

4,087 694 21

"Collapsing into 空虚."…

Xả Ảnh Anime

Xả Ảnh Anime

388 5 18

Về tất cả hình ảnh về Anime mà tác giả đăng hình theo các loại phim Anime và hãy nhớ theo dõi nhé. Nếu các bạn muốn mình xả ảnh Anime nào các bạn hãy bình luận nha. Mình yêu các bạn nhiều lắm luôn đó.…

Ma Đạo Tổ Sư (ẢNH)

Ma Đạo Tổ Sư (ẢNH)

30,749 1,220 201

Mình thích sưu tầm ảnh của Ma Đạo và mún chia sẻ vs người khác, thế thui ^v^Artist: tên phần từ weibo, lofter or twitter, đa số là KHÔNG XIN PHÉP nếu bị nói thì mình sẽ gỡ xuống1 Phần có thể có nhiều tác giả cách nhau bằng dấu "_"…

◣Tacy's Library ◥

◣Tacy's Library ◥

17,519 2,903 73

Chỉ là nơi để up những thảm hoạ sâu bitch của Tacy thôi :'> Đồng thời cũng là một quyển nhật ký đánh dấu từng bước tiến trong sự nghiệp design Highest Rank : #122 - Phi Tiểu Thuyết…

List Yaoi Đã Hoàn

List Yaoi Đã Hoàn

227,188 2,808 176

》 Nơi Đây Đơn Giản Là Chốn Tập Hợp Tên Của Các Yaoi Đã Hoàn》 Do Tất Cả Những Truyện Ta Đã Liệt Ra Đều Đã Hoàn Nên Ta Sẽ Không Để Từ "hoàn" Ở Chổ Tình Trạng Truyện Nữa Nhé !! Ta Nói Trước Để Các Nàng Khỏi Thắc Mắc》 Mỗi Lần Ta Update 7 Truyện, Cứ 6 Truyện Thì Sẽ Có 1 Oneshot nga~~…

Tiếng Chuông Cuối Thu

Tiếng Chuông Cuối Thu

3 0 1

Câu chuyện nói về chuyến hành trình của bảy nhân vật Tom,Kyle,Teens,Higgins,Hunt,Andy và Yennie. họ cùng nhau trải qua cuộc chiến tranh thế giới thứ 1 mỗi thành viên của tứ quái Liverpool đều có cho mình một hành trình riêng.…

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

18 1 100

In the 21st century, 100,000 fans of beauty makeup, Xu Shu, a liberal arts scholar, once crossed the dynasty and was sold. Fortunately, she became a great steward of Yihonglou, although she was a little wasteful of the beauty of the world. But it doesn't matter, she tailored her debut plan for the girls. Singing and dancing must be proficient in all aspects, beauty knowledge can not be dropped, isolated sunscreen bb cream to walk. They are the most beautiful female group in the Chao Dynasty.Make ice cream, cakes, sing pop songs with homemade guitars, use chemical formulas to solve the case ... Blind your eyes with 21st century wisdom.However, she really didn't want to provoke the seven kings who had high ascetic abstinence. He brought it to him.Qi Muran: The king has given himself to you, why not marry me, what else do you want?Xu Shu: Lord Wang, I want to eat Pippi shrimp with Coke.…

Giant Tianjiao: Overlord Pet Devil

Giant Tianjiao: Overlord Pet Devil

61 0 86

Her father's persecution put her in prison. He descended from the sky like a god of heaven to protect her. When she thought that she was meeting the good man in the legend, she found that she was encountering a big wolf. He was black and domineering, and directly declared: "Little woman, I want to fix you!" She tried to break away: "It is a skill to bully the weak, and I have the ability to climb into your bed by myself!" The speed is too slow, I have to do it myself! "" Don't ... "She fled into the desert, but he raised his lips, smiling like the bright moon in the night sky!…

midnight sun ; tonnen/wonton (three-shots)

midnight sun ; tonnen/wonton (three-shots)

88 12 1

midnight sun(my time with you stays everlasting before dawn)rating | fandom | pairings | genreT | riize | anton/wonbin | highschool AU, mention of highschool violence & smoking, POV first person.//"thời gian của chúng ta vô tận trước bình minh."//a/n (may trigger):this story first was made for my previous otp from my previous other fandom. it took me quite a while to think of exchanging this for tonnen, cuz i might have been really sorried for that. but i did love this storyline, i did love my setting for every scene from this, and my previous otp really did not suit the plot and setting - that's why i'd never posted any more chapter then.but tonnen suits this. and i made up my mind bringing this setting for them.btw, if anyone had read it before in the name of others, pls understand my decision. and if you're not feeling okay about this, i cannot do anything else. i will not accept something like this story was robbed cuz i'm the one and only mother, and i have access to make how the storyline and characters go on.and remember that if there has any discussion about this terribly, i just don't mind.…