The Power Of Love

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Mikaelson Mansion

Rebekah looked stunned at Elijah, as he told her how things went with Elena.

"You will just let her go?"

"No - I don't know. I don't want to appear being pushy."

"Pushy? I can't believe what I am hearing. She is the woman you've dreamt about all these months. She is here and you will let a glitch destroy your future happiness? Elijah - what's the matter with you?"

"What would you have me do?"

Rebekah sighed, walking out herself, but she didn't follow her brother. She went to, basically, inform others about the Elejah mishap.

In the history of all Mikaelson's festivities, not once did things run smoothly. The year before it was Rebekah with her +1, a few years back Kol got drunk nearly causing a fight, and well, this year, Elijah and his love turmoil.


Rousseau's actually

No matter how Caroline was wrapped into Klaus' stories about his last adventure, she thought of Elena.

"Love, what's the matter? You're absent minded." Klaus gently touched her arm with his back hand.

"Elena has a weird self-harm mechanism when it comes to guys. She is not harming herself litteraly. Like cutting herself. It's actually subconscious." Caroline said.

"What do you mean?" Klaus was all ears.

"She is rejecting Elijah because of her past experiences. And she us bailing out already. Because her heart could be broken again." Caroline explained.

"I second that. She didn't want to open the gift he left her." Bonnie said, who joined the conversation as Kol went out to take a call.

"Or it's self-preservation. Maybe we can talk to her." Klaus suggested.

Seeing Rebekah approaching with a flustered face, they all turned to the blonde.

"What's the matter?" Klaus asked.

"Elijah." Rebekah said. "He is packing. Leaving first thing in the morning."

"Oh, God, he's gone into the brooding mode." Klaus said. "Right, we need a plan."

"Oh, a man of action" Caroline's eyes sparkled.

"We'll go talk to her." Klaus said. "I can't have him moping forever. And forever is a long time."

"What's up?" Kol said as he saw faces plotting.

"They think that they'd convince Elena that Elijah is worth giving another chance." Bonnie filled him in.

"But you think it's not going to work?"

"No. I know Elena. When she shuts down - she shuts down." Bonnie said.

"That stubborn, ha?" Kol concluded.

"Yes." Bonnie confirmed.

Caroline begged to differ.
But none of it mattered, because the plan of pleading Elijah's case went futile as Elena was not at the house, though all her things were still there. As well as her phone.

"Here us a note." Bonnie said as she saw a paper stuck on the fridge door.

"Gone for a walk. E."

"Well, now we can leave it to the comet to do its magic." Caroline said.

"Yeah." Klaus muttered.

"Guys, we got to go." Kol turned to his siblings. "The clock is ticking. Mother will be furious if we're late."

"Since when do you care being on time?" Rebekah was stunned.

"Never you mind." Kol shot back.

"He is right." Klaus looked at the clock. It was nearly 7 p.m. "The car will pick you up at 9", he said to Caroline.

"We'll be ready." Caroline saw the Originals out.

Though they said they would go to the Ball, neither Bonnie nor Caroline them felt good about it.

After taking a long walk, Elena sat down for some beignets and a cup of coffee at The Vintage.

Whenever she needed solace, she would go back to her journal. She would write quotes, thoughts. Her emotions.

Flicking through it, she found something she wrote years back.

"Those we love take up a residence in our hearts and should they be absent that room stays empty - none can ever take their place. And should this not be the case, then I say to you that you do not love, and this is your curse, the reason you will never touch the grail you seek."

She inhaled sharply. Elijah took residence in her heart.

Damn. What was she going to do? Did she overreact?

Caroline would most probably answer with a simple duh.

Taking a sip of the coffee, she flashed back to the night in the French Quarter house.


Having dressed, Elijah pulled her gently to him, embracing her lovingly.

He moved a stray lock of her hair off her forehead and caressed the side of her face before he kissed her. Tenderly.

"Dr Gilbert?" a voice from the neighbouring table made Elena snap out of her dream-like flashback.

"Dr Augustine? Hello." Elena said to the woman.

"I called you an hour ago. I left you a message." Lenore said.

"You did? Uhm - I left my home at the house I'm staying. Sorry - I'm surprised to see you here."

"I am from New Orleans. Visiting my family." Lenore said as she sat down with Elena.

"Oh, yes - I remember you said so."

"Congratulations - the Nova Scotia discovery changes everything now."

"Thank you." Elena smiled a little appreciatively. "You said you sent me a message. Is it something important? How did things go in Turkey?"

"Oh - we discovered a Viking neighborhood in the ancient city of Bathonea near Lake Küçükçekmece. I have sent you the details. Well, thanks to your input when we met in Sorrento."

"I am glad that I contributed. They are a pretty amazing people. Especially their adventurous spirit. Also, influencing so many."

"Christmas in a way, too." Lenore said."Mistletoe. Yule log. Wreaths.  Holiday miracles. To name but a few traditions they held for Yule."

"Yes. Even Father Christmas." Elena said. "It is a fusion of ancient myths, legends and folklore, the resemblance and connection to the Norse god Odin that has many historians believing he was the original Santa."

Elena remembered that Odin was described as gift giver. "In the Eddic poem, Voluspa en skamma, Freyja elaborates on Odin as gift-giver.

"We'll ask Odin 

to keep us in mind

he gives gold to those who are worthy

He gave Hermoth a helmet and armor.  

He gave Sigmund a sword as a gift. 

He gives victory to some

money to others

eloquence to many, 

and common sense to all. 

 He gives waves to the sea, 

word-skill to poets, 

he gives many the happiness of love

"I think that some Norse people still believe that. Well, I know one family that does. They hold a Yule Ball every year. Right here in New Orleans." Lenore said.

"Would it be the Mikaelsons?" Elena wondered.

"Yes.." Lenore said in a low tone. "Can I tell you something - but you need to keep it to yourself?"

"Of course." Elena was intrigued.

"The Mikaelsons are vikings. They are the Original vampire family. They are a very real 10th century Viking family that blended perfectly with the modern world."

Elena's breath hitched at the revelation, thinking of Elijah, of course.

"Dr Augustine - uhm - how do you know this?"

"I am a witch. My family knows them for a very long time, even before we came to New Orleans." Lenore said. "Their charity Ball has funded many archeological projects. But they never take any credit. Elijah Mikaelson funded the Turkey and Russia. He's a wonderful man. Kind. Honorable and gracious." Lenore said.

"He is?" Elena's tone of voice was more rethorical than anything else.

"Yes. The scholarly world owes him a greal deal." Lenore concluded.

"Dr Augustine - I have somewhere to be. But I'd like to meet with you after Christmas. I am staying here for New Year's celebration, too."

"Yes - absolutely." Lenore nodded.

"I apologize again for rushing off." Elena took her Journal and paid for her drink and beignets.

Elena's heart and mind were legendary for disagreeing when love was concerned.

This time it wasn't any different. Adding the whole guilty feeling over Kai in the mix, just made everything worse.

She hurried back to the house, having found Bonnie and Caroline watchingva Christmas movie.

"You ok? Where were you?" Caroline jumped up from the sofa.

"I just went for a walk. Why are you guys not ready?"

"We decided that we were not going." Bonnie replied.

"Because of me - oh, you guys" Elena's eyes watered, stretching her arms for a group hug. "You are the best."

"We couldn't have fun, thinking you were miserable sitying here on your own." Bonnie said.

"If it's not too late, let's get ready for the Ball." Elena said.

"What?" Caroline stepped back, her eyes widening surprised.

"I had this - like an epiphany moment." Elena said. "I don't want to lose him. I have to go and apologize for having a crazy moment."

"Yay!" Caroline exclaimed. "I can get us all ready in no time."

"Great. And sorry guys for being - yeah - sorry."

"Go, get a shower. I will do Bonnie's make up and hair." Caroline gestured to Elena to get off up the stairs.

Elena went up to her room. As she got her bathrobe, she spotted the Elijah's gift on the chest of drawers.

Taking it, she pulled the exquisite ribbon off. As she opened it, her heart melted away seeing the brooch.

Dreams are like angels
They keep bad at bay
Love is the light
Scaring darkness away
I'm so in love with you
Make love your goal


In the Mikaelson Mansion, the guest were still arriving. Esther and Mikael were in full swing welcoming everyone.

Rebekah strolled in the big Hall with Aya, followed by Klaus, Finn and Sage.

"Here we go." the blonde said.

"Anyone seen Kol?" Finn asked.

"He's probably got problems with his tux," Rebekah said,"you know how he hates formal atire."

Not long after, Kol appeared stretching the collar a bit with his fingers.

Klaus jabbed at him."I see a rash coming, but I believe the witch will kiss it better soon."

"Have you sent the car for them?" Rebekah asked Klaus, who said he would take care of it.

"Yes, Ma'm" Klaus replied to his sister. "They should have been here already.

One of the many staff approached Klaus, informing him that the chauffeur returned saying that Caroline cancelled.

"What's up?" Kol questioned.

"They are not coming to the Ball." Klaus said, taking his phone, exiting the Hall.

Kol sighed disappointed, and went to get a drink.

Rebekah didn't have time to comment as she saw Jackson walk in.

Having finished talking to Caroline, Klaus went up to Kol.

"They will be here shortly. But don't say anything to Elijah."

"Elena is coming, too!?" Kol said.

"Yes. The force from above is coming through after all." Klaus commented, his mood improving greatly.

"So, Mother was right. The Comet has got magical powers after all." Kol sipped a bit of the Champagne and straighrened his suit.

Not long after, Bonnie and Caroline entered, followed by Elena.

Elijah who had just excused himself to his father and the Mayor, turned towards the entrance.

He stood still, stunned at seeing Elena there. He looked at her, mesmerized.

It was like seeing an angel that descended from above.

The Power of Love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame on burn desire
Love with tongues of fire
Purge the soul
Make love your goal

This time we go sublime
Lovers entwined divine divine
Love is danger, love is pleasure
Love is pure, the only treasure
I'm so in love with you
Make love your goal

_to be continued ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆


a/n: Merry Christmas! 🎄

_two more parts left...ho-ho-ho! 🎅

_ xoxo 🥰🎈💕

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