You make it feel like Christmas

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It was two days before the grand Mikaelson Christmas Ball. Esther was up early checking the last details with the party organizer. Everything had to be perfect, as always. There was one thing she could be in control. Nearly everything actually, except for her children. They would always do the exact opposite from her and her husband's wishes. Even Finn, although he was the most obedient one. Elijah would in some ways respect his mother's wishes, but he would anyway do things the way he thought was better.

Same as all witches, she was very much aware of the comet's arrival. It was a sign of change, but in a good way. The balance would be set upon the world.

"friðr (peace)", as she said in Old Norse, "time of peace, tranquillity, love, understanding", was about to descend on us all, like it once was, when the Gods walked the Earth".

In the old days, she would sit all of her children down to tell them the story of the flying star, the comet, once long time ago at Yuletide when they settled in Nova Scotia so many centuries ago. Elijah was then sixteen, Finn fourteen, Klaus eleven, Kol eight and Rebekah six. And now as they all came down to breakfast, she saw them as such, as their souls still had that same innocence within them as she gathered them around the fireplace.

"Good morning" she said even though it was already midday as everyone got to the dining room.

They returned the good morning to their Mother and she thanked them for respecting the tradition to all sit down together. Sage, being Finn's wife was also included in the family's special gathering, and so would all future wives/husband or whatever steady relationships with the significant other her other children would have.

She now asked each of them about how things were in their lives, prompting them to share the good and the bad as much as they wanted to. She was eager to find out about their +1 they were bringing to the Ball.

Rebekah then blasted how they needed special invitations to send out. And she told her mother now in front of everyone the extraordinary story about the Scooby bunch. Of course, making it out how they kind of knew them from before, but how they didn't know whether they would make it to New Orleans. It was a fib, but Kol, Klaus and even Elijah went with it.

"Fine. Give me the names and I will make sure they are dispatched out immediately."

They stayed a little while longer and then nearly all of them announced how they still had errands to run and so they each went about the day.

Elijah pulled Rebekah aside as they got out of the dining room thanking her somewhat for making the invitations be kind of a group thing.

"See, how inviting Aya was a bad thing" she shot at her brother, who very much aware of the blunder.

"I could not have known that Elena would appear just like that" he said.

"I know." Rebekah sighed a little. And she would do anything to get him out of the pickle. Her mind was working in overdrive, as usual, but now she wanted to know how it went with Elena. Was the spark still there.

"According to her heart - she was perplexed." Elijah said.

"Ah, you listened to her heart. So used your vampiric senses, have you?! Perplexed is not good."

"But it is not bad, either. It was actually really good."

"OMG- you're so in love. I've never seen you so- "Rebekah could not find the word for it. But it was sweet, she thought.

A tad bit later in the Boutique, Klaus and Rebekah continued to talk about Elijah and Elena, and the fact that Elijah had invited Aya to the Ball.

"He needs to cancel on her asap or everything will turn into a total disaster." Rebekah said.

"Agreed. Now will you please help me choose a gown for Caroline. Elijah can handle himself."

"What would she think if she found out your sister helped you." Rebekah cocked an eyebrow.

"I have asked you only because I can't make up my mind and you are so much better at this. I like both."

Rebekah now looked at the gowns, that Klaus picked out. "It's good you took me because- you may have a good eye for a photograph angle- but you really don't know what fits a blonde woman."

"The grey-blue one, "Rebekah turned to the shop assistant," I will take the yellow one. I wonder how Kol and Elijah are going on shopping."


Earlier at the Bennett house. Bonnie was first up, as she needed to go get the shop open. She found Elena asleep on the living room sofa. She saw the doppelganger's tablet on the table with headphones still in it. It was clear that Elena was listening to the music. When she had heart trouble she would always listen to music.

The witch slipped out leaving a message to everyone to come around to the shop later.

An hour or so later Matt got down. As he was making coffee, Elena moved hearing a clang coming from the kitchen. The doorbell rang and she now got but to see who it was.

It one of Esther's many assistants handing the special invitations to Elena, who took them, still dreamy just nodding to the man. She looked at the four envelops all addressed to four of them. Caroline now showed up as well, and Elena handed the envelope with her name, then Matt, the one with his name.

All three of them opened the invitations. Elena read hers.

Elena Gilbert

You are cordially invited to the

Mikaelson Charity

Yule Ball

Wednesday, December 22

8 pm until midnight

St. Charles Ave

Elena's heart trembled; Caroline's was elated.

"I have nothing to wear for a Ball like that"- Elena said putting the card down on the kitchen counter.

"Now, don't tell me you're not going. You'll just go and buy a dress" Caroline shot at her friend.

"It has to be a gown. This thing they hold every year is up there" Elena said poring herself some coffee.

"You read about them- which means- I knew it. Elijah is so got under your skin"

Elena could not lie. "Ok. Yes. I read about them. Him. What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. Sorry. I just get so excited. You know I want you to be happy and get the dream guy. Kai is not the dream guy. Still can't get over it that you two hooked up. He is not Jake. I see you falling for Jake, but never Kai"

Since Caroline worked for the Parker- Saltzman family, she knew both twins Kai and Jake Parker. Kai being the archaeologist that worked with Elena for years, and Kai, the detective, working for Portland PD, a much dearer and sweeter person, whereas Kai was the opposite, the adventurer and pure charmer.

Meanwhile, that charmer didn't think twice about Elena. In Portland he was with his ex from High School, flirting heavily with her.

"Wife, me? Are you kidding me No." Kai said to Jessica. "I'm free as a bird. You know how it is. Every year I am doing a project somewhere else. It's not fair for me to commit. Unless my heart suddenly gets stolen."

"So, no one stole it yet? " Jessica smirked a little.

"I remember once, long time ago, at Homecoming dance, someone grabbed it" Kai said.

Jessica knew what he was referring to. They were once the Homecoming dance King and Queen. The old spark flickered from nowhere...or maybe the comet dust already did its magic.

Back in New Orleans, a special delivery came by the Bennett house, addressed to Caroline Forbes.

It was the gown. She could not believe her eyes as she opened the box and got it out.

Caroline took the card and read Klaus' message.

When they were kids, Caroline had always had this dreamy romantic picture of how one day she would me this guy, who would sweep her away from the little town in Virginia and make her his queen.

Now it seemed the Once Upon a Time thing was really happening.

Both Elena and Matt were happy for her. But then as the impact this gift produced subsided. "I'm sending it back"

"Why?" Elena was puzzled by Caroline's sudden reaction.

"I can't be going in this most gorgeous gown of them all, and you don't have one" Caroline put the gown back into the box.

"It's ok, Caroline. I don't have to have a gown like that." Elena reassured her friend.

"And neither do I" Caroline said. "I'll thank him, but we will go shopping and buy our own. "

Not long after, they met up with Bonnie in her antique/magic shop.

"Guess, who got an invitation to the Ball, too." Sophie said to the women.

"You?" Caroline was surprised.

"No. Jackson. I'm actually working as a waitress at the Ball. Anyway, can you pick up a tux for him. He doesn't want to go, but I think that he needs someone like Rebekah Mikaelson, after the year he had. And a messy break-up."

"Right- no problem. But he will not be happy to be pushed to go." Bonnie said.

"I will work my magic on him. Not literally." The witch replied.

"Ok. We are on it." Caroline said.

And so, Christmas gown shopping was the order of the day, among other things. After they got the gowns and their trusted male friend his tux, they all went for lunch and then stories of Christmases past were evoked. They were some good times. Especially the last year before they went to college. This was when the last time they were happy and careless, and world was this place of great abundant opportunities. But next Christmas it was not so.

"Enough of the bad," Caroline said, "that is why we will really have the best time ever. Deal?"

The way she looked at their friends- they could not say anything else except- Deal.

Caroline went off to do some more shopping, and deal with Klaus' gown. Bonnie and Elena returned to the shop. Elena offering a helping hand at the shop as Sophie called saying it was a mad house and they needed another pair of hands for wrapping up gifts.


The Mikaelson siblings were also busy shopping. It was a matter of time when some of them would venture into Bonnie's shop. The one that was eager to go to the shop was Kol, and Elijah accompanied him as he was interested in the antiques she had. He had not thought he would see Elena working there. Bonnie went to them, greeting them and thanking for the invitations.

Elijah nodded a little, and glanced at Elena, who was finishing wrapping a present to a customer. He went over to her, and they exchanged little hellos. She thanked him for the invitation as well.

"You're very welcome "Elijah said. "I am glad you have accepted. I know my brothers are very excited" he nudged a little at Kol in full flirtation mode with Bonnie. "Me, too" giving her a meaningful look listening to her heart's response. And it fluttered. He now asked her when she was getting off, inviting her for a drink.

Elena looked at the clock. "In half an hour". She did not forget about Kai, but having a drink was not like she was cheating. She then excused herself as people waited for her to continue with the wrapping.

He smiled a little giving her a happy nod and then let her continue. He went to look around and see if some item took his fancy. Both brothers made some purchases and Bonnie shut the shop not long after.

All four of them left for a drink, letting the others know where they were. They all joined them a little later. There was fun to be had. They all enjoyed their time together. The Mikaelsons now shared their different Christmas anecdotes, and they had plenty to tell, especially those involving Kol, Klaus and Rebekah, who have always been the mischievous ones. Elijah and Finn were always the ones who had to get them out of all the trouble they got into when they were kids.


One of many Esther's assistants called Klaus to let him know that a package had arrived to him- and it was the gown Caroline sent back.

And so, as he came to Rousseau's, after ordering a drink and getting Caroline's attention, he brought it up. "I presume the gown you would be wearing is far more stunning than the one you returned?!"

"I didn't mean to be ungrateful. It's a gorgeous gown, but I can't accept extravagant gifts from someone I had just met two days ago." Caroline said in a sweet apologetical manner.

"I understand," Klaus smirked charmingly,"so delightfully independent"

He was not far from the truth. It was like Caroline had this bipolar thing at times- she wanted prince charming, but she also wanted to show that she can take care of herself. It was at the best a continuing paradox.

"Yeah, well, but I like to be independent with someone, but that someone somehow always slips away"- Caroline said flirtatiously.

"Have they? They must have been fools to let you go" Klaus said and Caroline looked at him in disbelief. How was it that this vampire was so into her? It was magic of Christmas, but Caroline's heart wished it was forever. Klaus could see a glimpse of sadness pop up in her eyes.

"I will not slip away" his gaze serious.

"No?" Caroline slipped her eyes still on his. It was like the moment of honesty- was this really the thing that was to be - forever and ever?

"No." Klaus confirmed.

In Caroline's head it was like she was walking through a dream. She now closed the gap between them. They didn't care if they were in a bar full of people as she felt it was only them there- Klaus gently pulled her closer to him and their lips touched exploding in a kiss making the fire inside them burst out uncontrollably.


Bonnie glanced at the smooching Klaroline, happy for her friend, knowing how much she craved a distraction of that kind. She wished she was a little bit like Caroline, but she could not let her impulses guide her. And Kol's very forward flirting was met with like on her part, even though she remained reserved, but Kol interpreted it as hard to get, until Rebekah let him in on Bonnie losing Jeremy, which she got from her conversation to Jackson about Bonnie and her friends. And Kol changed his demeanour towards Bonnie, exhibiting his sensitive side.

"How about we leave the love birds and grab something to eat- you've been working all day I hear" Kol suggested.

"I am starving actually"Bonnie said.

"I know a place that has best gumbo- Mama Agnes" Kol said.

"Mama Agnes? I heard about it, but it's always full. You have to book like months in advance"

"Not me. We will walk straight in the kitchen. Come on."

Bonnie was intrigued.

The Mikaelsons were a founding family of New Orleans, and every witch coven new them, agreeing to let them stay there, as long as they modify their vampiric habits. Mama Agnes was a witch of the oldest coven, before the Mikaelsons arrived and the coven that acted as mediators between the Mikaelsons and the werewolf families.

Kol was her favourite and he could get in whenever he wanted. And he would always visit her when visiting NOLA. But he never brought a girl with him.

Agnes knew about Bonnie and who she was. Their great-aunts were not friends, as Eleonora Bennett married Jacob Adu, a Haitian warlock that didn't obey any of the covens. But she still had respect for the Bennetts.

Hearing now that Kol was there with the witch, she came to the kitchen greeting them both warmly. Kol presented Bonnie to the old witch, who just smiled a little."You must be something special as he had never brought a girl here. I was thinking this boy will never fall in love"

"We're just-" Bonnie looked at Kol, who raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, I like you. I like you a lot. More than a lot."

Bonnie was speechless.

Agnes interrupted their little awkward moment ushering them to a table. "Let's get you some good home cooking. The Ball will have all that fancy stuff."

Then she looked once more at Bonnie. "Welcome to New Orleans"

Bonnie was completely lost not quite understanding what that meant, but now she had to deal with Kol's declaration that was huge for her, but him as well.


As they got out of the bar, they all paired off to kind of walk back to the Bennett house. And each pair walked in their own pace, kind of disappearing in the crowd. The French Quarter was beautifully decorated. Elejah was talking about all different stuff. He told he a little bit about what his job was. He was working for a company that dealt in environmental building materials, sustainable energy, coordinating it all over the world. And they got to Italy and what conference he was at there.

"Did you know that in Iceland 85% of total primary energy supply is derived from produced renewable energy?" Elijah said." I wish we get that all around the world."

"I did" Elena nodded."I may be an expert on Norseman spanning from 8000 B.C. to 1100. A.D. But I know also about the very modern ones, too"

"Of course you would."

And there it was- Italy. They both knew that at one point or the other it would come on the table- Elena stopped suddenly. "This is not what I do... I mean- that night in Sorrento- I just- it was- just- I... it was a crazy thing- I mean good crazy- really- Oh, God-"

She was uncomfortable and it was the last thing he wanted her to feel.

"It's ok." Elijah said."It was good- crazy. I agree. And- just so you know it. It is not what I do, either. Sleep with a woman that I just had met-"

"Huh- ok. That's done. Can we - just- "

And she looked at him meekly, her heart started beating wildely. She wanted it to calm down so badly, but it wouldn't. Elijah understood its thrums and hums so very well.

She looked at him with eyes glistening in the night. She loved that he had this great love for his siblings, and a certain nobility about him- eyes that were sparkling. I am so falling for you, and I don't know what is happening to me. And he caught it. His heart smiled. He had fallen a long time ago, but now the feeling grew stronger. He wanted to whisk her away from the bar there and then. Take her in her arms and this time not let her disappear like she did in Italy.

Sweet gingerbread made with molasses
My heart skipped and I reacted
Can't believe that this is happening
Like a present sent from God
Sleigh bells singing hallelujah
Stars are shining on us, tooI wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like ChristmasThought I was done for, thought that love had died
But you came along, I swear you saved my life
And I wanna thank you, baby
'Cause you make it feel like Christmas

He stepped closer, slowly slipping his hand up her neck giving her a little look - and she shut her eyes - closing the gap between their lips meeting in a hearty kiss.


a.n/ what a long I hope you like it.

Thanks for reading. (∩*'∀' )⊃━☆゚.*・。゚


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