Chapter: 力

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Zi Xuan woke up with the sun in his eyes, and the love of his life in his arms. His body hurt slightly, but it didn't matter when he gazed at Yu Hao's tan face. He was Zi Xuan's definition of beauty, and the older boy said that with his actions as he ran a finger along an eyebrow, down to caress a collarbone and to smooth over chapped, plump pink lips. His heart swelled looking at the beautiful boy as his lips parted, taking in a breath of the stuffy house air, and opening those sparkling brown doe eyes.

Zi Xuan smiled so sweetly Yu Hao felt his teeth start to hurt. He bent down, pressing a kiss against Yu Hao's hairline, moving his hand up to rub Yu Hao's messy hair.

"Good morning." He said softly, moving his hand down and rubbing Yu Hao's back gently. "How'd you sleep?"

Yu Hao smiled back. The sight of Zi Xuan, his hair messed up, blemishes on his face untreated, eyes free from glasses and the aura of 'just woke up' all around him, was enough to send Yu Hao to heaven and back.

"Very well, in your arms." He said, putting his hands on either side of Zi Xuan's chest and lifting his chest, arching his back and stretching. He slumped back down on top of Zi Xuan, chin resting on the meaty skin in the middle of his chest.

A thought suddenly came to Zi Xuan's head. Where's my parents?

He leaned down, kissing Yu Hao's forehead. "Did you hear my parents come back last night?"

Yu Hao's brows furrowed in thought. "No, I didn't wake up once." He understood Zi Xuan's concern though, getting up off the boy and straightening out his clothes. Zi Xuan stood up, a million thoughts running through his head.

Did they get home safe?

Did they see Yu Hao and I?

Did I forget to clean up something?

He closed his eyes, thinking back. He had put the lube and condoms away in his dresser. He had thrown out the one he used, and they had cleaned up everything. Unless they had come into the living room, which was unlikely since it was far from the front door, there was no evidence of what had happened last night. An idea popped into his brain.

Qian Rui.

He began to walk to her room, Yu Hao trailing like a puppy behind him, afraid for the sanity of his worried boyfriend, when a cough stopped both of them.

Zi Xuan turned to see his little sister, sitting on the table with a somber face, sipping a cup of green tea.

"Where's mom and dad?" Zi Xuan said, panic overly evident in his voice.

Qian Rui looked down awkwardly. "They told me that they were going to church."

Yu Hao saw Zi Xuan's chest rise an inch, his eyes widening in obvious fear.

"W-Why? It's not even Sunday." His voice trembling, even though he knew exactly why they were there.

Qian Rui smiled, but it was obviously fake, her eyes remaining sad. "They saw you two. On the couch last night. You wouldn't believe how upset Ma was."

Zi Xuan closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he listened. "She kept crying 'how will I have grandchildren?'" Qian Rui rolled her eyes. "As if your happiness is less important than a grandchild."

"But that's stupid, anyway... if we got married, we could always adopt." Yu Hao interjected, face seething with anger. Zi Xuan turned around, looking back at him with sad eyes. Yu Hao's heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest, worried about what Zi Xuan would say next.

He didn't say anything, actually. He just took Yu Hao's hand, squeezing it. Then, he looked back at Qian Rui.

"How soon are they coming back?"

"They left half an hour ago." She replied.

He nodded, turning around and taking Yu Hao's other hand. "Is there any way I can bunk out with your family for a few days? I really don't want to deal with this." Zi Xuan said, knowing every second mattered right now. But, he needed to get Yu Hao's permission first. "If not, I'll just ask Cheng En or-" Yu Hao interrupted him.

"No, it's fine, you can stay with me." He said. "Let's just pack up some things and walk to my house before your parents get back."

Zi Xuan threw things into his suitcase. School uniform, volleyball uniforms, all his trophies, extra clothes. Yu Hao was stuffing similar things in his backpack, along with school books and college pamphlets. Heading to the bathroom, he also threw in all of Zi Xuan's toiletries.

Zi Xuan changed into clean clothes, and stepped out of his room, glancing into the kitchen.

"Please don't tell mom and dad where I am."
Qian Rui looked at Zi Xuan, his eyes pleading.

"I.... I won't. Please be safe." She stood up, pulling her brother in for an embrace. He hugged her back.

Yu Hao came out of the bathroom as they were pulling away, smiling at Qian Rui.

"You... you be safe too." She hugged Yu Hao, pulling away and cupping his face in her hands. Before Yu Hao could react, she pushed a smashing kiss against his cheek, grinning when he pulled away.

"I love you. Both of you."

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