{BJYX} Kilig

{BJYX} Kilig

41 3 3

Tên truyện: KiligTác giả: Nhạc Bạch TịchBeta: Hoshiai, Koohii SữaThể loại: Niên hạ, hiện đại, HETình trạng: Chưa hoàn Cp: Vương Nhất Bác x Tiêu Chiến* Lưu ý: không liên quan đến người thật, fanonly không vừa mắt xin đừng buông lời cay đắng. Không thích xin mời lướt qua** Vui lòng không reup dưới mọi hình thức*****************Kilig: Hình dung cảm giác thích một người như trong lòng có ngàn con bướm khẽ vỗ cánh bay.…



61 0 58

Chương 276…

Genshin Impact × Reader

Genshin Impact × Reader

1,700 55 4

Tổng hợp mấy fic mình tìm thấy trên AO3, ném vào gg dịch rồi đem về đây 🤡 (Khi rảnh mình sẽ edit lại)…

Oneshot Taekook (Chuyển ver)

Oneshot Taekook (Chuyển ver)

14 3 1

Thể loại: Đam mỹ…

Cookie run Kingdom: Within the Forgotten Sweet Waters (My version)

Cookie run Kingdom: Within the Forgotten Sweet Waters (My version)

1 0 4

The original story and the characters belongs to Kyunika if you want you could go to her youtube channel to check it out, I just wants to make a story that close to the plot of crk but I'm not really good at making characters design on my own so I base on her original concept and also another person concept that was similar I saw on tiktok that belongs to Aquaamaarine ( Kyunika and Aquaamaarine if your reading this pls don't sue me ) and warning: all the concept and cast in the original story will be rearrange to make it closely look like a story from crk plot.The story take place after all the Beasts been revealed our heroes is visitting the Faerie Kingdom, White Lily cookie woke up from a weird dream she had about a figure of a cookie that is both strange and yet familiar, they later found out that there is another hidden kingdom within the continent of Beast-Yeast home to the Primodial Sea and all the mercookies, jellyfishes and other ocean creatures, our heroes will be reunited with friends and making new ones along the way. What kind of an adventure that's waitting our heroes in this journey.And also I wanted to tell you guys that this story has alot of grammartical errors because my english level is just medium so you guys can comment about it so that I can improve my stories.…

Nấu ăn là một nghệ thuật

Nấu ăn là một nghệ thuật

99 3 1

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