Feeling Christmas everywhere

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Elena and Elijah were completely phased at seeing one another. Neither could believe that they would meet the way they just had done.

Elena felt slightly dizzy for some reason, hyper-ventilating a little inside. Elijah would lie if he said he felt any different.

'You... here? How is this possible?"

"It is her?!" Kol said, pulling Klaus by the arm."That's the woman, isn't it?"

"Yeah" Klaus slipped, turning back to Caroline.

Snapping out of the momentary dumbstruck moment, Elijah walked over to Elena.

"Hello" his soft voice had was had a deep timbre, the kind that anchors one's soul to a single moment in time.

Elena was transported to that sweet summer night in Italy, mumbling hello back to him, feeling butterflies in her stomach she so tried desperately to ignore. "You're - from New Orleans?"

"Yes - uhm - I live in New York, actually. My parents and my youngest brother, still live here. Yes. Uhm - I'm Elijah - I've never introduced myself properly."

"No - uhm - I'm Elena"

"Yes. Elena Gilbert. The famous explorer" Elijah clumsily cu her off.n"I've read the aricle in The Geographic."

"You did?" Elena's eyes flickered with surprise.

"I did. It is fascinating. Amazing discovery." Elijah said, losing himself
In her enchanting smile.

"It is amazing. It's all thanks to Satelitte imagery." Elena got full back in her scientific mode, her coping mechanism when she tried to deflect from her emotions."The biggest thing was the coin minted in Norway around 1000 A.D. Strangely the one."

Elijah knew of the coin, of course, as it was something he took with him from the Old World. He remembered losing it. She of all people found it. Circumstance?

Well, surely, it was the work of that something above.

Kol rolled his eyes a little as he listened to Elijah and Elena. He never understood how Elijah ever managed to pull any woman as he would always start talking about the most boring stuff. But, as Klaus would remind his younger brother, Elijah had always been bookish. Resulting that his relationship fizzled out, as the physical was not enough. Not with Elijah. He always looked for a soulmate, someone he could endlessy discuss anything meta.

"Send them a few drinks over" Kol said to the bartender referring to Elejah, who stood in the same spot at the entrance door,"maybe they will stop talking about the squinty stuff and actually get to the nitty gritty"

"Knowing Elena it will take a while" Bonnie said.

"Well, then. Shall we get to the nitty gritty then?" Kol suggested.

Bonnie raised an eyebrow at the vampire, but didn't mind his very forward advances at all.

At the bar, Caroline took a sip of the cocktail handed by Klaus. "Elena meeting Elijah, and he us your brother- wow- can this get any more spooky?! But it is Christmas! Unusal things happen over Christmas, not that anything particular happened to any of us in the last 20 plus years. Well, nothing much ever happened. At least nothing magical, really."

"This one is definitely looking up" Rebekah added as she smiled at Jackson. Bold as she was, she grabbrd her drink and waljed over to him.

Sage finally made it, joining the whole bunch. Finn updated his wife about the latest going ons. And when she realized that Elena was Elijah's Elena, she agreed that the Christmas magic was showing its full force.

The placed buzzed with the pre-Christmas spirit as the sound of Mucgael Bubble filled the place.

For each of them it felt like walking in the winter wonderland. How and when they said their goodnights was unimportant. All had a great night. Some better than they could ever had imagined.

Bidding goodnight and now invitation bursting out for the Ball somehow rounded up the evening.

"It was nice talking to you" Elijah said as they were to part fir the evening.

"Me, too" her eyes glittered at him.

And even though they talked extensively about archeology, they didn't step over the treshold of what happened in Italy. The was left lingering.


When the Scoobies got to their home, Caroline couldn't wait to find out all about Elijah.

"OMG- how could talk about work all the time? He was there- actually there. And he is hot, not that he is my type, but I so get you. I would want some of that candy, not that I will ever do it. His brother is just such a candiest candy of them all. Why am I suddenly talking like a fairy-tale person. I thought I was going to die when I saw him" Elena gushed.

"I know- the way you looked at me- like you've seen the ghost of all ghosts," Bonnie said,"but, it is nothing like I imagined he would be. He is a suit guy."

"So?" Elena didn't see why this was a biggy.

"Let's face it- you are always up to your neck in mud, litteraly. It's obvious he is totally exec" Bonnie said.

"Ok, we are total opposites, who cares. It's not like this will go anywhere. So we met, talked and that's it."

"OMG, Elena, are you serious? He was like all googley eyes at you. How can you even say that's it?" Caroline shot at her friend.

"Ok, guys- I admit- everything tonight has thrown me- and- ahm. But- I haven't told you about me and Kai"

"What you and Kai? When?" Caroline said now miffed that Elena has kept something from them on the hook-up front.

"The last month we have kind of- well, we're together, but it's nothing official." Elena said.

"You mean- you are together- but you are not exclusive. Kai Parker- seriously? Why?"

"Why?" Bonnie stepped in."Do you know where she is- in the middle of nowhere- so if anyone cute is available-"

"But I thought you were in love with Elijah?" Caroline said.

"When did I say I was in love with Elijah? I just said that the night with him was amazing and - that's it. I don't really know the guy. I didn't even know his last name till tonight. Nor that he had four siblings. Nothing really. Kai and I, we work together." Elena replied.

"Have you just crushed my fairy-tales story?" Caroline said disappointingly.

"But you have your own fairy-tale story with his brother hapoening- or not?" Elena pointed out to Caroline.

"It's early days - but it all can end up being nothing. You know my track record." Caroline huffed, getting up from thr sofa. "Let's see if the comet really can do its magic like Bonnie said."

"I am telling you that it will change things." Bonnie cocked her eyebriw at her friends and trailed of to her bedroom as well as she had to get up early in the morning.

Elena stayed on, all by herself in the living room. Her head was all over the place, as well as her feelings. She never thought she would ever meet him again. Ever. But, it was clear the universe didn't think so. She didn't believe in circumstances. She believed in logical things even though a friend of hers was a witch. And she has seen her friend make feathers float in the air. And make haunted houses ghost free. And he thought of the mathematical probability of things to happened, the likelihood of it- her heart drumming widely as she remembered the moment she saw him in the bar- she now looked out of the window into the night.

In the Garden district, Elijah was in his room. Completely restless. Elena was here. And she was the most amazing gift that came his way. He looked out of the window into the night.

The Comet was fast approaching...

a/n: thank you so much for reading.


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