[TR X SPY x family_AllTake]The King's Secret

[TR X SPY x family_AllTake]The King's Secret

524 75 2

ưu ý: Văn phong từ trước đến nay vốn không được tốt, lại còn hay mắc những lỗi không đáng có khi viết fic nên hãy lưu ý trước khi đọc. Tránh làm các bạn thất vọng!..Authoa : Yuiki Watame.Category : Bảo hộ, nam nhân sinh con, chiến tranh, học đường,....Summary: Trong fic này của tôi, nhân vật chính không phải là Takemichi hay là bọn top mà là những đứa con của họ. Đám trẻ nhà Phạm Thiên sẽ gia nhập học viện Eden, chúng ta sẽ theo bước chân của những đứa trẻ tới với danh hiệu học viên hoàng đế!Wanrning : OOC , BL, NAM NHÂN SINH CON.Tình trạng : Đang tiến hành....Tất cả nhân vật trong fic đều thuộc quyền sở hữu của Ken Wakui. Đừng mang fic hoặc ý tưởng của tôi đi nơi khác khi cho có sự cho phép của tôi. Đăng duy nhất tại Wattpad .Cre bìa: YuikiWatame.Ảnh được dùng làm bìa: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=139033125340101&id=100077002437948…

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

26 0 2

THE SKIN Salvatore Mangione, MD "The power of making a correct diagnosis is the key to all success in the treatment of skin diseases; without this faculty, the physician can never be a thorough dermatologist, and therapeutics at once cease to hold their proper position, and become empirical." —Louis A. Duhring (1845-1913) "Beautys but skin deep." —John Davies of Hereford (1565-1618) BASIC TERMINOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES 1. How many skin diseases exist? What are the two main categories of skin lesions? There are more than 1400 skin diseases. Yet, only 30 are important, common, and worth knowing. The first step toward their recognition is the separation of primary from secondary lesions (Table 3-1). • Primary lesions result only from disease and have not been changed by additional events (such as trauma, scratching, or medical treatment; see Table 3-1). To better identity primary lesions, pay attention to their colors, shape, arrangement, and distribution. • Secondary lesions instead have been altered by outside manipulation, medical treatment, or their own natural course. 2. What are the major primary lesions? • Hanel's: Flat, nonpalpable, circumscribed areas of discoloration cm in diameter. Typical macules are the familiar freckles. • Patches: flat, nonpalpable areas of skin discoloration >0.5 cm in diameter (i.e., a large macula). A typical patch is the one of yitillgo. • Papules: Raised and palpable lesions <0.5 cm in diameter. They may or may not have a different color from the surrounding skin. A typical papule is a raised nevus. >0.5 are 0.5 cm…

[RE] American Venom

[RE] American Venom

318 25 1

[...]It begins slowly. A laugh, heard distantly and completely, utterly wrong.Searching for something to remember, something to single her out from the thousands of people he has seen and will see. Something to make her special, to make her memorable, to make her his, even though she isn't and never was. And so he begins to see red in the corner of his vision. Whipping, flipping, shaking with laughter, a dark crimson one.It's out of focus, as if the memories themselves fraying around the edges. He knows it's because he's getting older and he can only remember so much, but, oh, how he wishes it wasn't true.She is his constant shadow, his ghost girl, the scarlet letter that no one but him can see. He has long since given up on trying to get rid of her. She is a permanent fixture in his life, more eternal than she ever could have been when she was actually present. But there is an emptiness about her that hangs above them like a dark cloud.She's not there.At some point, he will be okay with that.…



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Key difference between GATT and WTOa) The GATT was ad hoc and provisional. It was never ratified by members' parliaments, and it contained no provisions for the creation of an International Organization. While, the WTO and its agreements are permanent. As an international organization, it has a sound legal basis because members have ratified the WTO agreements, and the agreements themselves describe how the WTO will be functioning to promote trade.b) The WTO has members while, the signatories to the GATT were called “contracting parties”c) The GATT dealt with trade in goods only, while, the WTO covers services as well as intellectual property. d) The WTO has a more effective settling system.Who is entitled to Special and Differential Treatment? A: The special needs of developing country members and in particular the least developed country members are to be taken into account. The phased introduction of new SPS measures and longer time frame for compliance are to be accorded on products of interest to developing country members.What is bound tariff?The Bound tariff rate is the most-favored-nation tariff rate resulting from negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and incorporated as an integral component of a country’s schedule of concessions or commitments to other World Trade Organization members.…

[Trans] forget yesterday

[Trans] forget yesterday

516 42 1

Belongs to xiajinPairing: SugaKookieAdditional Tags: Sexual Assault, Rape/Non-con Elements, Attempted Suicide, Suicide, Healing, Rape Aftermath, Depression, Anorexia, Starvation, Self-Esteem Issues, Coming Out, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort.Original Link: https:// archiveofourown. org /works/6636175Translated with permission. I own nothing but the translation. Do not take out. / Đã có sự đồng ý của tác giả. Không sở hữu gì ngoài bản dịch. Vui lòng không mang đi.Thank you for reading./should i praise myself for translating this?i don't know anymore but hell yes…