07 | She Had a Life

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Hehehe you guys are in for a wild ride this chapter *satisfied smirk*
I would be so genuinely shocked if any of you saw this coming.
~ Mischief Managed

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The next few days, Carina found herself constantly being checked in on by the guys. They never brought up what happened, never confirmed whether James had told them. But she knew. She could tell from the attentive gestures and the regular follow ups. Thankfully, she never once saw pity in their eyes. She wouldn't stand for it if she had- she was not about to be their charity case.

Lily and Alice never caught on to what happened- mostly because Carina recovered so quickly after James put her to bed that day.

The next few days they settled into a slightly awkward but largely hilarious endeavor of navigating their fake relationship. More often than not, James would come find Carina while she was with Lily and Alice and end up spending time with Lily as well. Carina could tell Lily had been notably tense the first few days, but as time went on, she grew more and more accustomed to James out of habit alone. Slowly, Lily would grace him with a friendly smile as he approached them, or would ask him about his day without the usual exasperation in her tone. Moments like that made James come alive- it was all he'd talk about when he reported back to the boys.

Most of the times James would come find them out of nowhere, Carina would leave half way through to go tutor one of the underclassmen. Initially it was unintentional, and James even tried to leave when Carina had to go. But Alice, being the perfect unknowing ally she was, eventually started convincing James to hang around even after Carina needed to leave. This was purely selfish on her part- she merely wanted the chance to pick his brains and determine whether he truly was being good to their friend. But that ultimately gave James more time with Lily, which had been the whole point of their facade anyway.

It was just another ordinary day when the lot of them were sitting for lunch at the Great Hall. Carina was scribbling away on her parchment, wisps of her hair escaping the confines of the loose French braid she fashioned. Remus and Peter were being regaled by Sirius's tale of how he'd talked Moaning Myrtle into scaring away one of his fangirls. And to the surprise of the whole group, James and Lily were conversing amicably about their head duties.

It was a new habit of theirs, but ever since Carina and James had started "seeing each other," Lily made more of an effort to look beyond past grievances and sit with them so Carina didn't feel like she had to choose.

"Carina," James called to her, trying to get her attention.

The girl didn't seem to hear and continued writing away furiously.

"Little star," James tried in a sing-song voice, though her namesake was hardly little.

He'd gotten the attention of the others at the table, yet Carina remained oblivious. He leaned over, childishly tugging on one of the wisps of hair that'd escaped their confines.

"What?" Carina looked up startled, her hair falling into her open mouth.

Everyone chuckled at the disheveled sight of her, and she rolled her eyes at them, finally pushing back her hair.

"We were wondering if you wanted to be on the committee to set up the Ball this year," Lily spoke up. "James and I both agree that you'd be a great leader for the others."

Carina quirked and eyebrow in amusement. She couldn't remember the last time- if ever- Lily said 'James and I.'

"That's sweet of you two, but I can't," she groaned, stretching her neck left and right. "I have to run a study session for the fifth years' potions O.W.L.'s."

"You're always tutoring," James said with childish displeasure. "Why?"

"I might want to be a professor after I get my mastery," Carina shrugged. "It's good experience working with kids and knowing how to teach."

"Well the Equinox Ball is only a week away," Lily sighed.

"If I may offer my services," Sirius cleared his throat dramatically.

"No you may not," Lily glared at him jokingly. "I can't have you distracting all my volunteers with your wily smiles, Sirius Black."

"Who me?" Sirius's eyes widened innocently.

James broke out laughing, and Lily soon joined in. Carina smiled to herself before returning to her papers. She wanted to be ecstatic that they were getting along so well. The plan was going even better than they could've hoped. James might even have a shot of going to the ball with Lily if he really tried. Yet she couldn't help feel a little hollow, but she couldn't place why.

Lily, on the other hand, was surprised how brilliantly she got along with Potter when he wasn't being an absolute toe-rag. According to Carina, he was never quite that bad- or at least he hadn't been in years. Now that they were actually cordial and communicating, they were getting more done in this one month than they had the entire year together. The Equinox Ball gave her a good excuse to talk to him, but she'd wager she was getting to accustomed to his company.

James was really great at making people laugh, and putting them at ease.

Lily couldn't place why it took her so long to see that first hand. Perhaps it was because she'd been so guarded after their confrontation caused her and Snape to cut ties. She'd seen that unfortunate outcome as much James's responsibility as Severus's.

But she had to admit it: Carina was right. James had matured since then. But it wasn't like he needed her forgiveness or approval or anything- he was long over her and head over heels into Carina. Anyone could see it. Even his feelings for Carina were more mature than the childish crush he'd sported for her. He was watchful, responsive, and considerate. He was still playful, nonetheless- but nothing like the outlandish, showy gestures he'd use on her. She should be happy Carina was able to get this matured side of James... she really should.

Yet why couldn't she?

Lily shook her errant thoughts out of her head, a sense of guilt filling her for the mere suggestion they shouldn't be happy together.

Carina sighed loudly, drawing all their heads back to her.

"I think I'm going to go to the library," she thought aloud. "I need a change of scenery."

"I'll walk you-"

All four Marauders froze, half out of their seats as they looked at each other sheepishly.

"We can all walk her!" Sirius suggested cheerfully, much like a small child.

"Guys," Carina laughed at them. "I can walk there myself- honestly."

"What about the planning?" Lily asked hesitantly. If the others were going to accompany Carina, surely James could stay behind?

"We can continue another time, we're already pretty prepared as is," James waved off, climbing out of his seat.

Carina rolled her eyes, knowing better than to try and talk them out of it. They'd been escorting her around the castle for the last week even though there had been no more encounters with any of the Slytherins from that day.

As she made her way up the staircase, she looked back at the four men trailing after her like puppies.

"Honestly you guys, you don't need to keep doing this. I haven't run into the Slytherins since last week, and I doubt they'd try something again. They're already in too much trouble."

"Perhaps we just like your company, love." Sirius murmured in a honeyed voice as he flashed her a grin.

"Hey, get your own love!" James joked.

Carina, Peter, and Remus looked at him curiously, but that only made Sirius bark out in laughter. It was just the five of them- there was really no need to keep up the farce right now.

"You never know, maybe I'll steal her away when you finally get your precious 'Lily-petal.'" Sirius prodded. "After all, Sirius and Carina? We're literally written in the stars!"

Peter and Remus chuckled at Sirius's dramatics. He and James were similar in that. Carina couldn't help but notice James didn't laugh. In fact, his brows furrowed slightly in consternation, like he'd forgotten about that eventuality.

They'd almost made it to the library when they ran into him. The person who started this in the first place. James spotted him first, immediately pulling Carina to a halt.

"Malfoy," James growled, walk ahead to protectively place himself beside her.

She could feel the others come up beside her as well, each of them tensed up.

"Looks like you can't go anywhere anymore without your herd of mutts," Lucius looked to Carina.

She merely watched him in stubborn silence; she had nothing left to say to him.

"And here I thought you didn't let others fight your battles," he murmured to himself.

"I don't," she bit out, the anger from their earlier encounter filling her rather easily.

"Prove it," he mocked, scoffing. "You can't even face me without them at your back."

"She doesn't need to do anything," James spit at him. "I thought I told you to keep away from her!"

"Not that I need to listen to a blood traitor such as yourself, Potter, but I have business with her."

"She has nothing to say to you," he glowered, stepping forward threateningly.

"Oh really?" Lucius smirked in amusement. "She's had plenty to say before."

Lucius eyed Carina up and down in a practiced manner. James, noticing the familiarity in his gaze, immediately stiffened.

"Oh shut up, Malfoy," Carina snapped, finally losing her cool. "We have nothing left to talk about."

"What happened to Lucius?" He quirked an eyebrow, his voice deep and smooth in a seductive tone she hadn't heard in ages.

James turned to glance at her. "Carina, what?" The confusion was evident in his voice, his eyes filled with a now cautious dread.

"Oh you haven't told him?" Lucius asked gleefully. "First your parents, now me. Really Angel, are you honestly even invested in him, or are you just toying with him?"

Carina stiffened, sighing as she closed her eyes. Now he'd done it. She was hoping to avoid this moment indefinitely. She'd certainly left it behind her and had no intention of looking back. Yet Malfoy seemed bent on picking her apart in front of James thread by thread.

"What is he saying, Carina?" James turned to her fully now, coming to stand in front of her. His stern voice contrasted the pleading look in his eyes.

"Honestly, Potter-" Lucius taunted in his usual silky drawl.

"Stuff it, Malfoy, before I make you," James spit out harshly, his eyes blazing at the man. "I asked Carina, not you."

"I... I..."

"You what?" James's voice turned harder the longer Carina struggled to gather her words.

Carina sighed, taking a deep breath before looking up at him. "We used to be together."

James inhaled sharply, his nostrils flaring as he stared at her blankly.

"He's a blood supremacist," James seethed through clenched teeth.

"It was a long time ago, he wasn't like this back then," Carina said quietly.


Carina glanced at her feet, feeling the stares of Sirius, Remus, and Peter on her. "Fifth year."

"But you're a half-blood." James's face scrunched up in confusion.

Malfoy let out an uncharacteristically inelegant laugh. "Would you look at that, even Potter being one of the self-proclaimed good guys can only think of your blood."

"I swear to Merlin," James clenched his fists, swinging around to tear into Malfoy.

Carina caught hold of his arm as he started to stride over to the blonde man. James tensed under hold but didn't shake her off.

"You bastard," he seethed. "I don't give one whit about her blood, but I know you'd go as far to murder her for it."

"James, leave it," Carina begged. "We ended things long ago, and with good reason."

"Your blood not being one of them," Lucius pointed out bluntly.

"I would never have followed your path, you knew that," Carina glared daggers at him.

"You can pretend you're too good for my path, Angel," he sneered. "But that certainly doesn't change our past."

"And that's exactly where it will stay. The past." Carina bit out.

"How the bloody hell did you ever think being with him would be a good idea?" James turned on her, his incredulity seeping through.

"I told you, he was a different person back then!" Carina defended hoarsely.

"Oh and you certainly felt no qualms in giving yourself to me back then," Lucius recalled smugly.

James paled, his eyes begging Carina to deny it.

"How does it feel, Potter?" Malfoy boasted. "Knowing your witch never had her firsts with you?"

"You slept with him?" James asked her in a deadly calm voice.

Carina stayed silent, but she couldn't look away from his betrayed gaze. She couldn't tell him the answer he wanted to hear.

"Alright, that's enough," Sirius intervened in a hard tone. He glanced back and forth between Carina and James, sensing the tension between them. Malfoy was only fueling their fire. "Malfoy, just leave."

He quirked an eyebrow in disinterest before taking one last look at the pair standing toe to toe. He supposed he'd done enough damage for now. With a light, amused huff, he walked towards the far staircase.

"Oh and Potter?" He couldn't help but call back mockingly. "It's rather a shame you don't know yet, but your Angel is a hellion in the sack."

James glimpsed up towards the staircase, but Malfoy had already disappeared. Carina turned bright red, avoiding looking at anything at the moment. Damn Lucius Malfoy. James could feel the anger and the betrayal boiling, flexing his fists. The mere thought of that man with his hands on Carina- their Carina- his Carina-

"Fuck!" He swung his fist into the nearest wall, a sickening crunch sounding the air as his hand gave way to the centuries old stone of the castle.

He heard a sharp gasp, but he leaned his head against the cool stone wall, forcing himself to take slow, calming breaths.

"Mate..." Sirius said hesitantly.

"How could you?" He spoke in a low, controlled tone before turning to her, the disgust clear in both his expression and voice. "How could you let him put his hands on you?"

Carina sighed wearily. "I told you, he was a different person back then. I ended things as soon as he began talking about the blood supremacy and Death Eaters indulgently."

"But Malfoy? Really Carina?" James asked, the disappointment as clear as day.

"I don't know what you want me to say," she threw her hands up. "Yes Malfoy. It happened- granted a long time ago. And it's been over for a while."

He shook his head at her. "Maybe you're not who I really thought you were."

Carina stiffened at the callous words, the vitriol in his eyes setting fire to her budding hopes from the past week. Remus, Sirius, and Peter stared between the two of them warily.

"How dare you," she finally spoke, straightening up with her head held high. "It's not like you had any shortage of female companions over the years- don't bother denying it. I've had one. And I was in a relationship with him at the time. I've told you he was different back then, and I ended things as soon as our beliefs fell out of line."

"He's been a prat this entire time, there's no excusing that," James argued. "Whether he was a Death Eater when you were with him or not, he's always been a bloody git."

"So were you!" Carina cried out in frustration. "You think fifth year you was a walk in the park? You were just as bad as he was! Stringing Snape up by the ankles whenever you ran into him, bullying underclassmen."

"How dare you compare me to him!" James gritted his teeth, pure fire in his eyes as he rushed towards her until they were nose to nose.

"How dare you try to make me feel like less of a person because I had my own life!" Carina fought back. "You know you lot are not my only friends. In fact, until recently you didn't trust me any more than you did anyone else at this school! Even then, it wasn't by choice!"

"Guys," Remus broke in hesitantly. "Take a breather, we can work this out."

"Oh come on Moony, you can't be okay with this." James laughed hysterically.

Remus looked between them uncomfortably before shrugging in a small gesture. "We all have a past, and I know who Carina is today. I don't have any right to judge her for her mistakes; Merlin knows I have plenty of my own."

Carina deflated a little at Remus's reassurance. Looking at Peter's concerned- albeit slightly frustrated- gaze, she knew she had nothing to worry about with him. Sirius, much like Remus seemed more concerned about James and Carina blowing upon each other than any past history with Malfoy.

James stared at his friends' lack of support blankly before scoffing in disbelief. He turned, heading the opposite direction without a word.

"James!" Sirius called after him.

Carina scoffed. "Should've known better," she mumbled to herself.

She too walked away, heading back to Gryffindor Tower while ignoring the concerned voices behind her.

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So the idea of Carina and Lucius came to me as a fleeting idea when I wrote their first interaction while enjoying a bottle of wine. At the time I wrote it off as dazed nonsense, but when I returned to it, it made sense. Carina is meant to be this neutral and likable figure to everyone- even Slytherins. That's what makes her so different in this tempestuous time period. It was the perfect way to deepen her character: adding a little grey to her seemingly perfect record. And I have long term plans for this element going forward!

So did anyone see it coming? Because literally even I blindsided myself with that pairing lol


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