[ ĐN KSHTD ] Bách Hợp Trắng

[ ĐN KSHTD ] Bách Hợp Trắng

456 44 2

Tên truyện: Bách hợp trắng Tác giả: Luyến Ái muội khốngVăn án máu chó~~: Trên tổng số 7 tỷ ngưởi và hơn 100 quốc gia, ở một nơi nào đó...Cô - Serry là một học sinh trường đại học thiết kế thời trang tại Trung Quốc thì bỗng bị con bạn thân của cô ép cô đọc bộ tiểu thuyết được mấy đứa trạch nữ thích đọc. Song, chắc đoạn này thì giống mấy cái tiểu thuyết kia các bạn đã đọc. Nhân vật cô chúng phải không phải nữ nhân vật chính Lâm Linh, cũng không phải nhân vật Guinvere. Thế cô là nhân vật nào? Mời đón xem...…

Tomorrow Never Dies

Tomorrow Never Dies

123 2 1

Luke Hemmings//Ashton Irwin//OC. [5SOS meets Mortal Instruments?] Scout Looked from Ashton to Luke. Ashton's fingers were wrapped tightly around her wrist, his eyes pleading for her to say something, anything."Let go of me, Ashton," She says. She could hear the screams coming from outside the door, the blood curdling sound of young girls, at least thats how most people saw them."Not until you tell us who it is," he says. "Is it Luke or me? Who are you gonna choose, Scarlett?" he questions."Right now is not the best time to discuss this, Irwin. Unless you feel like dying right now, I suggest you let. me. go."After the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer are targeted by the most dangerous man the shadowhunter world has ever known, it's up to Scout to protect the boys at all cost and find love in the process.©invaderxzelda64. All story material is mine//Cassandra Clare EXCEPT FOR: Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford and Calum Hood. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.Layout made by: MeTitle Credit: Tomorrow Never Dies By: 5 Seconds of Summer…

once upon a dream / Doctor Who oneshots compliation

once upon a dream / Doctor Who oneshots compliation

26 4 1

Một số ý tưởng nho nhỏ mà tôi nghĩ ra được dựa theo cốt truyện của Doctor Who.Các câu chuyện, tình tiết trong fic đều là headcanon/noncanon/AU, vậy nên đừng thắc mắc về tính logic của nó với mạch truyện gốc nhé :)Cảnh báo nội dung: -Hầu hết các 1shot đều về các nhân vật từ thời kì của doc 10th và doc 11th.-Sẽ có RẤT NHIỀU nội dung về couple Tenrose (và Doctor x Rose nữa)-Có thể có OOC-Có chứa yếu tố LGBTQA+, ai không đọc được/kì thị thì biến lẹ dùm.*p/s: Tôi không phải là một người viết hay, và cái quỷ này ra đời là vì tôi quá vã hàng DW, Doc 10th và Rose Tyler, cộng thêm một nùi idea tôi nghĩ ra sau khi xem phim :DTruyện cũng được đăng tại AO3! (vào bio để xem chi tiết)…

I wish I can tell you how much I love you...

I wish I can tell you how much I love you...

48 2 1

Withyou,love is sweet and life is perfect.And I,I'm just a little person surf through your life and disturb itI know you'll never forgive me,so I ran awayI was lost,trying to grab the last glimmer of hope,longing thousands of time there will be a day you will forgive me,even knowing that it is impossibleBut heyYou know what?I still love you,like the first time that we metWhether that was far different matter,I will always be here,waiting for the day you come back to meMeanwhile,I will smile to you and said:"Welcome back,Rika!"___________________________________________No matter how long it will have to wait,how much time it takes,I will wait for you,forever...…

[NCT | TaeYu] letters you never sent

[NCT | TaeYu] letters you never sent

440 34 3

Ten chỉ mất khoảng mười lăm phút để nhận ra tình yêu Taeyong dành cho Yuta. Taeyong thì, ngược lại, có hơi chậm hiểu hơn một chút. Thật ra là chậm hơn chín năm. Và nếu như Taeyong phải mất đến chín năm để nhận ra người bạn thân thiết cũng chính là người anh yêu, thì ai mà biết được sẽ mất bao lâu nữa để anh bày tỏ lòng mình.…

[Drabble Collection|Meanie] Another Day

[Drabble Collection|Meanie] Another Day

366 37 1

Author: Diên (Beth)Genre: Bromance, yaoiCharacters: Meanie (Mingyu x Wonwoo)Length: Chắc không quá 1000 chữ đâuSummary: Đa phần là AU!MeanieLanguage: Vietnamese, English (soon/never)Note: Vì là collection nên có rất nhiều loại rating khác nhau. Mình chọn Meanie để làm một drabble collection vì couple này tạo cho mình rất nhiều cảm hứng và cũng rất hợp với nhiều kiểu character khác nhau. Mỗi chương đều là một chút ngẫu hứng thôi, thường là kiểu 1:1 - nghĩ đến đâu viết đến đó và không có chỉnh sửa lại.…

midnight sun ; tonnen/wonton (three-shots)

midnight sun ; tonnen/wonton (three-shots)

123 15 1

midnight sun(my time with you stays everlasting before dawn)rating | fandom | pairings | genreT | riize | anton/wonbin | highschool AU, mention of highschool violence & smoking, POV first person.//"thời gian của chúng ta vô tận trước bình minh."//a/n (may trigger):this story first was made for my previous otp from my previous other fandom. it took me quite a while to think of exchanging this for tonnen, cuz i might have been really sorried for that. but i did love this storyline, i did love my setting for every scene from this, and my previous otp really did not suit the plot and setting - that's why i'd never posted any more chapter then.but tonnen suits this. and i made up my mind bringing this setting for them.btw, if anyone had read it before in the name of others, pls understand my decision. and if you're not feeling okay about this, i cannot do anything else. i will not accept something like this story was robbed cuz i'm the one and only mother, and i have access to make how the storyline and characters go on.and remember that if there has any discussion about this terribly, i just don't mind.…



17 0 1

Key difference between GATT and WTOa) The GATT was ad hoc and provisional. It was never ratified by members' parliaments, and it contained no provisions for the creation of an International Organization. While, the WTO and its agreements are permanent. As an international organization, it has a sound legal basis because members have ratified the WTO agreements, and the agreements themselves describe how the WTO will be functioning to promote trade.b) The WTO has members while, the signatories to the GATT were called “contracting parties”c) The GATT dealt with trade in goods only, while, the WTO covers services as well as intellectual property. d) The WTO has a more effective settling system.Who is entitled to Special and Differential Treatment? A: The special needs of developing country members and in particular the least developed country members are to be taken into account. The phased introduction of new SPS measures and longer time frame for compliance are to be accorded on products of interest to developing country members.What is bound tariff?The Bound tariff rate is the most-favored-nation tariff rate resulting from negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and incorporated as an integral component of a country’s schedule of concessions or commitments to other World Trade Organization members.…

The Blind Emissary

The Blind Emissary

5 1 1

Careful Lizzy, it is not the time to play around" a voice echoes throughout the snow-covered plains. Mid-autumn, the season of hardship with countless snowstorms, animal migration, and the bloodlust of those that are meant to be dead reaches the highest.A carefree young lassy decided that it was prime time to go for a stroll. Her name is Lizzy. Since her birth, Lizzy has always been fascinated by all the stories told through songs and oral stories passed down through many generations of her tribe about a fiery ram resided below the mountain, the shard of men turned into a violent beast, bringing death and destruction, about a phoenix encroached in ice and her wing of freedom bringing hope and happiness to all people of this accursed land we called home. She has always been an energetic and kind child but never truly gets along with her peers. They said she was always in the sky, never truly down to earth, always chasing something irrelevant. Her only friend is a black hair boy named "Eskel". A forlorn soul adopted by the tribe when he has nowhere to call home. He has black hair, the same color as the bad omen told around the bonfire. Together they made all the shenanigans throughout their childhood.…

Boring n Motivation Awake Your Power

Boring n Motivation Awake Your Power

1,978 89 200

Đôi khi ta lạc lối kiếm tìm một con đường để đi...dù là đi đâu, dù đi trên con đường khó khăn thế nào, dù có đi một mình hay cùng ai thì điều quan trọng nhất là Hãy Trân Trọng Chính Mình.Hãy thử một lần dấn thân, lăn xả, để bản thân một lần thoát khỏi những khuôn khổ cuả gia đình, xã hội. Cũng đừng từ bỏ, muốn đi hãy đi, muốn ngồi hãy ngồi, muốn đọc hãy đọc, trên hết đừng do dự. Biết đâu đấy bạn sẽ tìm thấy được gì đó, chỉ ở ngay phía trước, hãy mạnh mẽ lên. Đừng để bản thân phải hối tiếc thêm nữa, hãy đi đến cùng....ButDarling,In the end, you have to be your own hero.Because everyone is busy trying to save themselves. There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them.Never ever give up, Because you never know what tomorrow may bring.P/S: góp nhặt trên face vì thấy hay, up lên để dành đọc.... Cũng có vài thứ rất có ích...tui nói thiệt đó cô ơi....^_^Đích thị là lẩu thập cẩm nhe....ai thích ăn lẩu thì mời bơi zô.... ~_~ cái hay vẫn còn ở phía sau.....…

[Trans][StrayKids][HyunLix] Annabelle's Homework

[Trans][StrayKids][HyunLix] Annabelle's Homework

747 75 1

Translated without author's permission / Do not take outSummary:Suddenly, Hyunjin's brown tuft of hair was seen and Felix could feel his heart beating rapidly. It's funny how he always hated the pretty boy's guts before, but the only thing he does to Felix now is make him go crazy. He never imagined how deep he'd be falling for the elder.Hyunjin was just so pretty, so full of life.Felix's eyes were twinkling, he was sure of that when Hyunjin stopped in front of him.…

MCU ✔ Infinity War

MCU ✔ Infinity War

53 5 4

There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people. To see if we could become something more. So when they needed us, we could fight the battles that they never could.---This fiction entirely based on the story line of "Avengers: Infinity war" - proprety of Marvel Studios. I do not own the characters or anything with it.↔ Tác phẩm này dựa hoàn toàn trên cốt truyện của "Biệt đội báo thù: Cuộc chiến vô cực" thuộc sự sở hữu của Marvel Studios. Tác giả không sở hữu. nhân vật hoặc bất kỳ chi tiết nào kèm theo.last edited: 102818.credits: @230I21 (Phong Tuế Nguyệt). All the footage contained herein is property of Marvel Studios…



174 12 1

🆅🅸🅴𝗶𝗳 𝘂 𝗱𝗶𝗲, 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝘄 𝘂[ trans, OG : https://archiveofourown.org/series/1201567 ]Atsushi has done too much and has thought too little to feel worthy. Dazai has seen too much and has felt too little to feel human.And yet, these two strange people are all the reasons they need to keep on living. One regret and mistake at a time.[writting]whensummerhasrain…



32 4 1

On the dark road ahead,I can't see a single step aheadI can't see anythingI can't feel anything- Colors Yoori felt restless. She had been sitting alone for at least 30 minutes. There was no familiar face so far. She only knows Jane and she was there because of her. Jane was supposed to fly Paris to pursue her study there as an exchange student tomorrow, so Yoori was invited to celebrate it. She felt kinda awkward amidst of the dancing crowd. She was not really a sociable person.Few minutes later, she finally saw a familiar face. Brian Kang. He was walking toward her who was sitting on the coach located at the corner of the club. Yoori nervously put down her drink. Yoori's heart skipped a beat when his manly scent hit her smell sense. Jane was so lucky to have Brian as her boyfriend. He's handsome, caring and romantic. But Brian is luckier to be Jane's boyfriend. She is the most attractive person in their campus. She excelled in studies and her modelling career. She is friendly, brave and beautiful. A social butterfly.So why would that Jane befriend of someone like Yoori? Yoori was not sure. But for sure, they started to talk to each other since Jane saved her from beaten by her dad in front of their campus gate."Hi," he said. Yoori acknowledged his present with a nod. They never talked to each other before eventhough they heard a lot about each other from Jane. "Do you want to stay here longer?""Huh? Where is Jane?" Yoori asked without looking at him. It had been a while since she last talked to a guy. Except her lecturers. And the loan shark who comes to her house every month. She had to agree it was rather awkward."She--""HELLO, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!""UGH SHUT UP, JAE!""YOU SHUT UP. I'M TALKING TO MY HOMIE HERE. NOT TO YOU."Yoori knew this couple. They were like the noisiest couple ever. They fought a lot but everyone knows after each fight Mery will run into Jae's arm again. They could not be separated. At least, not for too long.…

New York Burger Restaurant

New York Burger Restaurant

4 0 1

The good understanding between client and designer has led to the implementation of this new proposal in the very heart of Paseo de la Castellana, where there are found the most emblematic main business centers of Madrid.One of the secrets of designing restaurants is customer experience, and this makes it their third Burger restaurant in the capital. Understanding its business is the first factor to be taken into account before starting a project.Inspiration comes from images that take us to the city of skyscrapers; glass façades, neon lights, industrial style furniture and the current version of New York diners. An adventure allows it to soak itself in some characteristic aspects of this cosmopolitan city.The city that never sleeps leads us to create warm lighting full of contrasts. In the center topansa1.com of the space is a long passageway, from the ceiling of which hang the main feature; delicate and ethereal large handmade lamps. This effect of extending the space ensures that the perception and journey are much more pleasant.Following the excellence of the raw material of their products, noble materials have been used; from solid wood to natural leather and glass of different textures. The integration of these materials, treated surfaces and new finishes, as well as equipment that combines both classical and avant-garde, are key to maintaining the essence of this restaurant which has been adapted, however, to new trends.This new proposal has served as an ideal container to maximize a business model and a particular style of cooking. The pursuit of originality and, above all, differentiation has proved to be the way in designing a unique space with personality. A place where you can enjoy a real American-style hamburger in the heart of Madrid is the new image.www.archello.com .code arc01…

Emperor Wu

Emperor Wu

22 0 38

Once a wastewood boy firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he is the strongest! Encountering Shimen, crossing Nantianmen, the young man set off a battle with the sky, who is the legend of blood! Heaven is Lordless, for me Emperor Wu!…

7 things marketers can learn from children 10 years old

7 things marketers can learn from children 10 years old

556 1 2

Runescape is a game many children worldwide favorite. Called "Second Life for kids", Runscape creating a virtual world where children can develop their intellectual creativity and their imagination. Here, a quite different life is constructed and certainly not less interesting arose. The question is the CMO has never talked with their children 10 years old? Please believe that we can teach you a lot of interesting lessons about marketing than is experienced industry professionals. You know their jobs and attention to small children this age. In the world of Runescape, the children participating in the game are encouraged to build social networks globally. Since then, the social characteristics of children raised. John Hestle is one of the child. John loves the Wii and care about what is warming the earth. John could read and write stories on computers since he was four years old and particularly likes to create multi-level game related to the virtual world of Runescape. John explains: "Runescape is a wonderful world where you can fight with the dragon, as many others and participate in faction." It's interesting because it is different in each access to players and players who can help expand your network. With the CMO, it is similar to social networks (social networking) and social media marketing (social media marketing).In Runescape, John has a friend who recently set up a mining company in the virtual world where people can work to have money to buy food and habitat. But as a business rival, John replied that: "I'm really upset because you did give me checks, while she could make more money by producing their own instruments and selling them go to work for you instead of him. Now we have a child of the other partners, and our friends both work for me. Money to be deposited in bank profitability. " Below is what we can learn from children like John in the world market and why the CMO should pay more attention to the future of their cli…