Day of grief

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"We stand here today for the lost of a man, a man who was a great general, a great mind, a uncle, a brother, a man full of love and kindness now lost to the seas, and to join his son and wife with the spirits and the after life," the Fire sages stood in the royal family cemetery with ozai and azula standing in front with dark red and golds with everyone who joined them in the back wearing black. 

The sun shined down on them as the princess and fire lord stayed in the shade listening to the ceremony, not completely upset of whos graved they stood at. But to show respect in front of their people who knew of the great general.

"It is a sad day to loose another royal member of our great nation! But his name will never be forgotten, the great dragon of the west will always be remembered!" 

The fire nation prayed for the great general. Two torches where next to the grave with roses in front of it. 

As a few families visited the grave in the civilian cemetery to lay flowers of the fire nations prince, where his grave was along other criminals. Only his name was written, no more, no less, no prince. He was to be executed for treason if he was ever found, he was banished, and betrayed his country. 

A woman with her daughter laid panda lillies on the grave. 

"Come on kiyi," the woman held her hand out for the little girl to join her. Skipping to catch up as she waved good bye to the grave behind her as the mother wiped a tear away but kept walking. 


"I'm sorry.." 

Sokka fell to his knees as tears streamed down his face as pakku found the southern water tribe navy where toph, Aang and suki stayed as well.

"Katara," Hakoda held his wife's necklace as everyone was silent in grief of the lost of their sister, daughter, and friend.

"She's gone..." Sokka sobbed with his head down. Suki was on the ground with him, he wrapped his arms around her as he sobbed into his fiancés shoulder as Suki cried as well.  Aang had a hand over his mouth as Toph had her hand on his shoulder as they all had tears running down their faces. 

"who killed them?" Aangs jaw trembled as he held onto tophs hand tighter as the southern water tribe warriors bowed their heads in respect for their lost. The wind blowing against their skin, the smell of the ocean lingered. 

"The Dai Lee, long feng worked with azula, but he's been hunting Katara and Zuko for years, held them captive for nine months," pakku told the truth as tears ran down his face. His fist clenched tightly as his heart hurt.

"We've been looking for two years! And she was hunted and killed like an animal!" Sokka yelled as Suki held him close.

"It's not right..."

"Kanna was lost two days ago as well... she was with me in the northern water tribe," pakku wiped his face as his heart grieved for the real loss.

Kanna passed away in her sleep days after the fire nation retreated, it was peaceful but he missed her...

"I'm so sorry," he whispered holding hakodas shoulder as he held the necklace to his nose, kissed the stone gently, his brave love, his string daughter wore this necklace. He lost them both. 

That day no one spoke at dinner, didn't bother the chief or those closest to the two. Bato took care of the warriors so Hakoda and the teens had time to grieve. Later at sunset, they held a ceremony at the bay in memory of Katara and Zuko as well, for their friends, for their family. 

It was a sad day for those who were touched by the water benders strength; and the fire benders courage. 

But the white lotus kept their silence, they let the world believe the three lives where taken that night in the dark ocean, the ship was destroyed as pakku kept the necklace as proof for many to believe, but he let Sokka and Hakoda keep it for memory of the women who wore it. 

But the world believed them. 

So the two would be safe now. 

Katara, Zuko and iroh were dead. 

Nia, Lee and mushi lived on with koda.

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