Second Chance

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Y/n's POV
I walked down the street to my and my fiancé, Thomas, apartment. I was out with my best friend, B/f/n, and we found out something really interesting.

I've been waking up with morning sickness the past mount and with B/f/n went to the pharmacy and yeah, turns out I am pregnant. I am worried, though. How will Thomas react? Will he be upset? Will he be happy?

I arrived in front of our front door and took out my keys. I unlocked the door and what I saw ruined my live.

Thomas was on top of some girl, kissing her. The smell of alcohol everywhere. No. Why?

"Thomas?"I asked quietly. Thomas suddenly stopped. He turned to me and his eyes went wide, like he turned back sober.

"Y/n, it's not-"

"Don't you tell me it's not what it looks like, because I know what I saw!"I said. I took my ring from my finger.

"Y/n don't please-"he was cut off by me trowing the ring at him. I was furious. How could he?

"Good Bye, Thomas. Enjoy the slut."I said and walked out.

"Y/n wait!"Thomas said and came out too. I ran to my car and unlocked it, entered, then locked it again. I turned to Thomas, who was now on my door. I looked behind him. That slut was there, smirking. I just turned and drove away from her, from him and from our live.

Thomas's POV
Shit. What did I do? I turned to Isabella and she was there, smirking.

"Get out of my house!"I yelled and she just smirked even more.

"Okay, see you later, Tommy."she said and walked out. No. Only Y/n can call me Tommy. She had no right to. I closed the door and held on the table for support. Suddenly, I saw the ring. I took a bottle and threw it at the wall. Then another and another. I fell on the coach and started sobbing. I just ruined our lives.


Five years later
Y/n's POV
"Okay Dylan, what do you want for your birthday?"I asked my almost four years old. I decided to name him after Dylan. Yup, Dylan O'Brien. When Thomas cheated, I wanted to get away from London, to be as far from him as possible. I decided to call Dylan, my childhood best friend, who also introduced me and Thomas to each other.

I explained to him what happened and he told me he will help me with whatever I need. When I named my boy Dylan, the big Dylan was really happy. Britt also helped me a lot. She even babysit him sometimes, which I am really grateful for. So, since then, we live in a three room apartment in Hermosa Beach, California.

Anyways, so, me and little Dylan are getting ready to go out. Big Dylan and Britt said they will meet us in the mall so I can buy him a present.

We went into the mall and to a big shop for toys. I saw Britt there, waiting for us. She also saw us and smiled.

"Britt!"little Dyl yelled and ran to her.

"Dylan! Happy Birthday!"Britt said, holding him up. He giggled and hugged her.

"Thanks!"He said, happily.

"So, how old are you now?"Britt asked"Three?"she asked.

"No!"Dylan said and giggled, then showed four fingers."I am four!"he exclaimed. Britt gasped dramatically.

"You are so big now!"she said and Dylan giggled again.

"I know!"he said, happily. Britt took something from her bag and handed it to Dyl.

"That's for you."she said. Dylan happily took it, thanking her and opening it. It was a Lego Star Wars night table clock. He hugged her again and thanked her. Let's just say that Dyl is obsessed with Star Wars and Lego.

Britt then let him down, and hugged me.

"Hey."she said"How are you?"she asked, pulling away.

"Good, what about You?"I asked, while the two of us walked in the shop with Dylan.

"I am also good."she said and looked nervous."Look Y/n, I have to tell you-"

"Y/n?"a familiar, British sounding, voice said. A chill ran though my spine. No. Why is he here? Why now? I turned around to see the oh so familiar brown eyes. Little Dylan ran to big Dylan and hugged his leg.

"Dyl!"he said, happily.

"Hey little boy!"Dylan said, picking him up and hugged him."Happy Birthday!"big Dylan said.

"Thanks!"little Dylan said

"Did you like your present?"big Dylan asked.

"It's amazing! Thank you so very much!"little Dylan said and hugged the big one"Let's go look at the LEGO! Please!"he begged.

"Okay, Okay, let's go."Dylan said."You don't mind Y/n, do you?"Dyl asked me and I shook my head.

"Go ahead."I said and the two Dylans walked away, Britt right behind them. I turned to Thomas, who was looking at the Dylans.

"Was that....your son?"Thomas suddenly asked. I turned to him.

"Yes."I confessed.

"And...who's the father?"Thomas asked. I looked at him a little hurt.

"Why do you care?"I asked. What's his deal? What is he doing here, anyways."Why are you here, Thomas?"I asked.

"I came to see Dylan."Thomas explained and silence fell upon us."So, you named him after Dyl?"he asked.

"Yeah."I said."He is like my brother, plus he helped me when someone else didn't."

Thomas's POV
"He is like my brother, plus he helped me when someone else didn't."Y/n said. She is talking about me. I am sure of it. I looked at baby Dylan. He has dirty blond hair, like mine, but has her amazing e/c eyes. He is cute.

He took one big Star Wars set and Dylan helped him to carry it, since it was too big for little Dylan.

"Mommy! Can I get this one? Please!"Dylan begged and Y/n smiled.

"Okay, we will take it."she said.

"Do you want something else?"I suddenly asked. Everyone looked at me.

"Who are you?"little Dylan asked. Y/n sighed and looked at big Dylan and Britt. Both of them nodded to the silent conversation they were having. Y/n crouched down to little Dylan and he looked at her.

"Dyl, that's Thomas,"she said and my eyes went wide. I am a dad? To that cute thing? He does look like me, though. My son looked at me and dropped the Lego he was holding. He slowly came to me. I crouched down in front of him. I took him in my arms and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Dad..."he whispered and my heart stopped. I can't believe it. I have a son. I looked at Y/n and she was smiling sadly at both of us. I kissed Dylan's head.

"I, um, I am gonna pay for it."Y/n said, taking the set our son dropped. Y/n walked away and big Dylan and Britt came to us.

"Hey, we will go. Tell Y/n we will see her tonight, Okay?"Dylan said and I nodded.

"Bye Dyl."I said. I carried the other Dylan to his mother. I can't let go of him. I already love him and will protect him and try to spend as much time as I can. Y/n already paid for the set and walked back to us.

"Hey, um, do you mind if we stay a little longer? And if I stay at all?"I asked, nervous. Why would she want me around Dylan or herself after what I did?

"Yeah, sure, no problem. He is your son too, after all."Y/n said. My smile grew wide.

"You heard that Dyl? What do you want now?"I asked him.

"I don't want anything. I just want you to stay."Dylan said and my smile dropped and my heart sank. I hugged him tighter"Can we go home? All of us?"Dylan asked. I looked at Y/n.

"Let's Go."she said.


Y/n's POV
I really don't know how to feel. Thomas is here, he knows about his son, and currently the two of them plus Dylan are doing the Lego he got for his birthday. Me and Britt are putting the dishes away after we ate.

"Britt, what will happen now?"I asked, resting my hands on the plot.

"I don't know, Y/n."she asked."He was miserable when you left him, he still is. He still loves you and now, when he knows Dylan is his, he will probably try to get you back."Britt said."The question is, do you still love him?"Britt asked. I sighed.

"I still do."I said.

"Then talk it out. It won't be easy for Dylan with his parents not together."Britt said. All I could do is nod. I looked back to see my son and his father laughing and having fun with each other.


Y/n's POV
After Dylan and Britt left, Thomas stayed to help me clean up a little. I gave a shower to Dylan and he is in his room, probably asleep. When we were ready, me and Thomas sat on the coach.

"Y/n, can we talk?"Thomas asked and I nodded."Look, I am terribly sorry for that night, really. I didn't mean to. Me and the guys just went out and I got a little too drunk and then she came, but that doesn't matter. That is no excuse. I just want you to know, that I am really sorry and that I still love you. I won't stop loving you, there is no possible way, but if you don't, I understand. Just, please, let me see you, both, just sometimes. Please."Thomas asked. I sighed.

"Look, Thomas, you really did hurt me. A lot. And I am still hurt, but I still love you too. I tried. I tried to forget you, but I can't. Plus, I can't leave Dylan without his dad, now that he knows, so how about, we start from the begging?"I suggested and Thomas's face lit up.

"Really? You are giving me a second chance?"he asked and I nodded. He then wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly I hugged him too.

"So, that means daddy gets to stay with us?"a little voice said. The two of us turned towards it and saw Dylan in his Star Wars PJs. I smiled warmly and looked at Thomas.

"If he wants to."I said.

"Hell yes."he said and leaned in."May I?"he asked.

"You may."I said and he pressed his lips on my own. I felt someone sit on my lap and a little hand wrapped around me. The two of us separated and looked down to see Dylan. He was hugging both me and Thomas.

"Let's go to bed, shall we?"I asked, looking at Thomas.

"Let's go!"Thomas said, taking Dylan and bringing him to my room. Yeah, maybe this second chance will be good.

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