List Yaoi Đã Hoàn

List Yaoi Đã Hoàn

227,603 2,809 176

》 Nơi Đây Đơn Giản Là Chốn Tập Hợp Tên Của Các Yaoi Đã Hoàn》 Do Tất Cả Những Truyện Ta Đã Liệt Ra Đều Đã Hoàn Nên Ta Sẽ Không Để Từ "hoàn" Ở Chổ Tình Trạng Truyện Nữa Nhé !! Ta Nói Trước Để Các Nàng Khỏi Thắc Mắc》 Mỗi Lần Ta Update 7 Truyện, Cứ 6 Truyện Thì Sẽ Có 1 Oneshot nga~~…



50 3 77


Deadwood Makes Endless Lovesickness

Deadwood Makes Endless Lovesickness

13 0 59

On the eve of Lin Yanxi's wedding, the groom ran off the wall.Can't afford it, can we still hide? But there is him for the people in addition to the bully, and there is also him to go up the mountain to practice, and you can meet him when you search for the spirit stone. Terrible, are you interested in wearing men's clothes?This guy is too difficult! Fortunately, he fled the marriage at that time, and the black and overbearing was still sick and sick. Who could bear this?Just ignore him, let's just do business, find the Spirit Lord, find the Spirit Stone, the dead wood order has not been sealed yet!…

[QT]  Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker  Đồng Nhân

[QT] Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Đồng Nhân

1,085 4 171

Convert: Vương Ân Link: Ao3, Lofter....…



772 19 196

Các bài review cảm xúc…

Unruly King

Unruly King

122 7 140

The mage of the other world passed through the urban photography studio, the mana was completely lost, but the power was endless. The hero rescued the US and provoked the hooligan, and was involved in two disputes. With a pair of iron fists, he eliminated bullies and killed corrupt officials. In the face of this unfamiliar world, in the face of all this strangeness, in the face of powerful enemies, personal struggles seem so pale and weak. Even though there are thousands of enemies, I rely on beauty and smile proudly…

[QT] Stucky đồng nhân 8

[QT] Stucky đồng nhân 8

2,182 27 200

Convert: Vương ÂnLink: Ao3, weibo, lofter,....Stucky văn, không đảo ngược, không hỗ công.Thuẫn Đông/ Mầm Chiêm/Đội Chiêm/ Sư Chiêm Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky…

[Nielwoon][Kdn x Hsw] It's a love story (Baby Just Say Yes)

[Nielwoon][Kdn x Hsw] It's a love story (Baby Just Say Yes)

21,134 1,944 38

Một câu chuyện về tình yêu, tình bạn và cách cuộc sống Sungwoon hoàn toàn đảo lộn vì Kim Chungha kiếm được bạn trai.Pairing: Kang Daniel x Ha Sungwoon (Main) Ong Seongwoo x Kim Chungha (Side) Park Jihoon x Park Woojin (Hint) Hwang Minhyun x Ha Sungwoon (Past)-------------------------------Truyện dịch từ tiếng anh, đã được sự cho phép của tác giảIt's a love story (Baby Just Say Yes) - Author: burnintoashLink fic gốc:ếu thấy hay hãy vào link gốc và thả tim cho truyện gốc của tác giả nha (Không cần thao tác gì phức tạp đâu, chỉ cần xuống cuối trang click nút kudos thôi ạ, như một cách để cảm ơn tác giả ạ)Vtrans: Cloudy.days - Mây và thuyền W1 ( ra ngoài xin ghi kèm đầy đủ credit…

(PokeSpe) Dark

(PokeSpe) Dark

53 1 1

Kể về một băng đảng được thành lập từ các cá thể quái dị tới từ đủ mọi miền từ Kanto tới Galar và những mối quan hệ nhăng nhít chằng chịt trong đó.----Warning: OOC-rất-nặng. Dark AU. Hint tùm lum. Càng về sau càng có kha khá tình tiết tầm R-15.NHỚ ĐỌC CÁI NÀY TRƯỚC KHI ĐỌC TRUYỆN NHÉ!Chuyển Ver, đã được sự cho phép của tác giảCái này thì mình chuyển từ Ver gốc, 100% BG (GB?), tại mình vã cặp Green/Blue lắm rồi ấy, mà ít hàng quá, nên mình phải đi chuyển từ truyện khác. Có một vài chi tiết mình đã thay đổi để hợp với cặp này hơn. Nếu bạn có hứng thú, hãy qua ủng hộ tác giả nhé! Tớ sẽ cố gắng cập nhật theo lịch mà bạn ấy đăng. Story: @Cyclone2007Link truyện gốc:…

Hành Trình Tìm Lại!

Hành Trình Tìm Lại!

110 26 2

Nếu như có một người hỏi bạn rằng: "Nếu một thảm họa ập tới, điều gì bạn sẽ nghĩ tới đầu tiên?""Tất nhiên đó là chết!""Vậy trong sự tuyệt vọng chờ đợi cái chết đau đớn đó, một tia sáng xuất hiện dẫn đường cho bạn thì bạn sẽ làm gì?". Người kia tiếp tục hỏi bạn."Tất nhiên là nắm bắt lấy thời cơ và tiếp tục chuyến HÀNH TRÌNH TÌM LẠI SỰ SỐNG rồi!"==========Đây là truyện riêng không ăn cắp!!!Ảnh bìa mình cố tìm nguồn nhưng chỉ có một đó là Pinterest.comCre Pic 1 :TamintonCre Pic 2 : Im ShiYannẢnh của Russia không có lấy một tí ti thông tin nên mọi người mà có thì cho tui nhen!Truyện Cre by Trng_Chou.…

THE CRIMINAL (English version of Tên Tội Phạm)

THE CRIMINAL (English version of Tên Tội Phạm)

2 0 1

English title: The CriminalAuthor: BlackCloak UnknownA notorious thief reaches out to his acquaintance, asking to deliver a package. That person also does not hesitate to let himself be caught up in the mysterious game of the underworld. Roundabout, deadlocked, no way out,... Curiosity comes to a climax and then suddenly disappears, making all wills vanish. Will stopping the game really help us get out of it or the only way is finding the truth?…

[QT] Stucky đồng nhân 6

[QT] Stucky đồng nhân 6

2,118 31 201

Convert: Vương ÂnLink: Ao3, weibo, lofter,....Stucky văn, không đảo ngược, không hỗ công.Thuẫn Đông/ Mầm Chiêm/Đội Chiêm/ Sư Chiêm Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky…



17 0 1

Key difference between GATT and WTOa) The GATT was ad hoc and provisional. It was never ratified by members' parliaments, and it contained no provisions for the creation of an International Organization. While, the WTO and its agreements are permanent. As an international organization, it has a sound legal basis because members have ratified the WTO agreements, and the agreements themselves describe how the WTO will be functioning to promote trade.b) The WTO has members while, the signatories to the GATT were called “contracting parties”c) The GATT dealt with trade in goods only, while, the WTO covers services as well as intellectual property. d) The WTO has a more effective settling system.Who is entitled to Special and Differential Treatment? A: The special needs of developing country members and in particular the least developed country members are to be taken into account. The phased introduction of new SPS measures and longer time frame for compliance are to be accorded on products of interest to developing country members.What is bound tariff?The Bound tariff rate is the most-favored-nation tariff rate resulting from negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and incorporated as an integral component of a country’s schedule of concessions or commitments to other World Trade Organization members.…

My Wife Is A Fox

My Wife Is A Fox

138 3 197

Her name is a beaver, not a vixen fox;It is her specialty to do destruction and trouble;It is her nature to play tricks and trick people;Seventy-two changes is her magic weapon to defeat the enemy;Inadvertently took over a business, accidentally lost the pink crystal fox pendant, and accidentally involved her in a whirlpool of conspiracy and love ...(Readers please rest assured that there are millions of words before Xianer finishes this novel. Xianer will never be an eunuch or irrigation. Xianer will never do half-way things, so please believe Xianer!)…

The Blind Emissary

The Blind Emissary

5 1 1

Careful Lizzy, it is not the time to play around" a voice echoes throughout the snow-covered plains. Mid-autumn, the season of hardship with countless snowstorms, animal migration, and the bloodlust of those that are meant to be dead reaches the highest.A carefree young lassy decided that it was prime time to go for a stroll. Her name is Lizzy. Since her birth, Lizzy has always been fascinated by all the stories told through songs and oral stories passed down through many generations of her tribe about a fiery ram resided below the mountain, the shard of men turned into a violent beast, bringing death and destruction, about a phoenix encroached in ice and her wing of freedom bringing hope and happiness to all people of this accursed land we called home. She has always been an energetic and kind child but never truly gets along with her peers. They said she was always in the sky, never truly down to earth, always chasing something irrelevant. Her only friend is a black hair boy named "Eskel". A forlorn soul adopted by the tribe when he has nowhere to call home. He has black hair, the same color as the bad omen told around the bonfire. Together they made all the shenanigans throughout their childhood.…

Green Yin silly waist

Green Yin silly waist

35 0 100

genius or mental retardation?When a mildly mentally handicapped teenager with an IQ of 69 points steps onto the green field, what kind of storm will he have?Leaving Lamasia and rising on the British Peninsula.Yi Le heads to his own midfielder!…