Nuốt Thiên Tiên Đế

Nuốt Thiên Tiên Đế

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Phong Ất mặc thức tỉnh đời trước ký ức, lâm vào hôn mê, chờ tỉnh lại sau phát hiện gia biến thành phế tích, hắn thành cô nhi, mẫu thân trước khi chết dặn dò hắn đi hắc mộc thành, trùng tu tiên đồ hắn lại phát hiện kinh thiên âm mưu!làm cường giả, hắn không hy vọng chính mình dẫm vào đời trước đường xưa, rốt cuộc trọng sinh cơ hội quá khó được, hắn phải hảo hảo nắm chắc! Xem hắn như thế nào phong vân tái khởi, tiếu ngạo Tiên giới!…



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On the dark road ahead,I can't see a single step aheadI can't see anythingI can't feel anything- Colors Yoori felt restless. She had been sitting alone for at least 30 minutes. There was no familiar face so far. She only knows Jane and she was there because of her. Jane was supposed to fly Paris to pursue her study there as an exchange student tomorrow, so Yoori was invited to celebrate it. She felt kinda awkward amidst of the dancing crowd. She was not really a sociable person.Few minutes later, she finally saw a familiar face. Brian Kang. He was walking toward her who was sitting on the coach located at the corner of the club. Yoori nervously put down her drink. Yoori's heart skipped a beat when his manly scent hit her smell sense. Jane was so lucky to have Brian as her boyfriend. He's handsome, caring and romantic. But Brian is luckier to be Jane's boyfriend. She is the most attractive person in their campus. She excelled in studies and her modelling career. She is friendly, brave and beautiful. A social butterfly.So why would that Jane befriend of someone like Yoori? Yoori was not sure. But for sure, they started to talk to each other since Jane saved her from beaten by her dad in front of their campus gate."Hi," he said. Yoori acknowledged his present with a nod. They never talked to each other before eventhough they heard a lot about each other from Jane. "Do you want to stay here longer?""Huh? Where is Jane?" Yoori asked without looking at him. It had been a while since she last talked to a guy. Except her lecturers. And the loan shark who comes to her house every month. She had to agree it was rather awkward."She--""HELLO, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!""UGH SHUT UP, JAE!""YOU SHUT UP. I'M TALKING TO MY HOMIE HERE. NOT TO YOU."Yoori knew this couple. They were like the noisiest couple ever. They fought a lot but everyone knows after each fight Mery will run into Jae's arm again. They could not be separated. At least, not for too long.…

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EXO News - 9

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