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Four years later

Present day

"Daaaaad, mamaaa," four year old koda sat on top of his fathers stomach with his legs crossed.

"Kat... your kids on me," Zuko mumbled as she was snuggled up against her husband, her head on his shoulder with his arm around her body.

"Nope... he's on you, that's your kid, he chose you," Katara kept her eyes close, burying her face in his neck.

"Can we go to the pond today?" Koda asked poking at zukos cheek.

"Keep poking me kid, your going to be consumed under the blanket," Zuko warned him.

"Pleaaaase can we go? I wanna gooo," Koda poked his nose but squealed when Zuko grabbed him and flipped him over so he was between his parents. Katara laughed a little kissing his cheek as koda giggled loudly under the blankets.

"Mama mama nooo!" Koda laughed loudly as she tickled her son.

They heard the baby from the crib on the other side of the room starting to cry as Zuko groaned sitting up, rubbing his head with a yawn.

"No no, don't get up, I got it," Zuko yawned as Katara and koda stayed in bed giggling at him.

"It's our bed now!" Koda claimed victory as Katara giggled hugging her son.

"Does this mean I have to sleep in your bed now?" Zuko asked smirking as he picked up his baby to calm her down from being startled awake.

"No that's my bed!" Koda defended.

"Whoops it's my bed now bud," Zuko shrugged.

"I get mama snuggled now," Koda scooted up to Katara as she stuck out her tongue at her husband.

"Who's side are you on?!" Zuko motioned to his wife as the baby fell back asleep on his shoulder as she held koda in her lap smiling.

"Daddy you made it!" Koda ran over to Zuko as he walked to their pond where iroh and Katara already were at.

"I would've came sooner is someone didn't have the whole house locked," Zuko picked up his son and put him on his shoulders as Katara looked over smirking a little. A baby in her arms.

"I didn't know the back door was locked too," she giggled a little as a baby girl slept in her arms, tan skin like her mother with a mop of chestnut brown hair. When she opened her eyes she showed gold eyes mixed with Auburn that where similar to zukos.

Her name was Izumi.

"There's some fruit left nephew, come sit," iroh smiled as he had the basket of food as Zuko put his son down and sat with his family.

"After lunch i think im going to start training again," Katara told him as she had some strawberries as koda sat in zukos lap.

"You sure kat? It's been less than a month since you had Izumi," Zuko stole some of kodas berries from his bowl as his son giggled.

"Well she was a healthy not stressful delivery, I feel a lot better than I had him," Katara smirked as koda stuck his tongue out at her.

"We'll take it easy, but yea we can start with your training again," Zuko nodded and kissed her head gently as she smiled leaning against her husband.

"Do i get to stay?" Koda asked looking up at them.

"I want to be a bender like you!" He beamed brightly and punched the air with nothing coming out.

"You'll be talented either way koda, bender or not," iroh smiled at his grandson as he drank some tea.

"What if I'm not a bender..?" He asked quietly looking down.

"You know I'm a swords master too buddy, and when you're older if your not a bender I'll give you my swords," Zuko told him smirking a little. That made the child excited again.

"Your big ones?!" He screamed.


Koda watched in awe as Zuko and Katara started to train again, Katara bended the water in basic training moves as they worked together. Zuko trained with his wife shirtless as Katara had her white garments around her chest , her stretch marks peaking around her abdomen from her green pants that were rolled to her knees while they both were barefoot.

"Grandpa how can I do that?" Koda asked as Katara kicked a high foot as Zuko blocked it for her.

"It'll be easier when we find out what element you'll bend," iroh ruffled his hair as he held Izumi as she was awake now, gold eyes looked around.

"All good things happen to those who wait," he smiled at the young boy, koda scooted closet as he looked at his baby sister.

"Does mama and daddy have sisters like me?" He asked as he stared at the squishy baby.

"Yes my boy, your mother has an older brother, his name is Sokka, you're very much like him with your energy," iroh chuckled softly.

"He's a very good warrior,"

"I have an uncle?!" He gasped and Katara paused for a moment hearing them.

"Mama can I meet your brother?" Koda asked and the two stopped training.

"Haha, he's out in the war baby, you'll get to meet him when he wins," Katara told him rubbing the back of her head as Zuko put a hand on her back.

"Do you have a brother daddy?" Koda asked curiously.

"Nope, I have a little sister, I'm praying yours has no intentions like her..." Zuko mumbled the last part but Katara elbowed him in the side.

"No saying our baby is turning out like your demonic sister," Katara hissed at him.

"Can I meet her?" Koda cocked his head to the side.


"Also, someone told me earth kingdom soldiers are going to be going through towns, the bastard ones again," iroh told the two as koda leaned against his grandfather.

"It's better than fire nation for now," Zuko shrugged a little as he sat down in the shade rubbing his bare neck.

Iroh handed him his daughter as she was awake from all the noise, Zuko set Izumi in lap and held her up to let her look ahead as her back was against him.

"Mama lets go swim!" Koda bounced to his feet as he grabbed Kataras hand trying to drag his mother.

Zuko smiled at his wife and son as Katara splashed koda playfully as he dove into the pond, Izumi held his finger and he kissed the top of her head gently, their gold eyes locked at he smiled down at her. He never knew he'd have such a soft spot for his kids.

"See if those two gang up on us, you're on my side got it?" Zuko pointed around Katara and koda as koda was on her back while she swam around.

"You're going to have a good big brother, you two will look out for each other, that's what family does, but I'll be here to make sure no one hurts you too, I promise," he held her close, he missed the feeling of having the small weight of an infant in his arms.

Iroh chuckled softly as he listened to Zuko, he always knew he'd be a great father.

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