Date night

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"It's been a while since we've had a date," Katara walked down the allie way as she tied her hair in a bun while they had their black clothes on and masks covering half their faces, a hood over their heads. 

"Kat we're not calling this a date, we're attacking earth benders," Zuko looked at her unamused, he left his swords behind so he wouldn't be identified. 

"No kids, just you and me? Us having a moonlight walk? Doing what we did years ago I'm calling it a date," she winked at him as Zuko rolled his eyes walking past her. 

"I'll show you a real date love," he chuckled back as Katara punched the air in victory. 

They climbed up to the roof as Zuko looked ahead seeing a fire in the distance next to the villages gazebo that the earth benders took over with drinking and food. 

Katara jumped to the ledge as she glared seeing the men where laughing as the bag of coins were on a ostrich horses saddle. 

"We go for the money or the men?" She asked her husband, crossing her arms. 

"The men," he nodded. "Ladies first?" 

"Mama has some rage," she stretched her arms up as she unhooked her water pouch before jumping down. Zuko got on one knee as he smiled watching his wife take the lead. 

Katara walked over to the men as some noticed her at first, grabbing their hammers and getting to their feet. 

"Hey it's past curfew lady!" One called over.  Katara didn't say anything but bended the water around her, immediately out stretched her arm to take down five men quickly as they were frozen together. 

"Wow you didn't waste time," Zuko jumped down next to her. 

"For Agni sake, let's just get going before the sun rises," Katara scoffed a little but he grabbed her by the waist to pull her out of the way from a rock hitting her. 

"Then pay attention," he told her flatly. 

Zuko punched fire into a boulder that came their way but it exploded around them, he quickly swiped his foot up with a wave of fire to follow, then flip kicked another blast to not give them a chance to attack. 

Katara pulled the water back as her hands were up when two men came at her with their hammers high. She used the water to block and whip the hammers out of their hands, she grunted kicking one in the chest and grabbed the other with her water around his ankle to send him flying. 

"Okay we can call it a date," Zuko hummed impressed as Katara enjoyed the adrenaline.  Katara walked up to the main man as she grabbed him by the shirt to pull him close. 

"You leave tomorrow, and if you come back we won't show mercy," she created an ice dagger to press against his neck. 

"What are you going to do little whore?" He wasn't afraid of her. 

Zuko grabbed him by the hair and threw him to the ground, stepping on his cheek to keep him down, his foot burning against the mans cheek. 

"You don't fear me? That's okay. You don't fear her? You will," Zuko snarled down at him. A moment pass before Zuko pulled his foot back, kicking the man in the chest to knock him down again. 

Touch my kid again, I dare you. He growled in his head as he walked to Katara as she looked around at the group of men they took down. 

"See I told you we didn't need a sitter," Katara shrugged as she splashed the remaining of her water on them all and quickly froze them in place till the sun came up again. Gives them time to think. Zuko put out the fire they had and grabbed the money for the people, everyone will get what they earned, no more no less. 

"Since we have time, wanna take a nice walk?" Zuko grabbed his wife's hand as they walked down the street. No one was awake, every light was out in the town as they swung their hands a little. 

"Is this what it's like to have quiet?" Zuko teased a little as he pulled his mask down. 

"Shh you'll ruin it," Katara laughed a little. 

He pushed her against a building and pulled Kataras mask down to kiss her deeply, they still loved like they did seven years ago, it's never faded. It's just rarer for them to be alone, with no baby on their hip or a toddler to pull on their leg. 

Katara panted wrapping her arms around him as she kissed him deeply, feeling her husband pick her up easily for her to wrap her legs around his waist. 

"Zuko I am not having another baby after pushing that one out," Katara panted as he held her thighs. 

"Not one more? A little water bender?" Zuko smirked against her lips. 

"Ha ha that's not how it works and how about wait till izumi can write before a fucking third," Katara giggled shaking her head as he kissed her neck. 

"And the one after that?" He teased, she hit his chest. 

"You can carry the fourth one for nine months, stop being a tease and kiss me Zuko," Katara whined as he groaned when she grabbed his hair and forced his lips on hers. 

They both gasped hearing something in the distance, Zuko immediately put his wife down as she pulled his hand to follow her away before they got caught by any body. No one knew they were benders, vigilantes would be hard to explain as they ran back to their home before izumi woke up or koda got up at sunrise again. 

Katara closed the door behind them as she locked it giggling a little when they got home. She covered her mouth to stop her from screaming when Zuko grabbed her and tossed their masks off them and picked her up to take to bed. 

"Shh the baby!" She laughed before kissing her husband smiling. 

"Wow you were right Toph," a 22 year old man saw the earth benders frozen to the grown as he was with three other people. 

"Could be another hama situation, someone's terrorizing the town," 18 year old Aang looked at the soldiers concerned as he held his staff close to his chest. 

"Like a blood bender? I highly doubt there's someone blood bending here, they're frozen not in chains, and not dead," Toph crossed her arms standing with them. 

"Let's stick around, see how the village is during the day, if they're terrorized by a water bender or not," Suki nodded as the four went back to the woods on the outskirts of the village, near a pond.

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