Our Shield- WWE Shield

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A/N- This one shot is going to have some names in it, and it is in honor of the almost three year anniversary of when the Shield came into the WWE Universe and turned it upside down.    


(Kristina's P.O.V.)

My friends and I were so excited for tonight!  We were going to Monday Night RAW for the first time.  I was bringing two of my best friends in the whole world, Shannon and Sarah, with me.  We were excited to see the Shield in action.  

Granted, they were phenomenal superstars inside the ring.  Outside of the ring, we each had a slight celebrity crush on each of the members.   Shannon liked the wild card of the Shield, Dean Ambrose.  Sarah thought the Architect was adorable, and I thought that Roman Reigns was the best member of the Shield.  We were so excited to see who would they were versing tonight.  

Lately, the Shield was butting heads with the creepers of the WWE, or also known as the Wyatt Family.  As long as justice prevails, none of us would care.  We arrived at the arena, and we were immediately admitted to the best event in the world: Monday Night RAW.  

The show dragged on and on, but we found out that the first match was the Shield clashing against the Wyatt Family in a no disqualifications elimination match.  Whoever was the last team standing would win the match.  There would be a lot of going around the ring, and it made us excited.  Our seats were right next to the barricade. 

The Wyatts entered the arena first, and we booed them.  The whole arena greeted them with boos.  It was kind of funny to watch their reactions to the crowd.  Once the Shield entered, our boos turned to cheering, because we were seeing the Shield live.  The whole arena cheered for Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins.  As they walked over to their corner, the three of them winked at the three of us.  We had the biggest grins on our faces.  Basically, that would be the closest we would ever meet them in person.  Plus, they are tall and the three of us are really short.   

The bell signaled the beginning of the match.  Bodies went flying all over the place.  It was an exciting match, because no team had the advantage at any point during the match, until we heard, "Luke Harper has been eliminated."

"Yes!" I exclaimed.  

Sarah was excited because Seth Rollins caused the first elimination.  Erick Rowan was eliminated by Dean Ambrose, and that made my friend Shannon excited.  All three of them went to work on Bray Wyatt, but Wyatt had a microphone in his hand.  Before they could pin him down, he spoke just loud enough that we knew what he said.  

Bray Wyatt started to speak up, "Sister Abigail will awake soon.  Her minions will follow her arrival."

The lights quickly shut off, and I felt somebody grab my arm.  Shannon and Sarah also felt this same sensation.  I screamed out, "Help!"

Before I knew it, I was backstage with the Wyatt Family along with my two friends.  I was terrified because they scared us to death.  They might have been tall in the ring, but being somewhat next to them, the Wyatt Family were like a bunch of giants among men.  

Bray Wyatt whispered to me, "Welcome back, Sister Abigail."

After that, we were tossed into a pitch-black room.  I started to move around, but I accidentally ran into my friends.

"Watch where you are going, Tini!"

"Sorry, Sarah."

I kept walking around, and I found the door handle.  I started to shake it violently, but it was locked.  Shannon found me, and at least we knew where everyone was in the room.  We all decided to act like the door was a glass panel found at a hockey rink.  We banged on the door, and pounded it in hopes it would knock loose.  The door didn't give an inch.  That didn't stop us, because we wanted someone to hear us.  We wanted someone to see the door shaking because we were trapped.  

No one heard our pleas, and no one noted that the door was shaking.  It broke our hearts knowing that we were the prisoners of the kooky Wyatt Family.  We waited and stopped shaking the door.  We knew at this point the door wouldn't budge.  


At some point, the Wyatt Family offered us some mercy by letting us tune into the live broadcast of Monday Night RAW.  We were listening to the Diva's match between Paige and AJ Lee, when the announcers started talking about the predicament we were placed in thanks to the Wyatt Family.  

"Earlier tonight, three members of the WWE Universe were taken by the Wyatt Family in the middle of their no disqualification, elimination match between them and the Shield.  We have a little more information on the three who were taken, and Bray Wyatt told us earlier that he took Sister Abigail and her minions back to where they belong.  We do not know the relationship between the three members taken and either the Wyatt Family or the...." Michael Cole went on and we could not hear anything else that he was saying.  

Immediately, we started banging on the door again with the same hope that someone would hear us.  Someone yelled, "They're in there!"

"Back away from the door, Shield!  Sister Abigail needs to learn what happens when she leaves us.  Plus, you 'Hounds of Justice' cannot see them without this key," Bray Wyatt spoke.  

"We will get that key, Bray," Roman Reigns spoke.  

"We should back away from the door.  It's going down," I said to my two friends.  

I heard every hit against the door and the walls that surrounded it.  We were doomed unless someone from the Shield grabbed the key.  I hoped that they would grab it, and we wanted to know that we were going to be okay.  

The door opened, and we rushed out.  Sarah screamed because the Wyatt Family was just ripped to pieces.  Shannon covered her face, and I almost fainted.  Needless to say, we expect the carnage in ring only, not backstage as well.  The Shield was finishing up their promo and once the camera was dropped, they rushed over to check on the three of us.  

Each one of them started to check on us to make sure we were not harmed in this feud.  Dean Ambrose was watching Shannon, Seth Rollins was tending to Sarah's needs, and Roman Reigns made sure I didn't need anything.  

"Are you okay?" He asked me.  

"Yeah, I'm okay.  I'm a little bit shocked more than anything.  Thank you," I replied.  

We heard Bray Wyatt stir a little bit, and the Shield immediately led us to their locker room.  They didn't want us to be taken away again by the Wyatt Family.  As soon as we got in there, we thanked them as we heard the quickening steps of the Wyatt Family.  They were frantically searching for the three of us, but we were quiet.  

After they walked away, I quietly spoke to the members of the Shield, "Thank you again, but why would you help us out?"

Dean walked over to Shannon, "I can't leave a pretty woman like you in the hands of those insane Wyatts," and that caused her to blush.  

I mouthed to Sarah, "And the Wyatts are insane?!?"

Seth Rollins went over to Sarah, "We also wanted to ask you guys something."

Sarah spoke, "Go for it, and thank you for saving us."

Roman spoke, "No problem, but would you like to hang out after the show with us?"

I spoke to my friends, "Are you guys okay with that?"

They nodded at me, and I spoke aloud, "Sure, but why do you want to hang out with the three of us?"

Seth dropped his water bottle, "Who wouldn't want to get to know you guys better?"

It was going to be a long, but exciting night for Shannon, Sarah, and me.  At least it wouldn't involve anything with dark rooms, lanterns, and the Wyatt Family.  



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