[RE] American Venom

[RE] American Venom

320 25 1

[...]It begins slowly. A laugh, heard distantly and completely, utterly wrong.Searching for something to remember, something to single her out from the thousands of people he has seen and will see. Something to make her special, to make her memorable, to make her his, even though she isn't and never was. And so he begins to see red in the corner of his vision. Whipping, flipping, shaking with laughter, a dark crimson one.It's out of focus, as if the memories themselves fraying around the edges. He knows it's because he's getting older and he can only remember so much, but, oh, how he wishes it wasn't true.She is his constant shadow, his ghost girl, the scarlet letter that no one but him can see. He has long since given up on trying to get rid of her. She is a permanent fixture in his life, more eternal than she ever could have been when she was actually present. But there is an emptiness about her that hangs above them like a dark cloud.She's not there.At some point, he will be okay with that.…



15 0 1

Key difference between GATT and WTOa) The GATT was ad hoc and provisional. It was never ratified by members' parliaments, and it contained no provisions for the creation of an International Organization. While, the WTO and its agreements are permanent. As an international organization, it has a sound legal basis because members have ratified the WTO agreements, and the agreements themselves describe how the WTO will be functioning to promote trade.b) The WTO has members while, the signatories to the GATT were called “contracting parties”c) The GATT dealt with trade in goods only, while, the WTO covers services as well as intellectual property. d) The WTO has a more effective settling system.Who is entitled to Special and Differential Treatment? A: The special needs of developing country members and in particular the least developed country members are to be taken into account. The phased introduction of new SPS measures and longer time frame for compliance are to be accorded on products of interest to developing country members.What is bound tariff?The Bound tariff rate is the most-favored-nation tariff rate resulting from negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and incorporated as an integral component of a country’s schedule of concessions or commitments to other World Trade Organization members.…

[BL] Nữ phụ cứ bám theo Boss của tôi

[BL] Nữ phụ cứ bám theo Boss của tôi

46 17 3

Tác giả : LakyusThể loại : Xuyên không, đam mỹ, chủ thụ, 1 x 1, HE, tận thế, zombies( thây ma ) các loại.Văn án : Một thằng otaku mọt sách số nhọ trong khi đang tắm thì làm rớt cục xà phòng xuống nền nhà đầy nước và cúi xuống nhặt, sau khi nhặt xà phòng lên thì trượt chân té đập đầu xuống nền nhà và đi qua thế giới khác ... Nói chung, câu chuyện kể về một cục xà phòng gây nên án mạng khiến đóa hoa bé nhỏ nở thành hướng dương... :>***Cơ mà sao nữ phụ cứ bám theo Boss của cậu vậy nhỉ? *** ( Truyện chủ yếu viết nhảm nhí, không có nhiều các phân cảnh hành động hay đấu trí, chỉ đơn giản là một bộ truyện viết về cuộc phiêu lưu nơi thế giới tràn ngập xác sống.... nói chung là nó xàm lắm) ( Những thứ trong truyện không có trong thực tế, có liên tưởng đến vài thế giới khác đã có sẵn vì nói chung tận thế cũng như nhau :V, nhà đổ, cây đổ, người cũng đổ nốt)******cái ảnh bìa tui để ảnh chồng tui đỡ :v do méo biết để hình gì :>…

The Blind Emissary

The Blind Emissary

5 1 1

Careful Lizzy, it is not the time to play around" a voice echoes throughout the snow-covered plains. Mid-autumn, the season of hardship with countless snowstorms, animal migration, and the bloodlust of those that are meant to be dead reaches the highest.A carefree young lassy decided that it was prime time to go for a stroll. Her name is Lizzy. Since her birth, Lizzy has always been fascinated by all the stories told through songs and oral stories passed down through many generations of her tribe about a fiery ram resided below the mountain, the shard of men turned into a violent beast, bringing death and destruction, about a phoenix encroached in ice and her wing of freedom bringing hope and happiness to all people of this accursed land we called home. She has always been an energetic and kind child but never truly gets along with her peers. They said she was always in the sky, never truly down to earth, always chasing something irrelevant. Her only friend is a black hair boy named "Eskel". A forlorn soul adopted by the tribe when he has nowhere to call home. He has black hair, the same color as the bad omen told around the bonfire. Together they made all the shenanigans throughout their childhood.…

Call Of Infinity House Spirit

Call Of Infinity House Spirit

74 0 66

"Just give me 10 days, there will be one more in my harem." Standing on the top of Huashan, Lin Yu made a bold statement ..."Lin Yu, you baka, eat my green onion and chrysanthemum!" The onion mother expressed strong dissatisfaction ..."I don't know if the sword of the oath of victory should be used as a hatchet ..." Altolia gently wiped the sword of the oath of victory ..."Rail-gun!" A super-electromagnetic gun flashed, and someone was blasted into the distance ...Since when did you have the idea that the Lord God game should be a monster upgrade? Tell you, the Lord God game is used to vomit. if you serious you lose!…

[Kayn x Yone] Into the darkness

[Kayn x Yone] Into the darkness

9 1 2

Khi hai thực thể tàn ác nhất gặp gỡ nhau thì chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra? Điều tưởng chừng vô lý như việc Darkin và Azakana hợp tác, giống như cách mà hai người họ đã quấn lấy nhau, lại thật sự trở thành hiện thực.Kayn và Yone bị cuốn vào một trận chiến khó nhằn với azakana và để bảo vệ Yone, tay trái của Kayn bị thương. Lưỡi hái Darkin rơi khỏi tay hắn, thanh kiếm của Yone cũng bị đánh bật ra xa trong trận giao tranh kịch liệt vừa rồi. Trong lúc nguy cấp, Yone bất chấp cầm lấy lưỡi hái Rhaats và tiếp tục chiến đấu.Và mọi thứ cứ thế bắt đầu. Cuối cùng họ vẫn giành được chiến thắng nhưng đổi lại là sự hứng thú của Rhaats với việc điều khiển Yone. Bằng cách nào đó mà gã Darkin này đã giao tiếp được với Azakana cổ xưa đang trú ẩn bên trong mặt nạ của Yone và đạt thành một giao dịch với nó. Trò chơi của gã bắt đầu.Khi có điều gì đó khiến ta bận tâm, ta trở nên "yếu đuối".Yone mất kiểm soát.Kayn sẽ lựa chọn "điểm yếu" của mình hay "sức mạnh" mà hắn luôn tự hào?_______________________________________________When the two most cruel entities meet, what will happen? The seemingly absurd thing like Darkin and Azakana collaborating, like the two of them were entwined with each other, actually came true.Kayn and Yone were caught up in a difficult battle with a Azakana and Kayn's left hand was injured, protecting Yone. Darkin's scythe fell from his hand, and Yone's sword was also knocked away in the fierce battle just now. In a moment of danger, Yone regardless grabbed Rhaats scythe and continued to fight.And everything got out of control, little by little.In the end, they still won, but in exchange for Rhaats's interest in Yone's mind. Somehow this Darkin mana…