18 | It's War

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»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-««

-- 1979

When an owl dropped off a letter for Carina right in the middle of their meeting, no one really thought too deeply of it. Not even Carina herself. She was gathered with the aurors affiliated with the Order as they debriefed for their upcoming mission. Gathered around a round table like the noble knights from the stories of Camelot, Moody led the charge, informing them all of their roles for the upcoming mission to seize supplies from a Death Eater sympathizer family. Supplies were mainly just money; they had to fund their organization somehow. 

It was the area of grey that always struck Carina oddly. They were supposed to be the good ones, weren't they? Sure, they were planning to steal from prejudiced people, but was that justification enough? The debate circled her head until it drove her crazy now and then. 

It had only been a week since the grand Potter Wedding, and everyone but the honeymooning couple had returned to their normal work lives. 

This was also the first mission to include the newest round of auror recruits, who'd only just graduated from their preliminary training. Carina was happy to see the familiar faces of her friends Sirius and Frank across the table. 

Carina retrieved her letter from the unfamiliar owl, flipping it over. Her face twitched ever so slightly in confusion as she saw the Black family symbol staring up at her from the wax. She glanced up incredulously to Sirius. It had been years since he'd left his birth family behind and even longer since he used his family's seal or regalia. Even the wax enclosing of the envelope seemed too proper and old-fashioned for the rebellious Sirius Black. He met her eyes when his gaze flickered her way, head tilting in confusion. A quiet bop of his head told her very quickly he had no idea what was in her hands or even what was wrong. 

Quickly soothing her features into a soft smile, she rolled her eyes just as Moody said 'constant vigilance' for the tenth time in the last hour. He returned her smile before refocusing his attention on the meeting. 

As casually as she could, she broke the seal, opening the letter.   

She'd already explained the logistics, numbers, and probability of it all to Fabian and Gideon, so she wasn't being expected to be in the spotlight this meeting. They'd only call upon her if they forgot one of her points or needed her to explain in more detail. 

Skimming through the letter, her eyes widened.

It was definitely from a Black. Just not a Black she kept in acquaintance. And no, it was not delivered to the wrong person- she'd checked. Thrice.   

"Now remember," Gideon's voice boomed through the room. "Our mission is meant to be covert. It is best if we can get in and out completely undetected and without leaving a trace. How are you all with your charms? Because that will be the key to getting through this as stealthily as we can manage." 

A large number of the aurors, especially the newer ones, stared back blankly. 

"Oh, come on, any of you?" Fabian called out. 

"The curriculum for aurors only includes basic charms," one of the members of the older cohorts called out. Edgar Bones, she believed? 

"Perhaps we need a charms specialist?" Carina interjected lightly. "An experienced charms master can create a whole manner of diversions, not to mention detect and dismantle some of the most common protective charms." 

"Did none of you fools take NEWT level charms?" Moody glared across his team incredulously. 

"Didn't require it," Sirius shrugged. 

"Perhaps we do need a charms master," Fabian acknowledged. "Do we even have someone who might be willing to take up a mastery?" 

"Actually, we already have someone who's completed her mastery," Carina grinned, eyes flickering to Frank. 

His eyes widened in concern before he sighed with a reluctant smile. Alice would jump at this chance in a heartbeat, and he knew it. He could hardly condemn her from going out in the field when he was risking his life the very same way. 

"Well? Who is it?" Moody barked. 

"My wife, sir," Frank spoke up. "Alice Longbottom. She's only just completed her charms mastery, and she's already a member of the Order." 

"She's not a trained auror, though," Fabian mumbled to Moody in concern. 

"Well, then. Train her," Moody ordered, looking at the Prewett twins. "You have three months to bring her to speed." 

"Three months?" Benjy Fenwick exclaimed in disbelief. "Our training takes a whole year, and that's working six days a week!" 

Moody raised an eyebrow towards his deputies, and they immediately jumped to the challenge. "She'll be ready," Gideon assured confidently. 

"Good," Moody nodded. "Make sure she's prepared enough for this upcoming mission—basic defense. We can pair her with an experienced team to make sure she's protected. She'll be useful." 

"Ehem," Carina coughed delicately. 

They all turned to her owlishly. 

"As much as I love seeing this enthusiasm, perhaps you might want to ask Alice first?" 

Relief flooded Frank's eyes, thankful he didn't have to speak up against his superiors even though he'd been chanting the same thought in his own mind. 

"Yes," Moody acknowledged with an awkward cough. "Longbottom! Set up the meeting with your wife and the Prewetts. They'll be handling her training from here on out." 

"Yes, sir!"  

»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-««

When the meeting adjourned, Carina was the first out the door. 

"Carina!" A voice yelled out behind her, jarring her from her abyss of thoughts. 

"Fabian," she greeted distractedly, turning around. 

"You alright?" He asked curiously. "You seem a bit... distracted." 

"Huh? Yes, fine. I just have some errands to run before the day is out and the shops close," Carina waved off as nonchalantly as she could manage. 

"Alright, I won't keep you. See you!" 

"See you," she smiled. She waited for him to turn around before she rushed away. 

Digging the letter out of her bag, she skimmed it over once more. She was possibly about to do something very reckless. But her instincts had never led her astray before. 

Dear Miss Lennox, 

I realize it may no longer be my place to reach out to you in such a manner, but I find I have no one else to turn to. I've come into possession of some knowledge that may change the very course of this war. But its very awareness has put me in a perilous position. 

I find I can no longer stick to the side I've been raised to stand on. Even my loyalty to my house and blood has its limits. I know this is rather ambiguous, but it wouldn't be safe to continue further in this letter. 

Please meet me where we had our first real conversation. I promise I intend you no harm. 


Regulus Arcturus Black 

Thinking very carefully, Carina decided this was a chance she'd have to take. And she knew exactly the location to which he referred. Their entire year was abuzz with the news that the already notorious Sirius Black's younger brother would be joining Hogwarts. They were merely second years, but after Carina helped the boys get to the hospital wing after a full moon to visit Remus, she was close enough to Sirius to note that he had a younger brother. 

Sirius was never close to his brother. In fact, after Regulus was sorted into Slytherin, the hopeful gleam in Sirius's eyes had dimmed slightly. He kept his distance from his brother that entire year. It really wasn't her place to intrude, so Carina didn't really give the matter much thought. 

At least until she ran into the youngest Black around the holidays. Sirius had already eagerly left for the break with James. Apparently, the marauders were spending the break together at the Potter family estate. Carina had stayed behind that year while her parents settled some of her mother's affairs in Holland. To her surprise, the youngest Black brother had also stayed behind. She'd run into him in the halls of Hogwarts before, but she'd never stopped for him before. Usually, they were surrounded by midday crowds of students rushing to get to class or lunch.   

But that day, during her normal afternoon stroll, she came upon the small first-year sitting in the snow staring blankly into the distance. 

"Are you supposed to be here?" She asked him lightly, making it clear she had no intention of telling on him. After all, second years weren't allowed in Hogsmeade either. It would be counterproductive to tell on him; she'd effectively be telling on herself.  

Regulus startled at her voice, shyly glancing towards her before averting his gaze back to the Shrieking Shack in the distance. "Probably not..." 

"Everything okay?" She asked carefully, taking note of his damp pants and slightly shivering body. She quickly performed a warming charm on him. 

He glanced up again in surprise. "Thank you..." 

"No problem," she smiled kindly, taking a seat beside him. "So what's brought you out here alone just days before Christmas?" 

He watched her in wary surprise. "Why are you out here alone just days before Christmas?" He flipped back at her cheekily. 

She laughed. "Touché. My parents are out of the country right now, so I decided to stay over the holidays. I actually don't mind time alone now and then. Is that the case with you as well?" 

"Why are you talking to me?" Regulus asked bluntly. 

Carina's face fell flat. "I beg your pardon? Should I not be talking to you? Is there a rule?" Sirius had moaned about the snobbiness of his family, but she felt slightly peeved that a first-year would mouth off to a second-year like this.  

"No, I just- it's just..." He looked uncertain all of a sudden. "You're a Gryffindor!" 

"Well observed," Carina nodded slowly. "So?" 

"And I'm a Slytherin..." he told her quietly as if it were a secret she might not already know.  

"Ah," Carina sighed. Poor thing. At least he wasn't already prejudiced into thinking that he, as one of the members of the "Ancient and Noble House of Black," was superior somehow. "Well, there's no rule that Gryffindors and Slytherins can't be friends. I prefer to get to know someone before I make that call. I'm Carina. Carina Lennox," she smiled at the boy. 

"I know," he told her gravely. "You're one of Sirius's friends." 

"I am," she nodded curiously. "May I call you Regulus then? If we're to be friends as well?" 

"Why do you want to be my friend? Wouldn't Sirius get mad at you?" He asked her seriously. 

"Sirius has no say in who my friends are," Carina told him firmly. "And why wouldn't I want to be friends with you? You seem nice." 

"Sirius doesn't want anything to do with me," he said quietly. "He's barely looked at me all year." 

"I'm sorry," she whispered, unable to help but feel that the words were inadequate. 

"Why does he hate me? Do you know?" He asked her, hopefully. "I'm not sure what I did, but he'll barely talk to me. It's not like I asked to be in Slytherin! I just thought I wanted to make my parents proud." 

"I'm sure you did," Carina said softly. "Sirius is just..." She sighed deeply, contemplating how honest to be with this troubled boy. "Sirius is a little caught up with himself right now. You know how he disagrees with your parents a lot?" 

Regulus nodded. 

"Well, I think he just is so focused on establishing himself and his independent beliefs that he's pushed anything related to his family away." 

"Including me," Regulus said sadly. 

"Unfortunately," Carina grimaced. 

"But I haven't done anything! I don't even know if I believe what my parents believe." 

"It's not your fault," Carina assured him. "Sirius... he has a lot of growing to do. His not talking to you isn't a reflection on you- it's a reflection on himself." 

"So... we can still be friends?" He asked her. 

"Of course we can." 

And so started their unconventional friendship. Granted, it was sparse. When classes were back in session, they were both respectively pulled back into the frenzy of their own houses. It was around the holidays or during the quiet weeks when Carina and Regulus would eventually catch up. She gave him advice on his classes, and he regaled her with the trying times he had in Slytherin. Despite his occasional annoyance with his housemates,  Carina had no doubt that Regulus had been sorted into the right house. 

It had taken a few weeks in his acquaintance before he came out of his shell. During that time, he'd also grown more comfortable in his own skin. Whereas Sirius was loud, Regulus was quiet. But they were both ridiculously cheeky. Sirius wore his emotions for the world to see. With Regulus, you could never tell what he was thinking until he told you. He maintained a facade of uncaring disinterest- even with her. But the slight twinkle in his eyes when they'd see each other after many weeks told her he enjoyed her company. 

They'd lost touch around Carina's sixth year. After the fiasco between the Marauders and Snape at the end of their OWLS in the fifth year, tensions between Gryffindor and Slytherin had only escalated. Lily and Snape's resilient friendship up until that point had been insurmountably essential in maintaining the peace between the two houses. Without it, their altercations became more hostile and polarized. Carina was dismayed to see when it even trickled down to the younger students. Regulus acknowledged her less and less in public- not even a nod or a smile! Slytherins she'd come to know personally were suddenly getting sucked into their own insular world, being led around by the seventh years, many of whom were on the brink of leaving and pursuing darker paths. Regulus's brush-off was hurtful, but she'd been even more preoccupied with her separation from Lucius at the time.  

She despised her sixth year of Hogwarts. The Slytherins she'd spent years either befriending- even loving- were suddenly hostile. Lines were drawn between them all that could no longer be crossed. Her parents were murdered. 

But unlike them, she couldn't pretend those years didn't exist. It was with that faith that Carina disapparated. She'd heard rumors that Regulus would be groomed to join You-Know-Who since Sirius left the family. But he'd told her once that he wasn't certain he believed the same things his parents did. She could only hope that their friendship, as distant as it may seem now, was not erased in his mind.     

»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-«« 

As she approached the same spot she'd met him back in his first year, she couldn't help but mark the changes. The young, lanky boy who reminded her of a baby deer now stood tall and proud. His shoulders were tense as he looked out towards the shrieking shack in the distance. 

This was a rather secluded spot near the woods. Perhaps it would've been in her interest to meet him somewhere a bit more public. Then again, if the information he had really was as delicate as he said, that may not have been wise. 

"Are you supposed to be here?" She spoke up lightly. 

Regulus's shoulders relaxed ever so slightly before she heard his response- an echo of their first conversation years and years ago. "Probably not..." 

"Everything okay?" She came to stand beside him. Looking up, she now noticed his eyes were rimmed red. His dark and usually immaculate curls were in utter disarray. 

"No..." he whispered hoarsely. 

"Don't tell me it's because you're Slytherin and I'm Gryffindor?" She teased lightly, though she could feel her heart clench sadly at how haggard and exhausted he looked. 

"If only," he chuckled wistfully. "It's because you're good and I'm bad. You're part of the Order, and I'm a bloody Death Eater. If they knew I was here, they'd kill us both." 

Carina's breath caught. She'd suspected, but now he'd confirmed it. "Tell me what happened." 

"I almost didn't call you. I only found out yesterday. Actually, I had plans to go out and handle it all on my own. But I couldn't, coward that I am," he choked out, rambling at this point. "Just like I couldn't bring myself to even acknowledge you back in Hogwarts. I don't know how this all went so wrong. Or how I got here. But now I don't know how to get out." 

Carina could hear the rising panic in Regulus's voice. 

"Regulus," she calmed him with a soothing touch of her hand on his arm. "Take a breath. It's okay. You're not alone. I'm glad you called for me. Tell me what's wrong." 

"You can't defeat the Dark Lord. You and the entire Order- if you continue on this path, you're doomed." 

Carina stiffened. 

"You can't because he's such a sick, messed up bastard. Because he's made it impossible for you to kill him." 


". . . A Horcrux."     

»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-«« 


This wouldn't be one of my stories without a heaping dose of Death Eater redemption lol. 

Before this stirs up more controversy, let me make it clear that I do not condone the prejudiced behavior of Death Eaters or sympathizers. I am not attempting to romanticize Death Eaters. But I am a sucker for GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT. People are not stagnant- they learn from their experiences, and they can change. Sometimes drastically. 

I only say this because it seems topical with everything going on in the world. But if someone is willing to learn and change and fix their problematic behaviors, it is not productive to alienate them.   

Be kind to each other! (Never at the expense of your own well-being, but still) 


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