The Blind Shinobi

The Blind Shinobi

24 1 2

-1/8/XXX- there is a war between 2 clan(sister and brother fight) in kitsune village , Yoshiko yuudai and Yashuko Yuudai , the war taking in 3 month at last the peace is came again in yasuko hand , he found a child in the forbiden ruins , he keep the child and bring her back to the village and adopt her as a student , few month later yasuko disapear without leave a sigh and leave aruna alone , many day go through aruna got hated because people think aruna is the one who kill yasuko and treat her as a big threat , aruna decide to go in shinobi school and she meet sana a water kitsune and they do mission togetherThe real adventure is will be start…

hãy trở lại với anh nhé bảo bối ( oneshot)  ( Jimin # you)

hãy trở lại với anh nhé bảo bối ( oneshot) ( Jimin # you)

6 1 1

truyện này ko có H nha đừng nên bơ tui vì bơ ko vui…



4 2 1

it;s just what i've been dreaming of, it's what i'm workning hard for, it's my future life, it's my imagination... it's what i want it to become...…

Thời Đại | KÍNH CẬN

Thời Đại | KÍNH CẬN

29 2 2

Tác phẩm: Thời đạiThể loại: Hiện đại, Xuyên khôngTác giả: Kính CậnCác bạn nhớ đọc để ủng hộ cho @kinhcan912 nhé!…