All hail Queen Bianca

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"Oh? Someone's in a good mood." Bianca observed, slipping her shoes off and pulling her hair out of her tight ponytail. Nico shrugged, a ridiculous smile still plastered on his face, and truth be told, he kind of loathed himself for it.

"I'm making risotto and I've accidentally made too much so I hope you're hungry." He took two plates out and placed them on the breakfast bar, before taking the pan from the stove and spooning substantial portions onto the dishes.

"Are you kidding? I'm always hungry." Bianca joked, taking a seat and eyeing the risotto greedily. "You know Neeks, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you. I'd probably just live off of crackers."

Nico rolled his eyes, handing her a spoon and digging in himself. "You cook food too."

"I cook because I need to feed you proper meals." She sighed at the first bite of risotto and nodded her head, eyes closed. "I knew it. You are the best chef. Nico's smile grew impossibly wider.

"Anyway, why such a good mood?" She inquired, wiggling her thick eyebrows. "Anything I should know?"

Nico stuck his chin out. "Can't a man be happy for no reason?"

Bianca shrugged. "Of course, a man can be happy for no reason, but not an angsty little teen like you." She teased, gasping when Nico used his spoon to catapult some rice into her hair.

"Nico!" She yelped, but the boy merely grinned evilly. "I'll call Hazel over and let her lecture you!"

Nico fake sighed, admitted defeat, and turning his attention back to his risotto. "So anyway, Reyna said a certain someone's hosting a party you forgot to tell me about." Bianca probed.

"Oh, yeah." Nico frowned. His thoughts had been so preoccupied by a particular blonde haired boy that he had forgotten about the party. Somehow, he'd even forgotten about Percy.

Bianca looked confused. "What's wrong? I thought that party was what had rocket-launched you to cloud nine."

Nico shrugged. "Parties...aren't really my thing. I'm just going because it's Percy's. But I don't even really want to go anymore." He shuffled the risotto around on his plate, parting it like the Red Sea, then mashing it back together.

Bee smiled at her little brother, the person in her life she loved more than anything. "Hm, I think that you should go anyway. Because it might be fun. It might not be fun. But you won't know until you go."

"Schrödinger's cat?" Nico asked, his smile returning.

"Indeed, Schrödinger's cat. Though I hate how they put a cat in there, I wish they'd have done it with a dog." She scowled, scooping more risotto into her mouth.
Nico rolled his eyes. "Ugh, cat-people."

"Don't lie, you adore Small Bob." Bianca grinned as Nico smiled and shovelled the last spoonful of risotto into his mouth.

"Yes, but only Small Bob." He rose from his seat and took his plate to the sink, rinsing it clean, drying it and then put it back in the cupboard. "Anyway, Reyna and I have a Skype date planned so if you don't mind..."

Bianca brushed him off with a haphazard wave of her hand. "You're excused, go Skype her." Nico smiled before rushing into his room, closing his door, and pulling out his tattered old laptop.

"Guess what?" Nico asked excitedly, as soon as the Skype call connected. Reyna, who's face had looked bored, immediately perked up at Nico's excitement.

"What? Tell me!" She sat up, pulling her laptop closer into her lap and adjusting the screen.

"Do you remember when I told you about the boy who gave me his umbrella?" Reyna's eyes widened as she gasped and nodded her head vigorously. "Well I saw him again today."

Reyna squealed. "What is his name? Is he as nice as he was during that storm? Are you getting married-"

Nico cut her off with a laugh, but blushed despite his faux confidence. "He's called Will Solace."

The dark haired girl's jaw dropped. "That's the perfect name!"

"Oh come on, his name could've been Lester Papadupoulos (ayy ToA) and you'd say it was perfect." He rolled his eyes as Reyna shook her head.

"No but Solace, it just fits doesn't it? You were in the rain, in the cold, and he came and gave you his umbrella." She sighed. "I'm jealous."

"Hm, how's Thalia doing?" Nico asked, changing the subject discreetly. It worked, because Reyna immediately began talking.

"Well actually today Jason was joking around and he said that it was weird how Thalia has never had a crush on any guys, and then she punched him and then winked at me! What do you think this means?!" Nico giggled at her.

"It's pretty obvious isn't it? I think that you should just ask her out already." Reyna just scoffed and folded her arms.

"Come on, I'm about as close to asking her out as you are to asking Percy out. Which might never happen now Solace is around." She smirked.

"But there's a difference between you and I; you actually have a chance. My love is doomed." He joked, even though the thought hurt. Reyna pressed her lips into a line, immediately seeing through Nico's joke. She was like that; she had big sister powers, and could sense when Nico was in pain.

"I know it would just be so much easier if everyone you liked liked you back. So Percy isn't right for you, he's only your first crush; there'll be so many more. And besides, I think this Will guy likes you, y'know. Hey, tell me all about what happened today." She smiled, coaxing Nico's mind to forget his sadness, and his smile returned. He gave Reyna the run through: the chasing, the bumping into one another, the puddle fight, Will insisting on walking him to his door. By the end of it, Reyna's eyes were shining.

"Marry him. Do it. Marry this one."

Nico rolled his eyes just as Bee opened his door and poked her head through. "I wanted to say hi to my favourite before I go to bed."

Nico twisted the laptop to face Bianca and she waved at Reyna happily. "Hiya Ra-Ra."

Reyna scowled. "That's tasteless." Bianca covered her mouth with her hand, but the two girls began laughing anyway.

"Goodnight you two, keep the noise to a minimum please; I need my beauty sleep." She framed her face with her hands and Nico took the opportunity to shoot her an insult.

"Looks like you haven't been getting any recently." He teased and Bianca dropped her jaw, before marching into his room and flicking his ear. She then gave him a big kiss on his cheek, in front of Reyna, and glided back out of his room to bed.

Nico couldn't help but smile; they'd sort of grown out of their sibling mannerisms, and he missed the teasing and the arguing.

"Wait- did you at least get his number?" Reyna asked, returning to their conversation from earlier.

Nico shook his head and Reyna exclaimed "pendejo!" A mild Spanish phrase meaning 'idiot.' "How are you going to meet him again?"

"I still have the umbrella. And he knows where I live." He shrugged. "I guess I didn't think about that."

Reyna facepalmed, dragging her hand down and pulling her features in exasperation. "How are you going to marry him if you never see him again?"

Nico shrugged. "Where there's a Will there's a way."
(Comment on a scale of 1-10 how much you hate Nico rn for that shitty pun)


It was Wednesday lunchtime, and everyone had congregated around a dinner table to talk about Percy's party.

"Do you know that if we were in England we could drink alcohol?!" Leo exclaimed and Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Correction: we could all drink, Leo is still a baby." She teased and Percy laughed, sliding his arm over her shoulders.

"Thalia, Hazel and Reyna can't either. Don't be sad, Leo." Jason comforted his bro, patting him on the back. (Typing the word bro hurts me inside)

"Hey, is Silena coming?" Piper asked, earning a nod from Percy. "And Clarisse. And Grover. Basically everyone from camp."
(A/n just to save me hassle everyone else from camp is alive and either 16-18 years old ok :))

"Will Sally be there?" Hazel asked, and everyone nodded and turned to Percy. Everyone loved Sally Jackson; she was probably the best mum in the world, and since so many of Percy's friends didn't have mums or at least not ones they could depend on, everyone looked to Sally to be their parent figure.

"Unfortunately not; her and Paul are going out and they're dropping Tyson off at my dad's place." Everyone sulked immediately.

"That's so weird, like if any other mum was going to come to a party it would be lame as hell, but with Sally it's different." Jason observed.

"That's because Sally is the best." Annabeth concluded, earning a chorus of 'agreed' from the group.

Nico loved Sally, he really did, but no matter how fantastic she was, he knew she would never compare to his own mother, and definitely never to Bianca.

"Hey, could Bianca come?" Thalia asked, turning to Nico. This grabbed everyone else's attention, and they all turned to look at the dark haired boy. He subconsciously shrunk back into Reyna's side and and shook his head.

"She needs to study, so she wouldn't be able to come if she wanted to. I fell bad about it, though, so I might just have to bail-" he was interrupted by Reyna punching his arm and he looked up at her.

"Absolutely not. You know the last thing Bee wants is for you to give up your social life for her sake." She gave him a warm smile. "And anyway, she's got her holiday coming up soon, so we'll just have to find an excuse to throw another party."

"Why not throw a party just for Bianca?" Thalia suggested, and everybody cheered. "That settles it, then."
Nico felt a smile spread across his face, and a warmth in his chest, because no one deserved to be celebrated as much as Bianca.

Thalia scooted over to Reyna and tugged on her sleeve a little, and Nico could see from Reyna's face she could have exploded from cuteness.
(Man I am Theyna af I might just make this story about these two)

"Will you come with me to hand this form in?" She asked, and Reyna nodded straight away. "Bye guys." They waved as they walked away, leaving Nico at the table with the rest of the group. Jason took this opportunity to slide along the bench to Nico's side, and Hazel did the same on the opposite.

The group had broken up into different conversations: Percy and Jason were discussing what would be a better super power: the ability to breath underwater or the ability to fly. For some reason Piper was blushing furiously and repeatedly hitting Leo while he laughed maniacally, Calypso shaking her head at his side. Hazel and Frank were just all around being a cute couple, and Annabeth was staring at Nico. Wait.

Nico blushed as his gaze met Annabeth's and she smiled. There'd been a misunderstanding between the two before; Annabeth had thought Nico liked her, forcing him to come out to her in explanation. Now he was out to everyone, except maybe Percy, because he hadn't come out to him personally but he had told other people that if Percy were to find out he wouldn't be upset.

Other than that, he really did like Annabeth; she was a good person, and obviously he wouldn't blame her for falling for Percy, because he did too.



Did it get a little ramble-y towards the end? I don't know.

How do you guys feel about Theyna by the way? Do you guys ship it? If you have any other (reasonable) ships that you would like me to include, then just comment and I will see what I can do. ;)

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapterrrrrr

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