Nấu ăn là một nghệ thuật

Nấu ăn là một nghệ thuật

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Ddsdxdxdxfdtrdtfchgfcfgffhgcbghgggdydysgtegeyegreyhrueueeiejiwiekscjjncjdnchdfhdf(dbdhdgfhdbfhbdhqwbqqgggqhgwqgwftwftrewtrrttrwtywyeuwysahshshsbnsnsnasnashbshdhhdfebjadvhjwqkdhqwuihqgvaexawgvuqdvgjgghghuhutyawAasdihhcds2ss111233457895vfgvfgjvgdfgvcagffbuiuerjrjjjjnjhhhgh7hvhggjghhghhiguhgghuyuyyuyuyuyuuyuyytytyfgvvvb/hhh*bhgggbg*gvggggbbyghyyyuuiookhh=gggggggvvgdhfg&4v đfhvhfhfhđùhhchjdfhuhhjdihvùuùhhhghfhfhrfrh&/4((&hbcdhcbjhdcbdhcbhjiewhuciuwdhcuhvfubviuecurfhuferghfhfbdehf=/gcbbgvcdhfbvhfbfhbh bbgvgvgvvvvvvvhgvgyvhygvcfhjvhdihuwfwffwckjhgcfifewjugjeifhurfffjjbhdffjbhrjnujfefibjifjfhrhfreugfgrudytufg65&&#₫&oiufgiShudbcshcnGsgdGyggftfcfcvcvcvcccfcffvffffcfdf📱📱🙂📱😄📱😇📱😇📱📱📱🤣📱📱📱📱📱😝📱🧐📱😒📱😎📱😙📱📱📱🤩📱🤩📱😖📱📱📱tvgfyyhrgfhgfyrfrgryeghgyegdygeryegyedgyegyegrgegdgedggefdgegdtgrtegdtegdtegtrtetdetdyetydteytdtetrtetrtetetefrtfeetfegfdgsvdgsvcbvbxbcvcgdgdgdfdtefdtfđtfdgèdgèdgdfcdfcfgs&₫*(((*(*(*(*(***********(*(*(*&(₫hđhdvcdcgdgdgevcgèeegehbdhhvđhbdhsbbdhsvfgvsdgdvgđgggdbcht tôi là người phápHghdvfgdvfgdfvhfbhbfhefgegdghgehbchxcbdhvcgdgfgggdgfgdgfgdgfhdgfgghdvfgdgfgdgfgdfggdgdgegdhegdyegffhegfhegfhdgfhdgfhegfhegfhdgfgdgfgdvfgdvfgefggdvfgdgdbgegdgevfgegdhegdhsgf(dhbchfb hfbvdchdbchdbchdbchdbxhbzxjhj hc7ncndbcndbchcbchxbchvccgdb nxbhdxbdxddxsdhgsxgbmshbxqhsgshwggwfshgshdhgshgdhkjdvkjhsvudhisahsGiehdvjghssdvdasghifvgjahdsvdihgdashfghjadshd huáhduhawhgsajđvđacccghádcchgkdvchgaksdchgkadscvhgksdvdkghsdavghjsđghkcxvákjvácd kgchkjvhacsdkjanssvckjgsdVhdvcjgvkcds8"=*+@èndkahjewfdaejtsgf shatkfdhjkfaewdhjkdfkhskafdhhskfdhhavsdgfdvjhfasdvdhfasjdvdfgksavdkfhgvvgvvkvchgkđffhhkvsdrfghksdrvfggvdrfggkvẻggkdrfgkvfkggđvfsggndvffvvcdffvmsdgfdsvahsefdfheda(&3₫₫(32*₫(2(&₫2&5#2+#(2&₫2()*₫8₫*)&#*)bhh((-(+/;₫=/(₫/₫(7&*3(9843(&)'hdrfoiheefauihaeroiugdfvsgsđfhjbvhzdbjvbhhk🙃😂😎☺️😗🙂💰🙃😉💓😗🙃☺️🙃…

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

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THE SKIN Salvatore Mangione, MD "The power of making a correct diagnosis is the key to all success in the treatment of skin diseases; without this faculty, the physician can never be a thorough dermatologist, and therapeutics at once cease to hold their proper position, and become empirical." —Louis A. Duhring (1845-1913) "Beautys but skin deep." —John Davies of Hereford (1565-1618) BASIC TERMINOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES 1. How many skin diseases exist? What are the two main categories of skin lesions? There are more than 1400 skin diseases. Yet, only 30 are important, common, and worth knowing. The first step toward their recognition is the separation of primary from secondary lesions (Table 3-1). • Primary lesions result only from disease and have not been changed by additional events (such as trauma, scratching, or medical treatment; see Table 3-1). To better identity primary lesions, pay attention to their colors, shape, arrangement, and distribution. • Secondary lesions instead have been altered by outside manipulation, medical treatment, or their own natural course. 2. What are the major primary lesions? • Hanel's: Flat, nonpalpable, circumscribed areas of discoloration cm in diameter. Typical macules are the familiar freckles. • Patches: flat, nonpalpable areas of skin discoloration >0.5 cm in diameter (i.e., a large macula). A typical patch is the one of yitillgo. • Papules: Raised and palpable lesions <0.5 cm in diameter. They may or may not have a different color from the surrounding skin. A typical papule is a raised nevus. >0.5 are 0.5 cm…

[Mekakucity Actors (Shintarou X Ayano)] Câu Chuyện Sau Giờ Học

[Mekakucity Actors (Shintarou X Ayano)] Câu Chuyện Sau Giờ Học

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Author (Tác giả): Kisaragi HarukaTên: [Mekakucity Actors (ShinAya)] Câu chuyện sau giờ học.Disclaimer: Nhân vật thuộc về bộ Anime Mekakucity Actors/Kagerou Project.Pairing (Cặp đôi chính) Shintarou X AyanoStatus (Tình trạng): Tiếp tụcNote: Mị không viết hay cho lắm =v= Nhưng mong mọi người ủng hộ và góp ý cho (・∀・)/Trong fic sẽ có 1 vài chi tiết trong các MV như Lost time memory, Toumei Answer, Ayano no Koufuku riron, Onaji Hanashi và vài bô Doujinshi tui đã đọc.Warning: Mị ngu về mặt đặt tên nên xin mọi ng thông cảm.Summary:"Nụ cười của cậu hệt như nắng ấm mùa hè, nó cứ ám ảnh lấy tôi.Dưới bầu trời ngày nóng ẩm hôm đó, tôi đã nói những lời không phải với cậu. Nhưng tôi không ngờ đó là lần cuối ta gặp nhau, lần cuối cùng để tôi nghe được giọng nói của cậu.""Tớ xin lỗi, tớ thành thật xin lỗi Shintarou...Tớ muốn bảo vệ cậu và những người tớ yêu quý... nhưng tớ lại chết mất rồi."…