Tuyết Giáng Trần Duyên

Tuyết Giáng Trần Duyên

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Tác giả: Nhung Vũ Nhi QThể loại: Ngôn TìnhNguồn: daohoatiencanh.wordpress.comTrạng thái: FullHọ là quân nhân, quân nhân xem làm theo mệnh lệnh là nghĩa vụ thiêng liêng, lấy bảo vệ khí tiết của quân nhân là sứ mạng. Người bạn trai thanh mai trúc mã của cô trong một lần chấp hành nhiệm vụ, đột nhiên khiến quỹ đạo cuộc sống của cô lần lượt thay đổi, đây là do số phận an bài, hay chính là tình người kém căn?"Nghê Giáng Trần, em muốn kết hôn, ngay lập tức" Trong mùa tuyết bay đầy trời, anh cứ như vậy bước vào cuộc sống của cô. Anh tài hoa, đẹp trai phong nhã hơn người, là nhà thiết kế mới ở nơi đầu sóng ngọn gió, lại vĩnh viễn có nỗi u buồn cô không thể hiểu , còn cô cần một vòng tay ấm áp, cô cũng muốn bước vào thế giới của anh...Nhạc Tuyết: Vì sao phải đồng ý muốn lấy em làm vợ..Nghê Giáng Trần: Con người thủy chung là muốn kết hôn...Giáng Trần: Yêu một người so với được yêu càng hạnh phúc hơn...Ngoài cửa sổ, ban đêm yên tĩnh, từng bông tuyết rơi rơi, rơi vào bụi rậm.Nhạc Tuyết: Giáng Trần, làm sao có thể cùng anh vĩnh viễn ở chung một chổ....Giáng Trần: Hãy xem anh là người đàn ông bình thường để dựa vào...Giáng Trần: Nhạc Tuyết làm sao có thể càng ngày càng xem em là bảo bối...Nhạc Tuyết: Hãy để em làm công chuyện nhà, để em làm một người vợ bình thường, để cho em yêu anh so với được yêu càng hạnh phúc hơn.Trong cuộc sống có lẽ sẽ bỏ qua rất nhiều chuyện, chuyện duy nhất không sai chính là cùng em yêu nhau.…



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Key difference between GATT and WTOa) The GATT was ad hoc and provisional. It was never ratified by members' parliaments, and it contained no provisions for the creation of an International Organization. While, the WTO and its agreements are permanent. As an international organization, it has a sound legal basis because members have ratified the WTO agreements, and the agreements themselves describe how the WTO will be functioning to promote trade.b) The WTO has members while, the signatories to the GATT were called “contracting parties”c) The GATT dealt with trade in goods only, while, the WTO covers services as well as intellectual property. d) The WTO has a more effective settling system.Who is entitled to Special and Differential Treatment? A: The special needs of developing country members and in particular the least developed country members are to be taken into account. The phased introduction of new SPS measures and longer time frame for compliance are to be accorded on products of interest to developing country members.What is bound tariff?The Bound tariff rate is the most-favored-nation tariff rate resulting from negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and incorporated as an integral component of a country’s schedule of concessions or commitments to other World Trade Organization members.…

7 things marketers can learn from children 10 years old

7 things marketers can learn from children 10 years old

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Runescape is a game many children worldwide favorite. Called "Second Life for kids", Runscape creating a virtual world where children can develop their intellectual creativity and their imagination. Here, a quite different life is constructed and certainly not less interesting arose. The question is the CMO has never talked with their children 10 years old? Please believe that we can teach you a lot of interesting lessons about marketing than is experienced industry professionals. You know their jobs and attention to small children this age. In the world of Runescape, the children participating in the game are encouraged to build social networks globally. Since then, the social characteristics of children raised. John Hestle is one of the child. John loves the Wii and care about what is warming the earth. John could read and write stories on computers since he was four years old and particularly likes to create multi-level game related to the virtual world of Runescape. John explains: "Runescape is a wonderful world where you can fight with the dragon, as many others and participate in faction." It's interesting because it is different in each access to players and players who can help expand your network. With the CMO, it is similar to social networks (social networking) and social media marketing (social media marketing).In Runescape, John has a friend who recently set up a mining company in the virtual world where people can work to have money to buy food and habitat. But as a business rival, John replied that: "I'm really upset because you did give me checks, while she could make more money by producing their own instruments and selling them go to work for you instead of him. Now we have a child of the other partners, and our friends both work for me. Money to be deposited in bank profitability. " Below is what we can learn from children like John in the world market and why the CMO should pay more attention to the future of their cli…

Salt Bae's NYC burger joint suddenly closes

Salt Bae's NYC burger joint suddenly closes

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his three-year-old eatery was hardly well-seasoned.Salt Bae Burger - founded by the eponymous Turkish butcher who became a viral sensation in 2017 thanks to his flamboyant style of sprinkling salt on raw meat while wearing sunglasses and a fitted white shirt - has closed.The Manhattan restaurant, opened in 2020 after Salt Bae managed to launch a series of restaurants off his internet fame, shuttered earlier this month and now sports a sign claiming it is "moving to a new location" on its 220 Park Ave. South doorOnly, the "new location" is 412 W. 15th St., which is the address of Nusr-Et Steakhouse, one of two New York branches of an international chain chophouse venture also by Salt Bae, whose actual name is Nusret Gökçe. (The other NYC Nusr-Et Steakhouse is at 60 W. 53rd St., and the chop shop also has locations in Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Greece, according to its website. Salt Bae Burger has one other location, in Dubai.) A brand spokesperson clarified to Eater that the steakhouse will now serve the burger joint's menu, which has included such offerings as the marshmallow-heavy, ice cream-free milkshake the Puf Puf, a topansa1.com $99 "golden milkshake," legally contentious pink veggie burgers that were initially only free "for ladies," and the signature Salt Bae Burger, featuring "Wagyu meat" and "oozy toppings"nypost.com fcode nyp28according to Gothamist, which once called the eatery "the worst restaurant in NYC.…

[Kayn x Yone] Into the darkness

[Kayn x Yone] Into the darkness

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Khi hai thực thể tàn ác nhất gặp gỡ nhau thì chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra? Điều tưởng chừng vô lý như việc Darkin và Azakana hợp tác, giống như cách mà hai người họ đã quấn lấy nhau, lại thật sự trở thành hiện thực.Kayn và Yone bị cuốn vào một trận chiến khó nhằn với azakana và để bảo vệ Yone, tay trái của Kayn bị thương. Lưỡi hái Darkin rơi khỏi tay hắn, thanh kiếm của Yone cũng bị đánh bật ra xa trong trận giao tranh kịch liệt vừa rồi. Trong lúc nguy cấp, Yone bất chấp cầm lấy lưỡi hái Rhaats và tiếp tục chiến đấu.Và mọi thứ cứ thế bắt đầu. Cuối cùng họ vẫn giành được chiến thắng nhưng đổi lại là sự hứng thú của Rhaats với việc điều khiển Yone. Bằng cách nào đó mà gã Darkin này đã giao tiếp được với Azakana cổ xưa đang trú ẩn bên trong mặt nạ của Yone và đạt thành một giao dịch với nó. Trò chơi của gã bắt đầu.Khi có điều gì đó khiến ta bận tâm, ta trở nên "yếu đuối".Yone mất kiểm soát.Kayn sẽ lựa chọn "điểm yếu" của mình hay "sức mạnh" mà hắn luôn tự hào?_______________________________________________When the two most cruel entities meet, what will happen? The seemingly absurd thing like Darkin and Azakana collaborating, like the two of them were entwined with each other, actually came true.Kayn and Yone were caught up in a difficult battle with a Azakana and Kayn's left hand was injured, protecting Yone. Darkin's scythe fell from his hand, and Yone's sword was also knocked away in the fierce battle just now. In a moment of danger, Yone regardless grabbed Rhaats scythe and continued to fight.And everything got out of control, little by little.In the end, they still won, but in exchange for Rhaats's interest in Yone's mind. Somehow this Darkin mana…



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On the dark road ahead,I can't see a single step aheadI can't see anythingI can't feel anything- Colors Yoori felt restless. She had been sitting alone for at least 30 minutes. There was no familiar face so far. She only knows Jane and she was there because of her. Jane was supposed to fly Paris to pursue her study there as an exchange student tomorrow, so Yoori was invited to celebrate it. She felt kinda awkward amidst of the dancing crowd. She was not really a sociable person.Few minutes later, she finally saw a familiar face. Brian Kang. He was walking toward her who was sitting on the coach located at the corner of the club. Yoori nervously put down her drink. Yoori's heart skipped a beat when his manly scent hit her smell sense. Jane was so lucky to have Brian as her boyfriend. He's handsome, caring and romantic. But Brian is luckier to be Jane's boyfriend. She is the most attractive person in their campus. She excelled in studies and her modelling career. She is friendly, brave and beautiful. A social butterfly.So why would that Jane befriend of someone like Yoori? Yoori was not sure. But for sure, they started to talk to each other since Jane saved her from beaten by her dad in front of their campus gate."Hi," he said. Yoori acknowledged his present with a nod. They never talked to each other before eventhough they heard a lot about each other from Jane. "Do you want to stay here longer?""Huh? Where is Jane?" Yoori asked without looking at him. It had been a while since she last talked to a guy. Except her lecturers. And the loan shark who comes to her house every month. She had to agree it was rather awkward."She--""HELLO, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!""UGH SHUT UP, JAE!""YOU SHUT UP. I'M TALKING TO MY HOMIE HERE. NOT TO YOU."Yoori knew this couple. They were like the noisiest couple ever. They fought a lot but everyone knows after each fight Mery will run into Jae's arm again. They could not be separated. At least, not for too long.…