Clean..(breath).. my desk." I tell him.

He laughs as he places random kisses on my neck.  He hasn't bothered to pull out yet.

"It's my turn now." He says as he starts to move.

"When we get back to our room.  I'll do you then." I promise.

"But your couch is just as good." He whines.

"But I'm tired now, this way I can calm down a bit before I do you." I explain.

"OK.  It's your turn to buy the costumes too." He says.

"Oh I already have them.  You'll make a sexy butler."

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