Speaking ngày 2

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Day 2

This story is about me and Casey/khây-sy/

But by the end of it, it's a story about you. Two years ago I was sitting at my laptop with no job or clue/khờ-lu/, watching Casey Neistat/Nai-s-tịt/ videos on YouTube, thinking to myself. Damn!

This guy is successful. And I wish, I wished to be him. And to be him... I wanted his glasses. I wanted his office. I wanted his blogs/b-lóc-s/. I wanted his style/stai/. Do what you can't, because that idea encapsulates/in'-khép-sùa-lì/ everything I've ever done.

I wanted his life because the only way to get success was/guất-s/ to copy him.

And I'm not the only one who thinks like this. My friends feel like they have to be doctors, because their parents are doctors. Other friends feel like they have to be lawyers(lòi-ơ-s) because their friends are lawyers.

we look at successful people and we say..... it worked for you. it'll work for me.

despite who we are, we want to be someone else.

See as much as I wanted/wănt-tựt/ his success, we are different . I'm Nuseir/nu-sờ/ Yassin/ya-sin/ and I'm Casey Neistat /khây-sy/Nai-s-tịt/ /.. I make videos on Facebook. and I make videos on YouTube. I make one-minute videos in lenghth/lengθ/. My videos are like 10 minutes long.

I'm based/bây-st/ nowhere. I'm based right here in York City. I have a girlfriend and a fox. And I have a wife and 2 kids. I don't run. I run every single day. And even my hair is dark /dɑːrk/ ... I could never be Casey, and I could never be Nas. This is infuriating /ɪnˈfjʊri-ây-đɪŋ/

this shot/sót/ isn't even F*** level , you guys do your thing. Wait, what do you mean level? It's not level! Look at the background. It's not level (nó không phải mức độ), it skewed/s-kiu-d/! ( nó bị lệch)

Look at this line it's yellow not green. It's very tiny, it's a tiny thing. Now it's level! (giờ nó cân bằng)

This story is not about us. It's about you. Forget Casey, forget me, forget the videos. If it wasn't obvious /áb-viəs/, by now the road to success is not one road.

It's an infinite /ˈɪnfɪnít-t/ number of roads. There are a million ways to be successful in your own /ồn/ way. You don't need to copy your parents or your friends or your role /rôn/ models /ˈma-đồ/. You don't need to be a..... Casey... Nas. You don't need to be a banker /ˈbaŋh-kər/ or doctor or anything else.

That's not who you really are!... You don't need to be like anyone else. All you need is authenticity /ˌɔːθenˈ-tɪ-sơ-đi/ a little hard work and consistency /kơnˈsɪs-tờn-sì/, but most importantly /ɪmˈpót-ừn-lì/ just have to be yourself.

New word:

with no job or clue /khờ-lu/: không có ý tưởng gì về công việc

Do what you can't: làm những điều bạn không thể

because that idea encapsulates /in'-khép-sùa-lì/ everything I've ever done.

: vì đó là tổng hợp toàn bộ mọi thứ tao đã làm

it worked for you: bạn đã thành công (=làm) theo cách đó

It'll work for me: tôi cũng sẽ thành công y như vậy

we want to be someone else: chúng ta muốn trở thành một người khác

See as much as: bạn thấy đó

I'm based/bây-st/ nowhere: mình không làm việc cố định ở nơi nào

I'm based right here in York City: mình làm trong văn phòng ở New York

This is infuriating /ɪnˈfjʊri-ây-đɪŋ/: thật là bực mình

it skewed/s-kiu-d/! nó bị lệch

this shot/sót/: cảnh quay này

you guys do your thing: các bạn muốn làm gì thì làm

It's very tiny, it's a tiny thing: đây là việc rất nhỏ, rất nhỏ thôi mà

If it wasn't obvious: nếu nó chưa đủ rõ ràng

By now: bây giờ

It's an infinite /ˈɪnfɪnít-t/ number of roads: mà là vô số con đường

That's not who you really are!. Mà đó thực sự không phải là bạn

All you need is authenticity /ˌɔːθenˈ-tɪ-sơ-đi/, a little hard work and consistency /kơnˈsɪs-tờn-sì/: tất cả bạn cần là hãy là chính mình, làm việc chăm chỉ và không ngừng nghỉ.

but most importantly /ɪmˈpót-ừn-lì/ just have to be yourself: quan trọng nhất là bạn phải là chính mình.

clue/khờ-lu/: đầu mối

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
