Chapter 35 : A Kryptonian's Rage

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Your POV

Everyone stared at me which was making a bit nervous but I just shake off the feeling. I heard a loud crash behind me which was mine and Ryuko's clone.

Aikuro: Wait that looks like (F/N) but with white hair.

You: Say hello to mine and Ryuko's clone.

Mako: CLONE!!!

Inumuta: Scans show he is (F/N)'s clone.

Clone: I will help mother defeat you all and father you're coming with me.

You: Now is that way to speak to your old man? Time for a timeout junior!

We both lunged at each other but he wasn't as strong as me so I easily overpower him in the struggle we were in. I punch my clone in the face sending him flying away into the water.

You: Don't drink all my blood now.

???: If I do you will pass out and I did promise you that I help you save the others. Your blood is very nutritious with your Kryptonian biology makes it more delicious.

You: Creepy... I will only transform when needed and you promise it will not be flamboyant?

???: You have my word.

You: Good... Hey you guys handle Matoi, I'll take on both Nui and the clone.

Nui: It will be fun making you suffer for embarrising me all those times.

You: Then you know not to get on my bad side because I was holding back all the times we fought.

Nui: What?!

Nui didn't see me appear in front of her but she didn't have time to react when I hit her with a clean right jab to the jaw, a left hook to the torso and finally an uppercut to the stomach. This would result in four crack ribs and a fractured jaw, recovery time would estimate about 6 weeks but in her case only in a few minutes. The uppercut sent Nui all the way up to the sky but with my fast speed I flew up there punching her in the gut which sent her all the way into the water. I wave to everyone then flew off towards my clone and Nui who were recovering from the damage I did.

You: Tell me, do you feel fear?

Clone: I don't fear you father!

You: Well then I'll teach you the meaning of it then!

They both try to rush me Nui tried slashing me with her scissor blade and my clone trying to punch me. I percieved the whole event in slow motion which gave me an idea when the two tried hitting me again I dodged making them both hit each other. Nui's scissor blade did cut my clone and my clone knocked Nui on her feet.

You: You gotta be faster than that!

Nui: You should be able to hit him Superboy, your his clone!

Superboy: I don't know why I can't damage my father. Mother will be disappointed in me.

You: I'll tell you why you can't hit me, because you lack control of your abilities, if you give up helping Ragyo I can teach you your abilities.

Superboy: I can't help your cause for truth and justice, you spout lies in humanity they are nothing but people worn by clothing.

You: That's not true at all, humans are so much more than the clothing they wear on their backs, humans are capable of doing great things they are not weak like you proclaim them to be.

Nui: Blah blah blah, you're really starting to annoy me Man of Steel.

Nui tried striking me again with her scissor blade but I just knock it out her hands with my heat vision. I punch Nui back to the ship then I got after her but Superboy didn't follow after us he just stood there. I took Nui's scissor blade and threw it at her which did impale her foot, while that happened I flew down there and began pummeling her with a flurry of punches.

You: This is for Pa (L/N)!

A powerful punch to the forehead sent her flying back into wall, she slowly got up from the rubble that fell on her and she had a nervous look upon her face when I was slowly walking to her, probably due to the fact that I was cracking my knuckles and my eyes were red.

You: So how bout you answer my questions, one why does Ragyo want me alive?!

I picked her up by her pigtail when I did that she tried punching me but I caught the punch.

You: Two why did you kill my father?!

Nui: Grrrgh, if Lady Ragyo didn't want you alive I would kill you, all I think about is how I want your head to be mounted on a wall. I bet your jealous that Ryuko kissed me.

You: You didn't answer my question... My patience is wearing thin here. Also don't even think about trying to strip me because I will still be strong enough to turn you into paste. Also I don't care who Matoi kisses because I'm not her boyfriend, don't try to play innocent with me bitch. WHY DID YOU KILL MY FATHER?!

Nui: Because... Lady Ragyo wanted to make you angry...

You: Well she succeeded in doing so!

I tossed her out front where everyone was at then I flew in front of her and grabbed her by the throat.

You: You think I can just let it slide the fact that you killed one of the people I care about most in the world. HUH YOU THINK I WILL LET THE DEATH OF THE MAN WHO TOOK ME IN AND RAISED ME SLIDE, WELL YOU ARE MISTAKEN BECAUSE I WON'T.

Nui: I'll kill you! I'll kill you!

You: Shut up, I hate hearing your pathetic voice, I hate looking at you in fact I hate everything about you! You think you can control me, that I am some puppet whose string can manipulate my body, let me tell you something I move on my own free will, have my own willpower and if you think I will let a pathetic bunch of delusional villains tell me what to do then you are mistaken. I will marry who I want, love who I want to. Call me Superman all you want, call me (K/N) but know this, you better remember my name, I want you to remember the one man who beat you, remember this face, this voice because I hope it haunts you in your ever waking moment of your pathetic existence. The name is (F/N), (F/N) FUCKING (L/N)!

I punched her head into the ground which made her look like an ostrich, I was breathing heavy, my blood was boiling and my adrenaline was in over drive now. I was about to start punching her again but then I stopped.

???: You need to calm down (K/N) you are getting way to angry. Your heart rate is through the roof right now.

You: Right... I don't want to go berserk like Ryuko did.

I back hand Nui which sent her away for a little while. I just calm down by taking deep breaths then I noticed where was Superboy.

You: Huh? Where's Superboy? Maybe he use the opportunity to bail.

???: Not gonna lie what you said back there kind of gave me chills, and when are you going to finally give me a name, you created me?

You: I'll give you a name when I think of one? I don't know rather to have it end with ketsu or just give you a different kind of name.

???: Also why did you lie when you said that you didn't care that this Ryuko kissed that Nui girl you hate.

You: I don't know what the hell you are talking about, It doesn't bother me.

???: See you did it again?!

You: I don't care though...

???: Sure...

You: Hey, remember you're drinking my blood if you want me to rip you off of me I will.

???: N-No! I like being worn by you, your blood is so good.

You: Then you will behave like good clothing. Now if I do get weaken by Kryptonite you remember what to do.

???: Yes!

You: Alright then let's save the world. What the hell?!

A wave of glowing liquid washes over me but I just stood there like it was nothing. My eyes began to blink randomly after this I went over to the source to see Ryuko still wearing Junketsu, but something was different it felt less menacing to be around Ryuko. Ryuko was struggling to take off Junketsu.

Ryuko: I want it off!

You: Huh?

Everyone except me: Matoi!

She ripped more of the Kamui off of her which looked really painful for me to watch.


Satsuki: Stop, Matoi! If you tear it off, you'll die!

Ryuko: I'd rather be dead! I have to take this off even if I die!

Ryuko finally managed to take off Junketsu but when she did, it began to rain blood which only was in Ryuko's vicinity.

Ryuko: Because if I don't... I won't be able to wear Senketsu again!

You: Matoi...

Mako: Ryuko!

Senketsu: Are you all right?!

Ryuko: It hurts! It hurts like hell! But it's what I deserve for being such a huge dumbass!

Suddenly Nui appeared again which made get pissed off again, I hated seeing this girl but she had both Scissor Blades this time. Ryuko threw her scissor blade when she tried to remove Junketsu which is why Nui has the scissor blade.

Nui: You can't defeat me, and now I have both halves! I enjoyed seeing the face of (F/N)'s father when I stabbed him in his heart!Maybe I should go after your mother next!

Mako rushed over to Ryuko with Senketsu while I started to slowly walk up where everyone sees me. They couldn't see my pupils but my eyes were beaming red with hatred. I only got pissed because I keep thinking of her killing pa. The mental barrier on my powers cracked even more but not to the point of breaking. Every step I took shook the ship which caused some people to get worry. My head was twitching and my fingers balled up to form fists.

Mako: Get going, Senketsu! Be with Ryuko!

???: You need to calm down you are almost to the point of your rage breaking.

You: Then get off...

???: What?!

You: You heard me get off then, or you be quiet until I'm done mopping the floor with this bitch!

???: I got something better for you.

You: Fine then... Let's change!

I tap the S symbol on my chest which the Kamui got off my body then it began to form armor around my body. My hands were now covered with gauntlets that illuminated red and green, my chest formed a kind of shiny tint of blue while the S Symbol began to glow red. My boots turned more metallic while my face was covered with a helmet which only my red glowing eyes can be seen. My finger tips sharpen a bit almost looking like I had claws but more metallic looking. The only reason why my Kamui transformation isn't revealing any skin is because I did some modifications that makes it more of a armor. The two eyes of the Kamui extend from my shoulders. My belt had my family symbol on it as well. Ryuko transformed also but when she tried to get closer to Nui but I stopped her.

You: This is my fight!

The Kamui made my voice sound a little metallic but also had an evil feeling about it.

Mako: (F/N)! Ryuko only wants to help you, I don't want you die of blood loss if you lose control.

You: If I die, I die Mankanshoku!

Ryuko: Listen to yourself dumbass, you're doing what I did by letting anger control you.

You: I listened to myself Matoi, I listened pretty damn good, about my feelings, about my goals! My goal right now is to shut this bitch up! Now do you want to try me or are you going stay back so I can show this cyclops that no one threatens my mother!

Senketsu: But (F/N) if you lose control then there will be no stopping you!

Ryuko: Senketsu is right, the mixture of your powers and the Kamui's would make you unstoppable!

Nui: Oh Ryuko, I wish I could fight you right now but knowing him he will just get in my way! It will be so much more fun if I could just fight Ryuko, what do you say (F/N)?

You: After you just said you are going to kill my mother I don't think so.

Nui: You're no fun!

You: I'm not suppose to be fucking fun when a bitch threatens my family, you lay a finger on ma you'll have to learn how to live life as a vegetable when I lobotmize you!

I began walking when Ryuko and a bunch of others try to stop me but it was no use due to my immense strength.


Mako: Stop it bestie! I know (F/N) is in there, the super cool alien that can bench press a house and not even drop a single strand of sweat. You and your incredibly tone body that screams manly is a way of showing strength. Power, Speed, Stamina and Endurance that is what so cool about you! Ryuko loves you and she wouldn't like to see anything happen to you.

Ryuko: Will you stop saying that Mako!

Mako: Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap buildings in a single bound. You are the Man of Steel, the powerful alien we love to call Superman! Wear your underwear on the outside again, get naked if you must but don't let yourself lose control!

Nui held both the scissor blades ready to attack, she smiled at us but before she can do anything about it I punched a hole through her chest. Everyone was surprised that they didn't see me move but they were more scared of how brutal I've gotten. I punched her in the face sending her flying into a wall. She got up to see me in her face which nobody could see me do since I was moving faster than the speed of light.

Nui: Why won't you ever quit!

I had nothing to say to her when I slugged her in the stomach. She tried stabbing me but I snatched the scissor blades and chopped both of her arms off. Blood poured out as she was freaking out about losing her arms.

Nui: MY ARMS! My arms, my arms, my arms, my arms, my arms, my arms! MY ARMS! Do you have any idea how valuable my arms are?! They're the arms of the Grand Couturier!

You: I don't care!

Nui: Kidding! Even if you chop them off, they'll pop right back, good as new!

Her arms were squirming on the ground but they stopped moving, I blasted them with my heat vision which destroyed her arms and Nui was freaking out about that.

You: Oops, did I blow them up.

Suddenly the Kamui on me began to absorb the Life Fibers from Nui which was new to me. Everyone looked in shock to see that while that was happening I glared at Nui.

Nui: This can't be happening! You're really making me angry! Every last one of you! I'm pissed, I'm pissed, I'm pissed, I'm pissed, I'm pissed, I'm pissed, I'm pissed...

She was cut off when I punched her straight in the nose which made her fling back. I was not putting up with her presence today. Suddenly Rei came in on a helicopter ladder pulling Nui up and away while I just glare up at them. Covers surrounded me but I just stood there not even talking. Ryuko saw them getting away on a Helicopter so she was going to chase them down.

Ryuko: Senketsu Shippu!

She tried to do that but nothing happen so she fell to the ground wondering why she couldn't do that.

Senketsu: I'd better not do it, Ryuko. You've lost a great deal of blood. Chasing after them would be dangerous.

Ryuko: But we've still got these guys to deal with!

Satsuki: Hououmaru made a mistake because she was desperate to rescue Harime.

Aikuro: She's right! Which makes this a golden opportunity!

They began freeing people from the covers while I just look down at my hands then back up in the sky. I didn't change at all but maybe it is due to my willpower.

Tsumugu: It was nice of them to bring us both Life Fibers and new members for the cause!

They have a bunch of those little extraction devices ready to free people but I didn't even bother getting one.

Aikuro: Exactly. Don't just stand around doing nothing, Elite Four, get to work!

All the Elite Four members got one but Gamagori had a lot of them.

Gamagori: Nonuple-mount Emergency Rescue Suction Device!


The Elite began to free people while I saw Ryuko looking at me questioning why I was wearing a Kamui.

Ryuko: I thought there were only two Kamui, how come you have one?

You: I made this one... using my Kryptonian tech I advanced it so it can take my blood. No I don't have a name for her, but she is almost like Senketsu just a little bossy.

???: I am not bossy!

You: Sure. Why do you like me?

Ryuko: What?!

You: I said why do you like me Matoi?

Ryuko: Well it's because you've been there every step of the way helping me, you've even helped me get stronger which I really thank you for. When I thought I was alone you were there to give me words of advice and you even ate dinner with me when Mako and her family were always out.

You: Because I know how it feels to be alone, the only other Kryptonian I know is a dog. I stood by your side because I care about you. But I have a question for you.

Ryuko: Yeah.

You: Do you want to go out some time?

Ryuko's face turned red when I asked that question to her.

Ryuko: Huh? Y-You mean like a date?

You: Yes.

Ryuko: S-S-Sure. But can you take the helmet off.

You: Yeah I can do that.

The helmet molds into the Kamui revealing my face, I still looked normal.

You: Sorry about the beard I haven't shaved in a month.

Ryuko: You look completely different with that beard.

You: Yeah, you need to drink some juice water or some soda because like Senketsu said you lost a lot of blood.

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