Prom dance

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    Senior highschool was nearing it's end at their fourth semester and up coming prom everyone was pretty much busy with studying and getting ready some said they won't attend while others will girls we're picking out their dresses shoes and hoping that their crushes might ask them out but also trying to get through all the activities projects and assignments

But the main topic that has been circulating around campus was voting for prom king and queen of course some were very competitive some didn't care but all the guys have one girl in mind that they've been begging wishing that they could go to prom with

"The Queen Bee"
Zayra Salazar

   "Miss Salazar we need to talk"

the teacher said firmly resting their elbows on the table looking directly at the girl seated just in front of him yellow eyes that glow like gold in the sun and soft pink hair neatly kept in a bow pretty worth more than his own salary fair skin not a sign of a single scratch or bruise all in all she was beautiful but theirs always something about it.

"What is it you would like to talk about Sir Nowel?" she slightly tilted her head waiting for his response


It's about your grades I know you are a smart girl you always get high grades but this semester your subject teachers said that you've been lacking and it was unusual is their something wrong?"Zayra sighed and sat up straight

  "Oh sir it has been very stressful for me lately you know up coming exam then prom so I've been very busy I'm sorry if I was lacking"She pouted looking guilty even though she wasn't

"No need to be sorry miss Salazar I understand the pressure all you kids are going through right now but please do not forget your school work completely it'll be your moving up soon"

Zayra let's out a dry chuckle and rubbed her cheek "Heh I'll take note sir but also I can't let myself get to stress out it might ruin my whole complexion and I don't want to get any dark circles I want to look as natural as possible besides my prom queen dress is already getting Taylored-"

"wait wait your prom queen dress? Sorry to interrupt but I know alot of people will vote but their are also others competitors who say might win"

Zayra scoffed and rolled her eyes "Oh sir I'm sure that I'll win why? Well because it's already in my genes I'm super pretty I'm smart to oh and also I'm rich~"it all come out of her with alot of pride she knows her family is rich and she likes to show it off abit

"I see but that's all your fathers money you are using"

She knows what he was trying to point out her eyes narrowed annoyance building up

"Don't you think I know that already?" she stood up from her seat looking down at her home room teacher with alot of spite in her eyes "I'll smell like new money one so try and say its daddies money I dare you"

And with that she grabbed her bag and stomp out of the room and into the halls where it was slightly crowded but enough to get through it was easy for her since they mostly moved out of her way and ignored the boys who tried asking her out she went up to the bulletin board shoving a few students out of way

Their helt all the current votes and and the competidors for prom king and queen usually the Winner prom queen and king must be pared she saw that the other girl already have dates only her still don't have any she was aware alot of students would desperately try to ask her out but their nothing but scums to her and she feels to disgusted to even go out with one of them

Trailing her eyes up a picnic dropped could be heard she was on second place on the voting poll confused since she already expected to be first all the way she read the name of the first placer.

"Who the hell is Katey Adams?"
She said out loud in a whisper out loud of course

"Oh she's the girl who survived cancer so everyone is voting her to be the next prom queen"a girl besides her whispered Zayra eye twitched slightly

"What the hell kind of voting is this? I mean ok hooray you survived and incurable disease but is this stupid bitch getting all pity votes or lets congratulate you for surviving with being the next prom queen well ain't this shitty" she thought to herself no worries she'll think of a way to win she headed for the school gates the car was already their waiting for her she quickly hopped in to be greeted by her sister

"Hey! How was your day? Daddy said it your prom day is close I bet your going to be prom queen" Xayrz nudged her elbow but Zayra wasn't feeling it she was quite and tapping her finger

"Something came up didn't it?"she raised an eyebrow and eyed her sister "Some Katey bitch is on first place on the poll and some chick said she's getting votes because she survived cancer"

"Aren't you getting a little harsh?"

"Yes yes I am like couldn't she take that somewhere else also I don't even know the whore like that's it she's probably doing something to get those votes it's go suspicious"

"It kinda it don't worry we'll figure something out"

"Is daddy home?"

"Yep why?  Your gonna ask him something are you?~ I could the glow in your eyes you can't fool so what are you gonna get her eliminated?"She chuckled thinking of the possibilities

"No it's something much much more greater"she smirk already having a plan in mind.


"Hmm that's an interesting deal I may invest in it though I'm not entirely sure I already have alot of my shoulders but I'll think it through" alfonso put the phone down and leaned back against his seat his back hurts from slouching hours on end he just needs to relax for abit


Or not he sat up properly to see his eldest daughter making her way into his office with a bright smile on her face

'Something's wrong'

"You look so stressed you should rest more" she came up to his side and looked at all the paper work

'This isn't right'

"Well I hope you can finally get a vocation to relax"

'this is not normal'

"But even though you stress out alot you still look young"she hugged him "And I mean it not lies and I also love you"she kissed his cheek

'That's it'

"You want something from me?"

he blurred out and her smile lit up more that even her eyes was smiling back at him

"daddy you be my date for the prom?"she asked her voice laced with honey but even so Alfonso just gave her a dead look with a side of

'Are you serious'

"last time I checked I wasn't a teen besides aren't their alot guys wishing to ask you out? Why not go with them?"

She pouted and clung on to him slightly shaking him left and and right "But I don't wanna! Their a bunch of scums and losers I feel disgusted and I'm better than them"her pride never lowers down what has his wife been feeding her ego.

"Please daddy!"

'Oh no' he thought to himself here comes the please

"I just wanna go with you besides didn't you say that you didn't experience your own prom because you drop out?"

"Oi Oi your talking to much"he poked her forehead and got up from his chair she was just under his head he was surprised how tall she is

"So will you come with me?"

"Can't you just ask someone else?"

"I'll tell mommy"

"gods please don't involve your mother into this"he rubbed his temples

"Then comes to prom with me"

"Why me!?"

"Because your my father! Don't you love me"she teared up

"Ok fine I'll go with you!!!"

"Yay!!"she cheered rapping her arms around his chest pulling him into a tight embrace

"What's the noise?"Beatrice peaked into the door

"Daddies going to be my prom date!"she said happily Beatrice only snickered

"Well well I hope you still know how to dance fonso"

"Mocking me Beatrice?"

"no no just making sure since you wouldn't want to embarrass you and your daughter besides won't it also feel like your also taking me since me and rara look very much alike~"

"gods if only I can unsee it"

"Wow your rude anyway come on rara dear your sister and I had been picking which shoes you should wear come try them"

"Awww that's so sweet I'll go now bye daddy"She kissed his cheek again and head went for the door "Oh and thank you!"her voice echoed down the halls

"Well we'll you at the dinner table"She was about to leave to when he grabbed her arm

"Whatever your feeding our daughters egos can you please not give them go much her pride can almost reach the sun"

"Oh just let them be confident about themselves their young girls and I don't want negativity and insecurities get the best of them"

"But can you at least not give to much I don't want them to be acting like spoiled brats"

"Do you seriously think lowly of our daughters that way wow your such a good father their smart and unique if they want something they'll make sure to get it they have goals and dreams but I keep their personalities in check your daughter are becoming young adults treat them like a child they will act like a child"

"I hate that you have a point"

"I always have a point anyway I should go help them"


"The hell do you want now?! Get on my knees like hell-"

"All mighty no! That's not it You Always get ahead of yourself I may sound stupid but help me dance...."

....Silence....then laughter

Beatrice laughed filled the room and wipped a year trying to gain composure

"Your hurting my confidence here"

"Haha I'm sorry but it did sound stupid"she giggled pulling his hand off her arm

"Now will you please help me?"

"No"She chuckled"You danced well on our wedding did you can figure it out by yourself I still need to help the girls"She turned her heel and went for the door

"You can be such a bitch sometimes might as well cancel that vocation to the Bahamas"


Xayrz picked up a nice rose gold pink heel with a nice flower pattern "I picked this one but I'm not sure since I want it to go along with the dress"

"Xay this look so pretty! Let me try them on"she quickly put on the heels and looked at the mirror "It's a little tight at the toes but it won't hold my Heel"

"Did you hear something?"

"He probably pissed her off bet dinners going to be fun"

"Yeah I don't really understand how parents become so distant from each other like didn't they at least love each other or like you know have those cute and cuddly romantic moments together"

"I dont know about you xay you watch to much drama and I'm putting bets if something happened between them"

"bet that nothing happened and they just end up arguing"



Everyone was all gathered in the venue girls in their most best dress boys at their most fine suits everyone looked amazing

"OMG Katey you look so amazing"

"Yeah you look like a princess"

"It's already clear you'll be prom queen unlike a certain you know who" They all snickered

"Oh guys your to nice you flatter me and I'm not even sure if I'll be prom queen"she said being so pure and innocent

"You'll definitely win this"her partner said reassuring her

Everyone turned their heads to the entrance as Zayra in her very best stepped in her smile was bright she captured the hearts of many and even impressed the teachers

"Bet she came without a partner"

"She mostly rejects them all"

"Oh guys don't be like that I'm pretty sure she has a reason why she has no partner maybe because I was in first place they started asking me out instead"she giggled but it stopped when they saw who she was with

"Wow daddy did you prepare all this? It's amazing!"she beamed and held his hand staying close to his side

"Well it is what I expected the decorations looks very decent but the staff helped to"he commented the teachers who were present froze in place even the students themselves were shocked

"No way..."

"It's the headmaster"

"He looks pretty young"

"His wife must be lucky"

Alfonso wants the ground go eat him their were to many eyes glued to him but deep down he liked the attention he didn't experience what prom was like he was younger so this was his first time

"Headmaster we weren't expecting you to arrive if we knew we'd been more prepared"one of the teachers said

"No worries I didn't inform you right away but my daughter asked me to go with her at her partner since she didn't see anyone fit to be her partner or...nobody wanted to be her partner"

Katey felt a chill run down her spine as he clenched her teeth she'll want to avoid them but also it's a great opportunity

"Ah I see well I hope you enjoy yourself"they soon left the two and went with the other teachers

"Where's the drinks?"he leaned to her

"Oh it's this way follow me"She guided him from the sea of students to the snack table

"Fucking hell this is disappointing"He murmured go himself the snack table looked cheap and a mess

"Yeah I can agree with you bet the drinks will taste like dish water- hey what are doing?!"

"Pouring vodka in them I've been wanting to do this"

"How did you even managed to hide that men's pockets are like a vortex"

"don't know but at least the drinks are abit more interesting now and we'll get to see who gets drunk first"

"Is this where xay got her mischief?"

"I could go home if you want"


"though so anyway let's just enjoy the party how about we dance they just announced the first dance"

"Hmm nope I don't want to get mix up with them"

"Why I thought you want to party and be the center of attention which we both are now"

"Yes but I want to be the center center of attention you get what I mean?"


"Great! For now let's enjoy until the real fun begins oh why don't we try this short cake"

The night went on everyone manage to calm down and thought that the drinks tasted funny everyone danced gossip talked and everyones attention were on Zayra and Alfonso they weren't expecting her to come the party with the headmaster himself until it was time to announce the Prom king and queen

"Alright everybody! Gather around as we announce this year's prom king and queen Now their are students in the poll that must come up stage and we'll announce the lucky winner!"

"Huh almost like Miss univers"alfonso muttered

"I'm gonna go up their now you wanna come?"

"I'll stay here and see"

Zayra smirked and nodded and went up the stage with the other contenders with her being all by herself while the others had their partner with them she ignored all the snickers dirty looks and glances that filled the room she was all fine since Father superior was here

one by one it was announced and she came out as second place as Katey won earning the crown sash and flowers the mic was given to her for her go let out her speech

"Good evening everyone I am very happy and thankful"

All Alfonso could hear was huffled voices none of her words were getting into his head he can't stop thinking about it why didn't Zayra won and become prom queen she was looking forward to it ever since it was announced from her dress make up hair shoes she all planned it since she will become prom queen but no she just stood their and soaked it all in his starting to question himself if that's even his kid

"And thus I am happy to be at this school and thankful for all the people who voted for me" she ended her speech and everyone gave her a round of applause

"Excuse me"zayra tapped her shoulder "Can I have the mic"

A smug face plastered on kateys face knowing she already won so what she trying to say now

"Tch bet she's going to complain"

"OMG she's such a sore loser"

Everyone started to whisper and small giggles could be heard

"As you all witness tonight I didn't have a partner but my father it all made you surprise as to why his here I had alot of people ask me to be their date for tonights prom but I declined all of them but for a good reason it is for my dear papa cause I heard he didn't had the chance to attend prom when he was younger so as his daughter I took him as my partner and let him have this once and a life time experience I may not have won this year's prom queen but at least I made my papa's life happy and that's a bigger prize to win so papa would you be kind to have a father daughter dance?"

Everyone was silent they didn't expect to see such a caring and soft spot to come from the queen bee herself she was mostly mean and self centered and like go black or use a person the teacher were so swayed by her that she thinks highly of her own father they thought she was just another spoil girl but they assume her wrong.

Alfonso was baffled eyes widen he knew she was being genuine because in her sentence she used the word papa the most which means she wasn't lying even the expression in her face held pure sincerity he smiled softly and got off his seat "I'd love to"

They cleared up the whole dance floor for the two of them and they were on the center face to face with each other at this point everyone has forgotten about the proms king and queen and all eyes were on the actual


As song began they both started to waltz around the room it was almost a scene out of a fairytale book everyone was mesmerized some were so moved on how smooth their dance was as if they've done it before

Zayra felt a pang of familiarity as if she's done this before or was it one of her dreams a dance between her and her father but something was different he was enjoying himself and he guided her through out the whole dance and once the song ended for some reason they ended it with a bow to each other was this still an ordinary prom or a debutante ball

No matter they were both happy and both got what they wanted once the whole party was over everyone started heading home and it was both Zayra and Alfonso in the car

"Well this night was eventful I wasn't expecting you pull that off but their must be a reason why"

"Yes their is if I can't be the prom queen why don't I make a scene that everyone will remember"

"And it will get on the papers I see what you did now but why all this struggle?"

She giggled "Struggle? Papa their was no struggle well the part in asking you was a struggle but still their was no struggle I planned it out your the headmaster of a famous school and having a father daughter dance would be enough to shake a couple of weeks"

"I guess you didn't like that girl who won mind telling me? "

"Why of course father superior~ you see me and xay did some digging and found out that she didn't have cancer so that whole she survived cancer thing was a fraud just so she can get peoples attention so that they'll vote her it was clear she is a try hard pick me girl but she's quite about it and acts all sweet nice and innocent even though she's a dirty liar~"

Alfonso chuckled proud to hear her true indentions "Your petty like your mother and I guess she was right"he felt something heavy placed on top of his head "Zayra I'm driving"

"I know it's the second place crown they gave me but you can have it so that you'll have something to remember"she warmly smiled Alfonso sighed

"Why don't I get you a tiara instead hmm?"

"Omg you would!?"

"I'm in a good mood"

"Yes yes yes! I'd love to love you papa! Thank you so much!"

"Stop being so jumpy"

"Welp I guess I lost the bet with xay"

"Bet? What bet!?"

"Oh we just bet on if something happened between you and mom"

"What the hell!? You can't just bet on your parents if they had sex or not!"

"So something did happen?"

"Nothing happened Zayra nothing happened"

"OMG something really did happen your lying"

"Ok how about I take you and your sister to star city theme park and we will never speak of this again"

"Deal!"she giggled it was a very heartwarming moment they both shared together and it felt very nice

(I was feeling wholesome)

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