Chào em, đám mây nhỏ!

Chào em, đám mây nhỏ!

162 24 6

Toàn bộ câu chuyện là nhật ký của cậu nam sinh về một cô bé mắc chứng bệnh nan y nhưng vẫn luôn lạc quan yêu đời và hi vọng về một tương lai tươi sáng.Mình bỗng dưng nghĩ ra câu chuyện này khi xem một chương trình trên ti vi về những số phận nghiệt ngã, hy vọng mình sẽ truyền động lực sống đến những ai mắc hoàn cảnh như vậy. The whole story is the diary of a male student about a girl who has an incurable disease but is always optimistic about life and hopes for a bright future.I suddenly came up with this story while watching a TV program about cruel fates, hoping I will inspire life to those who have such a situation. Thanks everyone for reading!…

Review Lẩu Ngày Nay

Review Lẩu Ngày Nay

2,142 33 110

Để không có lỗi với Review version cổ đại nên làm thêm bản hiện đại cho dễ kiếm tìm tình yêu :))) T đọc nhiều lắm nhưng không nhớ được nội dung, kiểu bị mất trí nhớ ấy đm =)))Dạo này ăn dưa hơi nhiều nên kiếm được nhiều ảnh cute vl, cá là đứa nào hay ăn dưa cũng có cả đống meme như bìa =)))Tag là review nhưng không dành cho ai chưa đọc, vì t spoil tùm lum trong bài =))À tôi tam quan đoan chính nên không đọc NP, incest nhé mấy bồ =))À lần nữa: mọi người ơi cố gắng tìm trang edit chính chủ như wordpress hoặc wattpad, dđlqd (nếu editor là của dđlqd) v.v để đọc nha, tuyệt đối đừng tiếp tay cho mấy trang tổng hợp truyện như truyenfull v.v. Edit, beta hay kể cả convert chăng nữa đều rất vất vả, tra tên mỏi mắt gõ chữ mòn tay. Hãy là người đọc có ý thức, đừng chỉ vì tiện mà làm lạnh lòng người dịch nhé 💪…

Missing Piece

Missing Piece

43 0 3

Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? Even when you followed the every day life motions as everyone around you....only left you to feel empty. Emptiness that made you feel like something was amiss. I've felt like this for awhile maybe its my environment or the people I'm around. I'm not quite sure to be honest, I've pushed it aside for awhile hoping eventually it will disappear, keeping this feeling to myself is best. I have found though, when I'm alone or with my best friend (the only person who I feel comfortable with) I feel a little more st home with myself.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kenna lives in a town in which only females reside. She been taught that over-population is the cause of that. Its not so bad when its all your used to, but she's not used to how watched she feels or how her future is decided for her and everything else that the government forces adults to do. What's in store for Kenna is going to change everything especially when she realizes she's not human.…

Tɦɛ Spɛciɑʆ Oɳɛ

Tɦɛ Spɛciɑʆ Oɳɛ

28 0 1

Rɑiɳɑ ɦɑร ɳɛѵɛʀ ɦɑɗ ɑ ʆѳt iԲ ʆuck wɦɛɳ it cѳɱɛร tѳ tɦɛ WɛʀɛwѳʆԲ ɑɳɗ Vɑɱpiʀɛ cѳɱɱuɳity ɛѵɛʀ รiɳcɛ ɦɛʀ pɑʀɛɳtร wɛʀɛ ɱuʀɗɛʀɛɗ ʀigɦt ɓɛԲѳʀɛ ɦɛʀ ɛyɛร. But ɳѳw รɦɛ ɦɑร ɑ ɱɑtɛ? Raina is the last of the elven race. She is now surrounded by werewolves and vampires. She was selected for being on the council and is sent to often observe packs and vampire covens. She hasn't cut her hair since she had witnessed her parents brutal murder. She was an only child, but her mother was carrying a newborn baby boy before her throat was torn out. She is often lonely because no one can relate to her but she has her guards that are half elves however she makes up for it with her sarcastic attitude. Soon she will discover that she has a werewolf mate, a very powerful one at that, but will be able to find solace after all that's happened? She has not chosen anything yet other then to continue to work for the council until she was kidnaped by a random group of rouge werewolves and blood thirsty coven less vampires. It's been several months since she's been gone she gave up hoping that someone would come to save her until her mate arrives. Will she finally trust him? Will she run away again? Can she learn to trust werewolves again?…