Chapter: 十四

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Yu Hao pushed a few stray grains of rice around his plate, listening to Zi Xuan go on and on about his performance on the court today. He gushed when Zi Xuan told him that he could make it internationally, that he could probably compete in the Olympic Games and travel all over the world for this sport.

Yes, it all sounded like a dream. Who would say no to that life? Travelling around the world, doing your dream job. Except, one thought popped into his head.

He interrupted Zi Xuan. "I don't think all that is worth anything if it's not with you."

Zi Xuan paused, grinning at Yu Hao. It was such a sweet thing to say, and Zi Xuan felt his heart thump slightly irregularly. "Even if we aren't together, I'll constantly think of you. You'll be fulfilling my dream." He smiled, reaching out to pinch Yu Hao's cheek. "It will mean the most to me, no matter if I can hold you to sleep every night."

Yu Hao smiled at that, taking a sip of his drink. At the mention of sleeping together, a new thought popped into his head.

"Uh, you know how I'm rooming with Jia Jun?" Yu Hao asked, taking Zi Xuan's hand and giving it a small squeeze.

"Yeah, why?"

"I think he used to have a crush on you." Replied Yu Hao, shrugging slightly. "Or still does, I guess. He "talked" to me about it last night. He's kind of an asshole."

"Yeah he is. I hope you put him in his place." Said Zi Xuan. "I think you shouldn't worry. I've dealt with that before."

"You rejected him?" Yu Hao asked, puppy dog eyes pouting at Zi Xuan, making the older feel guilty for even elaborating on the topic.

"Yeah, of course. I was saving myself for you."

The comment made Yu Hao smile slightly. "Sure you were. You were just 'too focused on volleyball for a relationship'." He said, using his fingers to make air quotes, giving Zi Xuan a sassy look when he was finished.

"Yeah, 'course I was, but I'm so happy I didn't date anybody so I could experience my firsts with you." Zi Xuan replied, taking Yu Hao's hand. "We never talked about your ex-girlfriend that showed up at the party."

"Oh, well..." Yu Hao thought back to their relationship, which was filled with bad memories. He remembered she used to come over when his mom wasn't home, picking him up, and asking him to steal things for her. At first, it was little things. Makeup, lipstick. He would be rewarded, of course, that's how he lost his virginity.

The risk was that he could get caught. When he started to steal more expensive things for her, that was when he actually got in trouble. He got caught by mall security stealing earbuds once, and that was it. The adrenaline rush wasn't worth the three months of community service, or the fact that she broke up with him afterwards because she 'no longer had time for him'. He was heartbroken and guilty, and his mom forced him to move schools in hopes he would become a better person.

He explained this story to Zi Xuan, watching his face carefully. Zi Xuan had known Yu Hao was a bad guy, but he never looked at him as a thief. He wasn't now, but the thought that he was in the past (out of necessity) hurt Zi Xuan's heart.

"Don't worry, I won't make you do that type of thing. I'm happy to kiss you and... the other thing whenever you want it." He smirked mischievously, making Yu Hao laugh.

"Please, elaborate on 'the other thing'?" He giggled, making Zi Xuan pinch his cheek in mock anger.

They walked out of the lunch shop holding hands, a clear demonstration that they were together. Zi Xuan knew there was plenty people like his parents here, but right now, he didn't really care. He wanted everyone to know how much he absolutely loved Yu Hao.

"Our next match is tonight?" He asked, looking at Zi Xuan.

"Yes, against St. Stephens High School." He replied, glancing at his watch. "We should probably get back before Coach starts to worry about us."

"I guess." Yu Hao said, swinging their arms together slightly. "Zi Xuan... I... I know we've only been together for a little bit, but... I really do love you."

Zi Xuan swallowed down a lump in his throat, keeping his calm composure. His whole life, he had never had anyone say I love you like that. Sure, he knew Qian Rui loved him. His parents, probably used to love him. But a lover, more importantly, Yu Hao, saying that he loved him... it made his heart hurt. "You... really love me? I mean, surely you are just mixing that up with like, right?" He let go of Yu Hao's hand. "Love is a strong word."

"I know it is, that's why I'm using it." Smiled Yu Hao, squeezing Zi Xuan's hand. "I love you so much... and my mom does too. She appreciates when you clean up, or when you do laundry." He said, making Zi Xuan's eyes well up with tears. "I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but she wants to offer you the family ring. Her great grandmother was the first one who had it. She thinks you're the right one for me, but I told her you probably don't think so." Yu Hao looked down, slightly embarrassed.


Yu Hao looked back up, a sudden bravery appearing on his face. "She wants you to marry me."

Ooooh! A cliff hanger!

Loving writing for all of you again!

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