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Soft chapter <3

"Look Jimin, you know me. I'm not a huge fan of Taehyung, but knowing who Jeongguk really is I don't want to do this to both of them. I don't even know if I can bring myself to separate them."

The peach gummy ring haired boy sighed. "But we have to it's what's best for them, and you know that." Jimin reasons with Jiyeon, getting frustrated while putting his face his hands. His stubborn older sister was still firm on her stance of not partaking into his plan, despite several attempts of protest and hours of arguing and constant debate. What would push her over the edge and make her follow by this plan?

Jiyeon counters, clearly over this topic, already being annoyed out of her mind. "Is this really what's best for both of them though? Listen up dongsaeng. The only thing I see is a whole mess and problems-"

"Would she really want Taehyung and Jeongguk to be close? After all what's happened? Would she really want that huh Jiyeon?" Jimin interrupts, leaning his face over the table and standing up with his hands gripping the lip of the table.

Jiyeon grits her teeth together and spits back. "Look don't bring her into this when she had nothing to do with this. Seriously stop manipulating facts for me to get me on your side and help you. I thought you grew up, this is really childish and immature for you to do and especially to your best friend since you were in diapers."

"She would have approved of this anyway since she never liked him in that way. She would have been happy, which you should be to if they do grow that close. Taehyung has been isolating himself since his childhood friend moved away, and still is. Wouldn't it be nice for him to find out that he's literally sitting next to him in art class?" Jiyeon continues seeing that her brother had nothing to say against it.

"It's so much bigger than that Jiyeon." Jimin says quietly under his breath, with the pure sound of the constant whirling fan, filling the emptiness and hung silence of the room.

Jiyeon pressed on further. "Why are you even doing this? Do you fall in love with Taehyung or anything like that and that's why your acting so stupidly? Your usually not like this. Why so suddenly now?"

Jimin shook his head. I didn't fall in love with my best friend, but I did fall in love and I am dating someone else who wants them apart.
The sunlight was shining in through the curtains of the window, as a dark shadow was created with the white rose standing up tall surrounding it's worth, in it's clear ice cream glass jar, with the word ' talenti ' in black lettering. The younger shifted in his pillow and sluggishly opened his eyelids to the world, and found himself looking at the landscape of the older's tanned skin. They were practically centimeters apart, as the brown haired boy could hear the other's light breathing every now and then, and inhaled the faint warm scent of his cologne.

Taehyung's dark, dusky hair was messy, sticking out, in all various up and down directions, and his arm was lazily wrapped around his tiny waist. Both of their ankles were intertwined with each other's, and the light and fluffy blanket covering the two of them vaguely over their bodies. The younger's face was tucked in comfortably, under the the older's chin. As his face began to blush in a light pink seeing how he was snuggled into the older's warmth of cuddles.

"Did hyungie... carry me here?"

Right now, their relationship was confusing. Were they friends now, friends because they were friends with their best friend's sister/ brother, or actually... friends? Were they still semi enemies and strangers to each other? All of their stories were closed, their first, second, third chapters and so on, were hidden and locked from each other. They barely knew each other, but already they were entangled in their own personal messes.

Jeongguk sat up straight and fixed his shirt, and bit the left corner of his lower lip as thought to himself in the empty, mellow silence. Sitting criss crossed applesauce on the rectangular rug, while looking at the sleeping boy, whose fingers were still entangled and interlaced into the hem of his white t-shirt that fell to the floor.

His big brown doe eyes laid on the isolated grey, fluffy stuffed bunny, with black glassy eyes, and sky blue, satin in the inner ears. The younger took the plush bunny and began to hug it in his chest, and started tampering with one of it's a oversized floppy ears. Childishly playing with them by popping one of the ears into the air, and lightheartedly repeating the same motion to the other ear.

Soon, Taehyung opened his eyelids steadily, feeling that warmth had left him, leaving him cold, while wincing at the light that struck his eyes. The older shifted his gaze to the side, and noticed the younger awake, sitting up straight, blankly facing and staring in the opposite direction from him. "Mianhae, I didn't mean to sleep here overnight." Taehyung mumbled half awake and half drowsy, in a deep, and husky lower octave. "Humph, the floor is very comfy by the way I can see how you like it."

The younger laughed and pulled his arms back to stretch, and then signed. "It's okay, I don't mind... I'm usually alone by myself."

"Don't you have your older brother for a roommate? Don't you talk to him?" Taehyung asked curiously, as he slowly pushed his body up against the cold wall, and hugged one of the pillows, while putting his chin on it. 

"Not really, occasionally. We're really different. My brother, Yoongi has his whole entire future planned out already, he knows what he wants. He's taking up music production classes, and he's aiming to be a rapper. While I'm taking art classes, and have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm going to do after university." Jeongguk signed, while glancing down at the stuffed bunny, and petting it's grey fur and, making it walk with it's little feet on his kneecap.

The older frowns tilting his head, and says. "It's okay to take things slow, you'll figure it out as time passes. Your still young, and your talented in arts, and passionate about it. You could be an artist in the future, and there are still endless possibilities. Don't compare yourself to your brother like that, when you have things going for you too."

"It's not about what I want, it's about what is going to pay my expensive, my electric and water bills. A lot of artists struggle throughout their careers and have inconsistent salaries. I'm looking for a stable job and that would will keep me up water."

I can't be stuck in poverty... what would they think of me? Eomma ... Appa ... and Seohye? Knowing I failed in life after everything that's happened?

The younger explains, and lays down on top of the pile of colorful pillows and stuffed animals, burying himself with them, so he couldn't see anything like he was disappearing and escaping the world. Sighing like he was tired of talking about it, as he thought about it a lot and truthfully, it stressed him out, and Taehyung could tell.

Jeongguk pushed off all of the plushies and pillows off of his face, and touches around until he finds what he's looking for. Eventually, after finding the tiny bunny through the sea of mess, he plopped and balanced the little grey bunny on his button nose, and sighed again, staring at the stars and planets plastered tight to the ceiling. "Who's your friend?" Taehyung asked, smiling while nodding over at the little friend sitting and chilling on Jeongguk's nose.

The younger moves the bunny to face Taehyung, and uses the bunny's paw to cutely wave at him. Then, he uses both of the grey stuffed animal's paws, to send a flying kiss to the older. "His name is Floppy, and he likes to give kisses and cuddles." Jeongguk explains, while displaying his bunny smile, with his two front teeth slightly sticking out.


"Alright." The older giggles in response, and finally has the courage to fling the blanket off of him, and stands up. "Get up, we haven't even had breakfast and it's ten o' clock already." Taehyung comments, pointing at the black, thin framed clock on the wall.

Jeongguk whines, not wanting to leave the warmth and coziness of the pillows and stuffed animals as he continued to snuggle his face into the mountains of plushies. Taehyung rolls his eyes, and attempts to get him up, by using his toe to poke him on the back, but the younger remains in the same lump.

"Two can play at that game." Taehyung whispered into his ear in a deep, husky voice that sent shivers and chills down the younger's back. Heat rises to his cheeks, and then suddenly the grey stuffed animal is being snatched away, with loud footsteps and giggles trailing the emptiness in his hand.

"HEY! BITCH GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE, YOU AIN'T GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!" Jeongguk shouted in his head, as he pushed himself off of the surface of the blankets, and raced out of his bedroom down the hallway. Almost tripping over his own foot, and falling splat on his face on the floor, as he chased the older.

The coffee brown haired boy ran down the hallway, and saw the older with his beloved possession sitting on one of the maroon, red cushion bar stools lined next to the kitchen marble countertop island. The older revealed a boxy smile while laughing and said in a deep raspy voice, "Well that got you up."

The younger pouted cutely, puckering out his lower lip and then sassily reaching over and trying to pluck the grey bunny out of his hands, only to fail as the older's has a quick reflex to pull back. He scrunches his arms together, giving him a stink eye and death glare, a clear representation of, "hand him over hoe."

Taehyung laughs, and says seriously with direct eye contact. "I think not, until you decide what you want to eat or what you want to do for breakfast. Figure out what you want to eat. Plus, I think you friend likes me better than you. I think I'll keep him." He playfully teased at the last sentence.

Jeongguk scoffed, seeing Taehyung ruffling the grey fur and caressing the big ears of the bunny under the lip of the countertop. "If that's your excuse, because your in denial that you like floppy, than sure."

A hint of red arose to the older's cheeks and shouted out of embarrassment. "Hey! I don't like your stuffie! In fact I hate it, it's so ugly! Here take it away from me I don't care! I don't even want it, so disgusting-" Taehyung says quickly out of breath, with a slightly higher pitched voice. Forcing and shoving the small stuffed animal into Jeongguk's hands roughly, then scrunching his own arms together.

Jeongguk blankly looked at the bunny in confusion of what even just happened. After a few moments, Jeongguk begins to giggle in laughter and signs with a wide bunny smile. "Awww hyung has an adorable side too! You look so cold and careless but your the softest marshmallow ever!"

"I'm the softest marshmallow ever? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? If anything you are the softest fucking marshmallow to ever exist, if I've ever seen it." Taehyung grumbles annoyed, while gripping the edge of the seat.

Jeongguk fires back at him with the same attitude, crossing his arms together and tilting his head up so his chin is raised. "Whatever, your still cute in my eyes no matter what you think. For breakfast how do you feel about an egg salad sandwich? I'll make it since I don't feel like leaving the dorm."

"That sounds fine with me. I'll eat anything really." Taehyung replies, fixing his hair that kept puffing up and then asking. "Do you need help?"

"No your my guest so just be a couch potato and look on your phone or something." The younger said while waddling over to the other side of the kitchen, with his oversized shirt, managing somehow again to show off his sharp and agile collarbones. Reaching on his tippy toes to reach the cabinet, where there was a basket of cooking supplies and steel tools. He took out a flat metal skillet and laid it against the marble counter, with the older's eyes following his every movement and action.

The brown haired boy took out a clean black frying pan from the dish rack, and settled it on one of the burners. Next, he headed over to the stainless steel silver refrigerator, and took out a white cartridge of eggs. Along with the eggs, he retrieved a bag of fresh leafy lettuce and bright red cherry tomatoes from the see through vegetable and fruit drawer.

The younger proceeded to turn on the burner, and take out two eggs from the cartridge. Carefully, he successfully cracked the two eggs over the pan, not a shell could be found at all, and the sound of sizzling filled the air to a brim. While the eggs cooked, the younger prepared to dice half of a purple onion on a wooden chopping board. After he was finished with the onion, he proceeded the same process with the lettuce, cutting it into smaller pieces.

Taehyung hesitantly headed over to the burgundy velvet couch, and turned on his phone to be greeted with a bunch of notifications from social media platforms and text messages from his friends. His fingertips didn't even get a chance to press any of the colorful icons with red circular bubbles, as he kept eying the younger carefully. The darker haired boy put his hand on his head, resting on the head of the couch and watching the younger's thin body frame move across the kitchen to grab the grinders of salt and black pepper. Adding seasoning and some of the onion and lettuce.

The older wondered what Jeongguk's voice sounded like based off of his perky attitude and cute but sassy duality. His cute bunny smile that could melt anyone at an instant while taking their heart with him. Damn if Taehyung had to guess what Jeongguk's voice was like being on cloud nine, light and airy with a warm, angelic alluring pull.

It also sparked him to wonder why he chose to be mute in the first place, but Taehyung knew better than to ask as it was probably personal.

The older was lost in his own trance of thoughts, and the younger was about to turn to Taehyung. When the older noticed, his eyes widened with realization, and quickly looked down at his phone, pretending to be interested and absorbed in some instagram post or whatever was on his screen. "Hyung do you want coffee?" Jeongguk signed bad chirped up peppily to get his attention, with his big doe eyes lighting up.

"Sure." Taehyung said, slouching his back on the couch and attempting to seem like he was looking at his phone the whole entire time by tapping on his apps, while acting like he was reading notifications.

The younger began to head back to the counter and took out some fine grained coffee powder mix, and adding it to the coffee maker. The older watched the younger scurry to the opposite side of the kitchen attentively. He flipped the egg with the skillet seeing bubbles were forming and repeated the process until he had two plates with a spread out egg on it with specks of leafy green. The toaster made the sound of a ding and two slices of bread popped up into the air with a tannish side to each.

Taehyung's mind was clouded with thoughts of the younger as he continued to make breakfast.

Before the older even knew it, Jeongguk was finished making breakfast and... he haven't even read a single post or anything on his phone.

Taehyung slowly got off the couch, putting his phone in the pocket of his grey sweatpants and sat on one of the fuzzy stools. There was a silver breakfast tray and on the pastel pink, floral glass plate was a cute little white doily in the center, with a set of open face egg salad sandwiches, each in the shape of a star. At the corner of the plate, was a short wooden skewer, with three cherry tomatoes sticked through it. Lastly, on the tray was a tall glass of dark brewed coffee.

It was the cutest breakfast shit Taehyung has ever seen in his life, no words formed from his mouth and was completely speechless and stunned.


"No, it's patrick. Duh." Jeongguk rolled his eyes in response to Taehyung, but then glowing up into a sky rocketing ball of adorableness as he signs. "Do you like it though? I know my cooking is shit, I rarely have guests around here. I like cutting my sandwiches into shapes because I think it makes it more fun to eat, so I hope you like that!"

"If your cooking is shit then what the fuck is my cooking then?" Taehyung answers honestly, while take another bite out of his egg sandwich and sip of his dark roast brewed coffee. "It's amazing and great now sit down and eat it." The older compliments with a small genuine smile, and hand gestures for him to sit down on one of the bar stools.

The younger smiled satisfied and began to much on his egg sandwich, and every once in a while taking a sip of his carton of banana milk. Taehyung watched taking side glances when the younger had his eyes adverted somewhere else, feeling the breeze hitting against his legs every time Jeongguk swung his legs under the marble countertop.

After they finished eating their meals, Jeongguk popped up and signed with excitement. "Taehyung what do you want to do today? I have a couple of plans in mind!"

"I was thinking of going to back to my dorm. Again I didn't mean to sleep here I'll return your clothes too one day-" Taehyung started in a deep lower octave, but was cut off by Jeongguk.

"I don't really care hyung. Again like I said, I don't mind plus you can keep the clothes. I'm bored and I want to do something fun!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes with distaste and then said with a bitter metallic tone. "Have fun with Jiyeon then, I'm sure she would love to accompany you."

"No she probably doesn't like to do this kind of stuff. She seems badass and everything but I doubt she actually likes violence." Jeongguk argues in protest, sulking his arms in sadness, while cutely puckering his lower lip.

You have no idea Jeongguk.

"So you like violence? Didn't fit you in for that type." Taehyung scoffs still not won over, as he gently puts the glass plate into the kitchen sink while humming a song that was stuck inside his head.

"No not like that!"

"Then like what?"

"I want to take you to my taekwondo class!"

Taehyung turns around in surprise, almost dropping the tall, clear glass with light stained drips of leftover brewed coffee on the edges. "What?" The older repeats as if he had misheard, trying to cover up his initial shock. After all it was probably least expected, to have someone as a sweet little bean like the brown haired boy to take up a class in any form of martial arts. "I can't imagine someone like you beating anyone up at all."

Jeongguk gives a playful devilish smirk. "Really now? Let's see if you change that opinion when you see me beating your ass."

Taehyung choked.

Jeon Jeongguk was full of surprises alright.

I don't think I ever wrote this much in a chapter but hopefully it'll become a normal thing soon heheheh! I personally like long chapters anyway 💜💜

QOTD (s) : Today's question is really simple it's just predict what will happen in the next chapter with Taehyung and Jeongguk 👀👀


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