[Eruri] I Miss You More Than I Remember You

[Eruri] I Miss You More Than I Remember You

31 4 1

|Vạn đời vạn kiếp dõi theo hình bóng của người|Dù là bất cứ dòng thời gian nào, định mệnh chắc chắn sẽ đem họ đến với nhau <3…

y bosen

y bosen

1 0 3

kulitlord my anggel yeah honey1'm your queenit merry remember pleasehome alone 3tahun avrril bulanPlease king lord help me again any more Desember ini terakhir apa yang harus gw lakuin mau wisuda focus on future plan Gaswad guys detik detik terakhir…

[RE] American Venom

[RE] American Venom

356 27 1

[...]It begins slowly. A laugh, heard distantly and completely, utterly wrong.Searching for something to remember, something to single her out from the thousands of people he has seen and will see. Something to make her special, to make her memorable, to make her his, even though she isn't and never was. And so he begins to see red in the corner of his vision. Whipping, flipping, shaking with laughter, a dark crimson one.It's out of focus, as if the memories themselves fraying around the edges. He knows it's because he's getting older and he can only remember so much, but, oh, how he wishes it wasn't true.She is his constant shadow, his ghost girl, the scarlet letter that no one but him can see. He has long since given up on trying to get rid of her. She is a permanent fixture in his life, more eternal than she ever could have been when she was actually present. But there is an emptiness about her that hangs above them like a dark cloud.She's not there.At some point, he will be okay with that.…

Quotes của Dii- Suite of life (My diary)

Quotes của Dii- Suite of life (My diary)

1,699 102 133

những lúc tâm trạng vui hoặc buồn sẽ tùy hứng mà viết vài câu Quotes hay mẩu truyện nhỏ. Đây là một thể loại giống như Tản văn, nhưng thực ra được viết dựa trên cảm xúc thực của mình,những thứ xảy ra với mình, có thể nói, đây là một cuốn nhật kí của Dii ?Diary of DiiThanks for reading?**mn có thể dùng làm Quotes hay cap ảnh gì đó cho mình cũng được ^^ nhueng hãy báo mình 1 tiếng nha ?…

midnight sun ; tonnen/wonton (three-shots)

midnight sun ; tonnen/wonton (three-shots)

121 15 1

midnight sun(my time with you stays everlasting before dawn)rating | fandom | pairings | genreT | riize | anton/wonbin | highschool AU, mention of highschool violence & smoking, POV first person.//"thời gian của chúng ta vô tận trước bình minh."//a/n (may trigger):this story first was made for my previous otp from my previous other fandom. it took me quite a while to think of exchanging this for tonnen, cuz i might have been really sorried for that. but i did love this storyline, i did love my setting for every scene from this, and my previous otp really did not suit the plot and setting - that's why i'd never posted any more chapter then.but tonnen suits this. and i made up my mind bringing this setting for them.btw, if anyone had read it before in the name of others, pls understand my decision. and if you're not feeling okay about this, i cannot do anything else. i will not accept something like this story was robbed cuz i'm the one and only mother, and i have access to make how the storyline and characters go on.and remember that if there has any discussion about this terribly, i just don't mind.…